Need some new friends... PCOS cysters trying to lose weight



  • MLowe13
    MLowe13 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me to the PCOS list. I have had a hard fought battle, but I am now down 50 lbs :) Still have about 75 to go, but at least now I know it is possible. Did your Dr. put you on Metformin? I took it for a while but as I lost weight I don't seem to need it anymore and it was starting to give me bad side effects again so I haven't been taking it. You can add me as a friend if you want to. Good luck with your journey!
  • Barry2513
    It is possible you just have to pay closer attention tis all . I'm extremely careful about what i tell my Niece when she asks me for diet advice ( she has type 1) . Before your diet make sure you familiarize yourself with the """""""Glycemic index""""" Extremely important guys..
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I have PCOS & endometriosis as well... Not sure why some folks have so much trouble losing weight with it, but I know it's real for some. Thankful, I havent' had any serious issue with that side of the disease.

    Add me if you want another PSO-sis
  • toadoftoadhall
    toadoftoadhall Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I have PCOS. Trying to lose another stone, and get my acne under control. Feel free to add me x
  • jsavesmoney
    jsavesmoney Posts: 1 Member
    I hear ya! I've started getting back on track with a low carb diet but could definitely use a support group of other ladies feeling my pain (literally lol!). Feel free to add me. :-)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Another PCOS-gal here!
    Just wanted to point out that there's an awesome group here called "P.C.O.SIS", you should join it!

    Big, giant second of this. It's a great group with lots of helpful information.
    I have PCOS & endometriosis as well... Not sure why some folks have so much trouble losing weight with it, but I know it's real for some. Thankful, I havent' had any serious issue with that side of the disease.

    One of the common complications of PCOS is insulin resistance and elevated fasting insulin. When that happens, it makes it extremely difficult to lose weight, because the level of insulin hampers the use of body fat (in a normally functioning body, higher insulin levels means there is excess glucose, and the body prioritizes dealing with glucose above almost everything, because too much glucose in the blood is extremely damaging and even lethal).

    Additionally, another symptom of PCOS is Estrogen dominance (either due to too much Estrogen, or too little Progesterone). Estrogen levels and Estrogen dominance play a role in gaining and retaining weight, as well.

    Not everyone gets either or both of these symptoms, though, so some women have less trouble losing weight than others.
  • annethom1980
    I have pcos and suspected endometriosis always happy to have new friends especially ones who knows how miserable it can be having pcos at times

    Feel free to add me.x
  • DrSaja84
    DrSaja84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm new to the forum so I'm a little nervous. Please feel free to add me, I'd love to share this journey with you all!
  • syncarion
    Also new to the forum. PCOS, endometrial hyperplasia, insulin resistance, etc. Taking Metformin (1500mg) in addition to the food logging.
  • Ange0490
    I have PCOS too, feel free to add me :)
  • mizzsami
    mizzsami Posts: 33 Member
    Hey I have PCO and looking for friends to overcome this awful syndrome. I have had PCO for a while now and I did good maintaining it and then fall back to my old habits. I am hoping to keep a healthier lifestyle and not looking back.
  • strina42
    I truly understand how you feel. Have the same issue along with diabetes and thyroid...this is actually the lowest weight I have been for years now...Really trying to work to get it off now. Not getting any younger...Good luck...Sabrina Parker
  • charlottebhall
    charlottebhall Posts: 4 Member
    Hi not sure if this post is still open but I just joined having had a diagnosis PCOS - trying to lose the pounds to get baby-ready :) Would be great to have some other people to chat to about it, day by day inspiration!
  • seckard16
    seckard16 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi not sure if this post is still open but I just joined having had a diagnosis PCOS - trying to lose the pounds to get baby-ready :) Would be great to have some other people to chat to about it, day by day inspiration!

    Hey girl!!! I'm struggling with PCOS and need accountability too!