Beginning a journey

Hello all!

I am just beginning my journey of a healthier me. I am determined to make lifestyle changes in order to lose weight. I do not want to gain this much weight ever again if I can help it. This will be a very tough task for me because I am an emotional eater and turn to food as the answer to feeling stressed, sad, angry, depressed, and upset. I dont know anyone on this site but feel free to add me because I need all the support I can get! I look forward to reaching my goal with all of you! :)


  • mkw122680
    Welcome to the group! A friend request is on the way :)
  • bevcrok
    bevcrok Posts: 40
    I am new also and have similar goals it seems. I would be happy to be in touch with you through MFP.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome to MFP you will find alot of good people here and alot of support :-) sent friend requests
  • TexasTKD9
    This will be a very tough task for me because I am an emotional eater and turn to food as the answer to feeling stressed, sad, angry, depressed, and upset. I dont know anyone on this site but feel free to add me because I need all the support I can get! I look forward to reaching my goal with all of you! :)

    I'm an emotional eater too! Whenever i get upset I turn to food. So my friend request is on the way!
    Welcome and good luck! Feel free to keep in touch if you need support or just want to be friends! :happy: