Losing the last 10-15lbs - advice?

I'm now in the healthy weight range for my height (but at the heavier end) and I'm trying to lose weight - for vanity purposes I'd like to be on the lower end and I'm just looking to shed around 10-15lbs and its proving extremely difficult. I exercise 6 times a week, a combination of strength training and cardio (I'm following the Kayla Itsines guide), I eat good/clean food, I stay within my calorie limit (and my macros according to IIFYM recommendation) but it seems like my weight won't budge. I have seen visible changes since starting the programme 4 weeks ago, when I compare pictures but that too is slow. Am I being impatient? Does anyone have any advice for someone like me? Thanks!!


  • Victoria5639
    Victoria5639 Posts: 42 Member
    I read a post that dealt with this. I was having the same problem. It said when you first start excercisng it is not uncommon not to lose weight the first 1 - 2 months . It gave a lot of reasons. I don't remember them. But stick with it because after that the scales will start moving. You should be seeing inches moving. It worked for me. I will say the weight lose is slow but the hardest to lose is the last 10 lbs. stick with it it will pay off. Good luck!
  • maheensiddiqui
    maheensiddiqui Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!
  • Chls122
    Chls122 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in the last bit of my weight loss as well. I listen to Jillian Michael's podcast and she took a caller a few weeks ago that was having the same issues and she recommended to take a day, continue to eat cleanly but to up your calorie intake to 2500 calories for just one day. She explained that it gives your body the impression that there is no famine and no reason to hang on to that last bit of weight. I seriously think that she hit the nail on the head because I was stuck for several months before I heard that podcast and so I took a day and ate and ate, and my body has started losing again. I have lost 3 pounds in the last month without doing anything different.