Am so discouraged and disappointed in myself...



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    This woman lost 124 lb, and describes herself as a "not-stopper".

    "I'm a not-stopper. I'm not a go-getter or a great organizer or planner or more committed than anyone else. I probably didn't even work harder than lots of folks who eventually quit. All I am is a not-stopper."
  • hscheuerman
    hscheuerman Posts: 15 Member
    There is a lot of very sound advice here! Two tips I heard at weight watchers years ago have helped me a lot when I get the urge to binge:

    1 - it is ok to have a holiDAY - just do not make it a holiWEEK, holiMONTH or holiYEAR!
    2 - when you(I, we) go off program - enjoy it and then get back on program the very same day! Even if it is a glass of water before going to bed - this way, when you(i, we) get up in the morning, our minds are already back in healthy mode

    For me, # 1 has made it ok to enjoy a fun meal with friends & family while #2 has helped me start the next day, already on track and ready to keep on track.

    Good luck with your new beginning!!!!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    It seems like I can't lose more than 10 pounds. Once I hit ten pounds, a switch goes off and I go into I AM GOING TO EAT EVERYTHING mode. That lasts maybe two weeks and then I'm right back where I started.
    Sounds like you're trying to make too drastic of a change, in calorie amount, food amount, and maybe food types.
    Take your current weight x 10 and that's about how many calories you're eating to maintain that weight. (I'm guessing from what you've said this would be 2750.)
    Subtract 1000 from that to lose 2 lb per week. (1750)
    Or see below, about just eating your goal weight x 10. In this case, it works out to about the same thing.
    My ultimate goal weight is 140 pounds (I am 5'10) so I have way more than 100 pounds to lose. I have at least 105 pounds to lose to reach the highest end of a healthy BMI
    According to BMI, you should be between 130 - 170.
    So for now, aim for the top end of that range. Eat 1700 calories (TOTAL, not net; ignore net) and walk at least 30 min a day.
    Once you get to 170, re-evaluate to see how you feel. Maybe you'll still want to go a bit lower, and then you can reset your calories to 1600, 1500, or even 1400.
    It seems like so much. I don't think I can do it alone.
    You've got people here.
    Do you have friends or family in real life who can be supportive of your efforts?
    I'm so tired of this internal struggle. I just want to be free of the burden of this weight.
    Then do it.
    Decide you're going to control your eating.
    Decide you're going to take the kid out for a walk at least once a day, for at least 30 minutes. When the weather is bad, go to the mall. Call in your area to see about mall walking programs; often they'll let walkers in before stores open, so everyone is there to do laps & nobody will be in the way.

    Here's a post I did about motivation & encouragement.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I dont (sic) know how you feel about weight lose (sic) surgery but ive (sic) been struggling with my weight all my life lose it gain it with every child i would gain more at my highest i was 278 lbs after yrs of trying to lose it and keep it off and failing i had surgery the vsg is what i had in 7 months ive (sic) lost 82 lbs i wish i could say its (sic) been easy well it kinda has been but its (sic) alot (sic) to get use (sic) to alot (sic) of changes any way give it a thought talk to your doctor do some reasers (sic)
    h. It has been a life saver for me.
    Before you think about making a permanent change to your body, something which will have lifelong negative consequences, and does not guarantee that you will lose weight or keep it off,

    try the normal way first: control your intake, exercise at least 30 min a day.
    then talk to your doctor about trying a prescription appetite-control medicine.
    the vsg is what i had
    Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
    Most of the stomach is cut away, so you have a tube joining the end of your esophagus to the beginning of your small intestine.

    My weight-loss doctor says that many of his patients who have had lap bands (where an adjustable band is wrapped around the stomach - stomach left intact - to make a smaller pouch) are having them removed because of problems. At least they didn't permanently mutilate their bodies, so they're able to correct their mistake.
    Also, he told me that I've had more success in re: losing weight than they would have expected from someone who had a lap band... and I'm still whole, able to eat whatever I want, and losing.

    In order to succeed with any of the current bariatric surgeries, you have to commit to changing what & how you eat.
    That's also how you succeed in losing weight without mutilating your body.

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."
    I started a gym routine and it wasn't until I had that down (gym 5 days a week no exceptions no holidays) for nearly 8 months that I started to adjust my intake.
    Why didn't you make the most effective change first?
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Take it one day at a time then it'll just become a habit that you just do without thinking and when that happens its not a matter of IF youll hit your goals its just a matter of when ^_^
  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    Not sure what you did in the past but maybe try a slow and steady approach - rather going on a drastic diet/exercise regime start making small, sustainable changes.

    Try and find a sport/exercise you like (although to be honest when you're unfit everything seems awful! It may take a while!) that you can do regularly throughout the year.

    If you normally get a combo/meal when you get fast food, try eliminating just the fries (only get the burger or whatever)

    After you're comfortable with one change, move on to the next. Eat a little less, move a little more.


    I was just like you. I've always been a yo yo dieter. It's like once I lose just a little bit my brain suddenly goes "now we can eat". I also did really drastic diets which were not realistic. This time I started small. Making minor changes here and there. Switching out higher calorie foods for lower calorie substitutes. In a year I've lost 65 lbs total. It's sustainable. I don't deprive myself. I enjoy all the foods I love just in moderation. I exercise regularly and it's super easy for me to sustain long term because I'm not dieting. I'm just eating.
  • I'm sorry that you feel so self-conscious. I have been there as well, and I understand what you mean about running into old friends or professional acquaintances. I used to only grocery shop between 1 and 3 in the morning, because I was so miserable with the thought of being picked out of a crowd by someone I know, or even by judgmental strangers.

    I wish I had good advice to give, but the best I can say is you're definitely not alone! Keep fighting the good fight. As long as you don't give up, you're on the winning team!
  • Thank you for sharing this. I have a LOT of the same experiences/thoughts that you do. I wish I could add more insight, but just know that you're not alone.
  • I just started MFP. I did Medifast and lost 39 pounds. I was doing well, but just like so many when i got off the program i gained 30 pounds
    quickly. Honestly, my only thought process is to eat healthy. Limiting each meal to 300 calories or less, eat heart healhty-nutirent filled foods. I am basically telling myself, eat as many veggies and fruits as i want. High protien, low carb/sugar, high veggie and fruit. Literally im going back to the basics. Honestly, i think we all know what is good and bad for us, if you read a label and have no clue what something is.....why eat it??? I know its harder to make everything, but we live in a time thankfully where healthy foods are a want. So stores like trader joes and barrons market, sprouts, want to bring you back to the basics. Shopping is now fun for me, i go straight to the fresh stuff and if i want a little treat---they have several gluten free candies/cookies/chocolates. Its still a "treat" so only 1 cookie not 5 or 10. Seriously if you just focuse on what you put in you wil lose weight. I was at a all time low watching my weight sky rocket. But, eating healthy these past 2 weeks, my energy level is great, my headaches are gone, less joint pain. I feel good. Your body works better when you give it the right fuel.

    My exercise is limited, just walking here and there, if i have energy i play with the dogs or clean. I am losing weight without even trying. Its a wonderful feeling and i think you should try thinking about being healhty before losing the weight or counting the calories
  • Hammy175
    Hammy175 Posts: 2 Member

    My weight loss started when I came to the realization that things will not happen quickly. It took a long time to get to where I was at when I had no restrictions and no real idea of what I was consuming. Take your time you will get there.

    I don't know if you weigh yourself often, but I wouldn't recommend it. It can be discouraging. I used to weigh myself every 6-8 weeks because it would help me not see when I had stalled. Now I weigh myself about every two weeks, but that is only to help me make quicker adjustments to my new calorie goals. Also, I try to weigh myself sometime before lunch. I feel that this is a better indicator of my true weight because its what I'm carrying around with me all day while I'm awake.

    Additionally I found it helpful to use my full allowable calorie intake on a daily basis until I got to the point that even eating that much was just too time consuming or I just didn't want to eat that much any longer because I didn't feel the need; I wasn't really that hungry.

    Other things that have helped me is to stay away from starches, sugars and sugar substitutes. That doesn't mean I don't eat fruit or have the occasional sugar free item. I eat multiple servings of fruit a day. But I do stay away from corn, potato's, banana's, and most breads.

    Lastly I always try to keep something on hand so that I am never hungry. I do this in addition to having 4-5 small meals a day.

    I know how hard this has been for you. I've been there. I know you can do this, don't let things get you down. It took me 20 years to find that right combination that worked for me. All the while my weight kept going up and up till I was over 500 lbs. Take the time to find out about things like the volumetrics diet, or metabolism boosting foods. Every set back can be an opportunity to learn about what you need for yourself. And remember others have done it. We don't always see their struggles. However, they have made it easier for others because they have proven that it can be done.
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm on daily...:heart:
  • seonf
    seonf Posts: 24 Member
    I can relate. I went through the same thing when I was trying to loose weight and thought "What's the point if I'm not showing results" but don't give in, I lost 55 kg over 2 years. It takes a while but you can do it. If someone like me can do it, who has club feet and hated himself (or what i had become) and had low self confidence anyone can do it.
  • Hi

    All you have to do is lose 1 pound. 105 times. Thats it.

    Not all at once.


    This is the bottom line of what you have to do. One of the most common mistakes is focusing too much on the end goal. If you do that 105 pounds will really look like thousand miles away. Create "mini goals" that will eventually lead you to your end goal. Good things will always add up. Losing 1 pound this week will become 2 the next, and 3 the week after that. Always focus on what you can do TODAY to reach what what you want to be TOMORROW.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't make excuses, Don't think of how much you have to lose!!!

    Start logging on here, hit your calorie goal & kick butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you don't do it now, Your be sitting there making excuses.... DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EAT LESS............. MOVE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You can do it!!!!!

    Check out the success boards & motivate yourself by looking at there weight loss pics/transformations?