Tell us crazy diets that you or someone you know fell for



  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    The funny thing is some of these diets work just simply because they get you out of bad habits. The low/zero carb diet works (to lose weight anyway) IMO simply because you can cut out a TON of calories that way.

    The problem is sustainability. Until that person learns to adapt a healthy lifestyle (including eating) they'll just gain all the weight back.

    I had a friend tell me he couldn't eat anything wheat. His reasoning was that it had been so GMO'd that it provided zero nutrients for the body and that we're actually 'allergic' to it now. That is the same friend that tries pretty much every fad diet. He even tried an 'egg' diet where he ate eggs for 2 meals a day and had whatever for the last.

    Oh well :)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Cabbage Soup diet.
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member

    The problem is sustainability. Until that person learns to adapt a healthy lifestyle (including eating) they'll just gain all the weight back.

    Yep, pretty much. That is what happened for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have a dear friend who believes a lot of the fairly extreme stuff about wheat, gluten, etc. She read "Wheat Belly" and it was all over...but I get so confused, because she talks about all of that and then she has a BBQ and serves burgers on puffy white Sara Lee buns.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight doing an extreme version of the atkins diet. This was before it got really popular. By the end of it, I was having blackout spells. I gained it all back very quickly when I went back to old habits.

    I did Atkins, just the regular one - after awhile though I'd blackout after just one cocktail.
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    The beginning of my real weight problems began with a banana diet while pregnant with my first because it was the only thing that tasted "ok" and didn't hurt on its way back up...

    Yeah... That kind of diet.

    Put on a lot of weight after the pregnancy because I had been deprived for 8 months and started a roller coaster that began with Atkins (which I don't really think is a crazy diet and none y'alls can convince me otherwise =p).

    Following that, I went on a 40 day fast (Lent to break a food addiction called pizza). I made it to 30 days, but my family didn't let me break it the way I had intended (lots of whole, natural fruits and veggies for the first few weeks and slowly introduce more until I was at a proper calorie intake). Put on even more weight.

    I've done the Betonite clay + psyllium husk as part of a candida cleanse - lots of avocado cream smoothies... those are actually really good and I highly recommend them as part of a normal diet =p

    The betonite and psyllium didn't have the effect I was hoping for (which was bowel movement regularity).
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm surprised I haven't seen the so called military diet....I can't remember exactly what's on it but you're on it for a couple days at a time then eat what ya want then definitely have to Google that one lol. I do remember saltine crackers and tuna being a staple. Tuna is great but the crackers? And it's deviations. Then there's the lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup cleanse. I have a family member who has done both, along with Atkins (but they did it all wrong) and any other "instant gratification" fad diet there is out there. Needless to say....they are still overweight .
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Four years ago a group of my co-workers went to the diet doctor. I don't know what they were taking, but they lost from 20 - 55 pounds. All of them gained all of it back and some more. Then they did the Military diet. That is hot dogs and tuna. There was a round of cabbage soup. Last week they started Advocare.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Yes! Paleo! Felt like total crap. Cholesterol skyocketed, too. (Please do not tar & feather me, Paleo people!) :flowerforyou:
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    Back in the 80's I did the Richard Simmons diet that you moved cards from one side to the other as you ate the calories. I was always hungry and cranky!!
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Juice fast...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I know a lot of people who have used various shakes and they either seemed to lose a lot in a short time and then gain it all back, or drink the shakes in addition to their usual meals and just gain a TON. One of my former coworkers was selling a particular brand of shake and she wasn't losing any weight on them...not sure how that worked out for her.
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I used to do the lemonade cleanse (lemon juice and maple syrup and cayenne pepper) once in a while
    I have tried Ideal protein too, it was so gross
    I have done the HCG drops under my tongue while eating at a ridiculously low calorie deficit
    None have done me any favors!!
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    I did the diet with the drops under the tongue and 500 calories a day. I ate so much spinach that instead of it being one of my favorite veggies, now I can't stand it. I did lose weight but it was too crazy severe for me to ever want to do it again. I can't even remember the name of it, it was so horrible I have blocked it from my memory.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    for specific applications and "toxins" clay with certain mineralogy is scientifically sound...
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    oh yes, I did the TrimSpa pills - they were ENORMOUS though and felt like swallowing horse tranquilisers lol - didn't work

    my co-worker has recently cut out all sugar and protein - why protein you ask? Because she thinks she eats too much meat and that's what is making her fat....right.

    My mother did Jenny Craig twice - and when I was a kid I remember her putting me on some random food combining diet, you had to match the flip cards in a book to certain macro combinations and then only eat those for a certain meal. I remember her feeding me egg whites with parsley for breakfast every morning with dry butter, that's a fat and fat isn't allowed at breakfast this day I cannot eat dry toast or parsley - I think I have some kind of PTSD from those days lol
  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    Can't believe I'm admitting it..

    The 801010 Diet. For those of you who don't know, it's 80% carbs, 10% fat, and 10% protein, and you're expected to consume at least 3000 calories/day.

    Not only did I get muscle wastage, problems with my nervous system (random muscle spasms), and weight *gain*, but I straight up passed out during one of my lifts. Dropped the weight right on myself. Never ever again will I neglect protein.. Or fat.
  • osteological
    osteological Posts: 69 Member
    My room mates did this one where they took a pill that had pregnancy hormones in it or something. Then they only ate lettuce and cheese for a week.
    Try baking in an apartment where two girls are imitating pregnancy with artificial hormones and starving themselves. I thought I was going to be murdered.

    My mom tried this diet for a bit too! hCG drops or something. She quit it after I pointed out she was only eating maybe 500 cal a day.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I remember another one... the 3 day diet. I think you could lose 10 lbs in those 3 days supposedly. Total starvation diet. (Little bit of tuna and like 3 crackers...:sick: :noway: