Sick after cheat day

I had my first cheat day today, 3 weeks in. (Papa Johns pizza). I managed to stay under calorie goal too. But now I feel horrible. Very nauseous. Is this just from the horrible food? Do you have this problem?


  • njf89
    njf89 Posts: 6
    move on, one meal won't make you fat. Have a healthy relationship with food.
  • move on, one meal won't make you fat. Have a healthy relationship with food.
    Did you read the question? I'm not concerned about gaining weight, I'm conceded about my stomach feeling like it's going to explode
  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    This happens to me after I started cutting calories so I had to make my cheat days only cheat meals! Lay down and take it easy maybe some anti acids and eat easy digestible foods tomorrow and hopefully it will get better!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    At a guess, this pizza is probably the highest volume of food you've had in the last 3 weeks. In addition, it is also likely the most fat and maybe dairy that you have eaten in one sitting in the same period.

    What you're experiencing is totally normal and not due to the pizza being 'bad'. Your digestive system gets accustomed to what you eat. Change that diet up substantially, and you may be in for digestive complaints, no matter if you change for the better or the worse. The most common culprits are suddenly eating significantly more dairy, fat, or fiber.

    In addition, an unusually high volume of food will leave your stomach feeling distended.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I had my first cheat day today, 3 weeks in. (Papa Johns pizza). I managed to stay under calorie goal too. But now I feel horrible. Very nauseous. Is this just from the horrible food? Do you have this problem?

    It's so horrible that it jumped into your mouth on it's own accord and worked it's way down your esophagus. If you had a cheat meal, no biggie. One overindulgence is not going to derail your progress. Just get back on the ball tomorrow. Over dramatic.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How is that a cheat if you stayed under calorie goal? Pizza has perfectly acceptable macros to fit in a regular diet in moderation. I'm guessing your stomach just isn't used to the fat anymore, which is a shame, as fat isn't bad for you.

    But anyway, just eat light meals today, you'll survive.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I feel sick after I eat something higher fat like pizza too. I had a big bowl of sugary food last night as a treat (graham crackers, chocolate, cool whip and butterscotch spread). It was delicious but my stomach doesn't feel well today. It's the price to pay for an indulgence I guess lol.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    move on, one meal won't make you fat. Have a healthy relationship with food.
    Did you read the question? I'm not concerned about gaining weight, I'm conceded about my stomach feeling like it's going to explode
    Have you checked for lactose sensitivity? I can't do fried foods because they make me feel the way you wrote. Daughter can't do wheat or lactose because they make her feel the way you described.
  • micheledavison39
    micheledavison39 Posts: 821 Member
    I find I have the same problem when I have burgers or pizza now too. Upset stomach, rumbling insides, loose stools etc. Take a couple of antacids (I like Mint Tums) and eat lightly(bland & light on the roughage works for me) for a day and you should be feeling better. It almost makes it so it's not worth it to have a cheat meal if it's going to make you feel sick, doesn't it?
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I had my first cheat day today, 3 weeks in. (Papa Johns pizza). I managed to stay under calorie goal too. But now I feel horrible. Very nauseous. Is this just from the horrible food? Do you have this problem?


    My husband and I went on a date lunch on Friday.. we had fish and chips. We stayed within our calories for the day also! First time eating fatty greasy foods after 3 weeks of eating clean. I felt HORRIBLE that night. I felt tired and nauseous and just NOT GOOD! I just wanted to sleep. He felt that way the nest morning/afternoon. We were trying to figure out if we had food poisoning or just caught a bug.

    Starting to think it was just the fatty foods!
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    For future cheat meals, take a probiotic 30-60 minutes BEFORE said'll help your gut flora digest the "strange" food ;)

    And then, when you come home, drink a cup (8 oz.) of aloe vera juice......believe me, it works :)

    Then the next morning, and each day after, take a probiotic with your breakfast......right now, I've been using "INsync Multi-strain Probiotic" I picked up from Sams Club......but you could get "Align" or Acidophilus or some other brand too. I've had good success with INSync though, since it contains multiple "organisms" rather than only acidophilus (1 strain.....)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Stop having cheat meals.

    Problem solved.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Stop having cheat meals.

    Problem solved.

    cheat meals happen. Especially if you take part in being even slightly social. Seems people like to gather around food. Often, greasy and fatty foods.

    If I go to a friends place for supper and they have been kind enough to make me something, i'm gonna eat it! Greasy or not lol.

    But.. that's just me.. maybe I should drop this social thing and going out thing :/