Daily Carbs Question

So I'm trying to do a low-carb diet. But I don't really know how low to go. I'm limiting myself to only one "carby" food a day. I like having a turkey wrap at lunch. What should my daily max be?


  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Why are you trying to limit an essential macro nutrient?
  • bluehenjen
    bluehenjen Posts: 29 Member
    Mark's Daily Apple, which is all about the primal blueprint diet, recommends 50-100 grams per day for weight loss and 100-150 grams per day for maintenance. Atkins is 0-50 grams per day, which Mark's Daily Apple says is fine for diabetics but otherwise doesn't recommend for more than a day or two. I aim for 125 g per day on weekdays (I love to have an apple every day, and that's almost 20 g of carbs). On weekends, I don't really pay attention.
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    It depends on your goal. But Keto diets would have you shoot for about 20-30g of NET carbs a day (total carbohydrates minus fiber). but a lot of people have success limiting carbs to about 50g a day.

    Just remember, if you go low carb, you still need fuel from somewhere. Fat intake should drastically increase if you go low carb, and a lot of people neglect this and that's a major reason why there is a lot of hate on low-carb diets. People don't follow them correctly, and end up starving themselves and only eating protein. And sure, protein can be converted into energy, but its not ideal and probably not great on your body to constantly convert protein for energy.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I would say just taper it back until you find it's working for you. I started at 150g, dialled that back to 100g, and then down to 50g but that was more a curiousity to see if I could :) Incidentally around the 50g mark is where I stayed, but will probably bump it up to 100/ 150g, at least when I finish finding other experimental changes to try out first, lol :)

    For what its worth, the happy medium for me in any diet tends to be the point at which if I restrict any more then I will be costing myself vital nutrients. For that reason, I don't think I could ever see myself wanting to drop below 50g, as it probably means I would have to give up my probiotic yoghurt in the morning, dark chocolate, and probably have to be more careful in weighing and measuring the non-starchy veg I eat. Others mileage may vary though :)