Chest Pain During Pushups??

Hello. I'm military, so I've been doing pushups for 20+ years and never had this kind of pain before. Last week my pushups were up to sets of 30-20-10. Saturday I could only do about 20 before feeling a sharp pain in my chest. Today, the pain came after about 10. I tried to push through it but the pain got crazy so I stopped. It felt like a knife in the middle of the sternum. Pain shows up when elbows hit 90 degrees. Obviously I need to bring this up with my doc (thankfully I already had a checkup scheduled for tomorrow) but in the meantime:

Has anyone here dealt with a similar pain? Any ideas as to what might have caused it and what I can do about it?


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    What's your setup like? are you using a wide stance with your arms up, or are you keeping those elbows in and hands low to the chest making it more of a traps movement?

    Just based on where you said the pain is, I wonder if your form is more elbows straight out, perpendicular to the body, making it a chest buster. If that's the case, try bringing those elbows in more, about 45 degrees to the body.

    With all ideas though, it's great you're going to go see the doctor. :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    yeah, I do them arms out. fit test requires 90 degrees and it's easier for me to do that emphasizing chest vs traps. I'll try the traps version, but I know I won't have the strength to do my usual 60.
  • Go see your doctor.

    Chances are excellent that it's a muscle problem. But still... If you're a man over age 30, DEFINITELY go see your doctor. If you're under 30, still go see your doctor.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    60. Jeebus you're a hardass. I can only handle 45 in a shot before I want someone to put me in the ground. lol.

    You're in a pickle if the fit test requires elbows 90. It will probably aggro your chest. Have you been icing the site?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Go see your doctor.

    Chances are excellent that it's a muscle problem. But still... If you're a man over age 30, DEFINITELY go see your doctor. If you're under 30, still go see your doctor.

    Look at her pictures, she's no man.
  • I realize that now...

    My BAD!!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Lol, definitely NOT a man! But I do take not-so-secret pleasure in out gunning the young bucks during a fit test. I'm like if this heavy old lady can do it, you have no excuse!

    I can't yet do 45 in one shot - I'm in sets of 30-20-10 (about a minute rest in between). I usually work up to 46 (max points for AF women) for the fit test and then it drops over time back down to the 20 or so I do in my video workouts.

    Didn't think to ice it. Will do that next time. Thanks.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    A little anti-inflam too should help.
  • Hi, if it makes you feel better, I get stabby sternum pain from certain exercises sometimes, push-ups included (I am a woman) - although I can't do as many as you do! I've asked my doc - it's muscle...and, if I stretch it out right after I feel the pain, I can feel that spot stretching and releasing. It's probably a similar thing - but good you're going to see the doc anyways! Take care.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    Do you have sub-muscular breast implants by any chance? You don't have to actually answer, of course. I'll throw it out there that for some people that can cause a pulling sensation, perhaps sharply painful, around the sternum area at full stretch or contraction.

    In any case, increasing your chest and shoulder stretches (in intensity and/or frequency) may help .
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    For anyone else who stumbles upon this post, PPs had it right: muscle issue needed more attention to stretching.

    The pain went away with more stretching after working out - using arm circles and elbows out-and-in stretches from P90X3 as well as a great stretch tape by CathE called "StretchMax." Even just the first half of the StretchMax made a huge difference.

    The other day I did 50 full leg pushups in one set. No pain.

    Thanks all
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    50? damn.