Heart rate monitors and apps

So hi. I'd like to get a heart rate monitor for the gym and general walkery but Im not sure where to start. I guess a band and watch is more accurate (?). I'd like one that works out calories based on my weight if such a thing exists and can be used as a general watch in the interim when its not counting down my rapid descent into cardiac failure at the gym as I will be selling my smart watch to finance it. I am also hoping not to spend more than £100 ish (I know, I dont want much)

And regarding apps what are peoples feelings on the best ones to log workouts, calories burned etc. I am currently using map my fitness. When I swim its very similar in calories to MFP though does invariably come in higher but when it comes to gym workouts gets incredibly excitable and posts a much higher calorie burn than MFP. Is this likely to be accurate or is it being a little optimistic. Or is there a better app to use. I dont mind paying for one as long as its not extortionate. about a fivers ok by me. I do have a fitbit I need to charge up (I've only just got back to exercising after a long lay off) but obviously that only tracks calories burned through walking. Is there anyway I can utilise this better in my daily exercise regime?

Sorry for the barrage of questions

Edited for spelling


  • wolfstlkr
    I run every other day for 3 miles. I use the polar H7 and digifit app. Its cheap and digifit will do more than just running and walking.

    What do you define as a walk though?
    If your walks are slow and casual you might do better with just sticking with the fitbit.
    But if you are increasing your heart rate durring these walks then I would get a simple bluetooth type of chest strap like the Polar H7.

    When I looked last, I noticed you had to press down on the watch type monitors to get your heart rate. The chest type is the only one that gets a costant stream of data. Can anyone else confirm this?
    I know Garmin makes a few good ones too but even their watch type ones use a chest strap.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hi :)
    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have been gymming or swimming last few weeks but was going to add walking in to give me something different. I was planning on it being a very brisk pace enough to make me sweat and out of breath. I guess the fitbit will clock the steps/cals etc for every day walking this is more for exercising.

    I will look into the H7 though thank you. :)
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Get yourself a Garmin.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Is there any particular one you would reccomend?
  • wolfstlkr
    I was planning on it being a very brisk pace enough to make me sweat and out of breath.

    Definitly a some kind of HRM like a Polar or Garmin. Just as long as it will sync with your phone, Garmin uses ANT+ instead of bluetooth which for an iphone requires a adpater. Check to make sure what ever you get works with your phone.
    I also wear my fitbit while I run too but thinking of getting a stride sensor though.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    I have a Polar H7 ($79)that I use with the Digifit iCardio App ($7). I also have a Garmin ($60 or so) that I sometimes use with the Garmin Vivofit and Garmin Edge Touring. I'm considering a Mio Link to replace both my Polar H7 and my Garmin HRM as the Mio Link ($99) is compatible with both my Bluetooth Smart and Ant+ devices and it is worn on the wrist rather than around your chest. Here is a recent product review: www.dcrainmaker.com/2014/01/mio-link-first-look.html
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    HRMs only estimate calorie burns based on formulae and those estimations only approach accurate for specific, steady state activities. They are not good for accurately estimating calories burned while lifting, doing intervals, dance type classes such as Zumba, etc. Most report gross calories (exercise plus BMR for the time of exercise) rather than net (exercise only) so you get a great looking number, then have to do some math to see what you really burned from exercise or use an inflated data point.

    Polar, Garmin, Zephyr, Mio, and Wahoo all make good products that span the option of a strap/watch combo or one that just links to your phone depending on what you want. The H7 is a bluetooth strap only which requires a device to receive the data. The FT series from Polar are HRM watches with straps, no phone needed. Garmin makes the Forerunner 15 for a low end GPS/HRM/activity tracker. The 220 is around $300 list price with HRM but available cheaper if you hunt around for better prices online. Mio is one of the few that offers a wrist mounted, continuous read during exercise HRM that does not need a chest strap. The other one that gets decent reviews is the TomTom Cardio.

    For comparative reviews of HRMs and GPS units, this is a decent site. http://www.dcrainmaker.com/product-reviews

    To just get a calculation of net calories burned from walking ....
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i use polar i think the expensive ones can be linked to apps
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Many thanks to everyone for your help. I settled on a Polar FT7 for now and am searching for the charger for my fitbit lol