Power Bars -- Overrated?

I'm wondering whether Power Bars, Protein Bars, etc. are just overrated processed food marketing creations. Here is my experience. I had a bunch of them in my cupboard (my son works at a store and got some overstock samples), and I ended up being late for work today, so I didn't have any breakfast. This almost never happens to me; I always eat a real breakfast -- coffee, fruit, cereal (hot or cold), or toast with high protein cream cheese, or yogurt and fruit, sometimes an egg and toast -- one of these choices, averaging around 250-300 calories for breakfast. Anyway, I grabbed a Power Bar (Harvest something or other) and a diet snapple, basically what we had at hand. I ate it in the car and taught my first class. I had a headache and was starving by 10:00 so I had an apple on my break and a cup of coffee, then some soup for lunch.. But I was basically starving all day. I ended up having a yogurt around 3:00 because I thought I'd pass out. Then, when I logged this thing -- it was 250 calories! These things are supposed to be so filling and packed with nutrition, but frankly, I could have eaten a meal with that many calories and been more satisfied. So, why do people buy these things? Are they supposed to replace a meal? They are too high calorie for a "snack." They are advertised as if they are a superior form of nutrition that people who are very active need.


  • Scythe5
    Scythe5 Posts: 12 Member
    When I was younger I used to use them when cycling. Never thought they tasted that great, but they did help when you were starting to feel tapped out while on the bike. They were easy to carry in the bike jersey and it didn't really matter if they got bent, or otherwise mangled.

    Would I eat them now? Nope.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    One of the reasons I eat quest bars. The others have too many calories for the amount of the protein.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I love the PowerBar Performance bars in peanut butter. I don't really use them to replace a meal or a single snack, but when I'm feeling in a rut or I've just woken up from my work-lunch nap, they get me up faster than other snacks I've packed before. I eat a light lunch (150 calorie fruit/cheese/cracker plate and 8 oz of watermelon this week) so the 250 from the Powerbar isn't that detrimental.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I never use them to replace a meal. I always have one on me when cycling or backpacking, though. I also make sure my body has been fueled up before heading out. Sometimes I'll wind up eating the power bar, sometimes I won't need it. But, for a meal, no, it wouldn't do it for me. I'd rather eat a really good meal for the amount of calories, protein, carbs.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    They are a CONVENIENCE factor, nothing more, nothing less.

    Sure... some are loaded with calories, especially the trash ones in Wal-Mart, which is why you get Quest or Oh Yea! from GNC or another retailer that sells them.

    I ALWAYS grab one in my snack basket on my island on my way out the door to work in the AM, or if I want a quick snack in the evening.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I've never had a Quest bar, but I see a lot of posters on other threads rave about them. Can you get those just anywhere or do you have to go to GNC or one of those kinds of stores.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I think they're overrated. They're way too many calories and sugar for the protein you get. And half the time they taste waxy. I'll eat one if I'm hungry and there's nothing else available.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Protein bars are not all made alike. There are definitely some that claim to have "high protein" but only really give you 7-12g. This might be high for the average person but for those of us trying to get 100+g per day, it's just a drop in the bucket. Anyway, I tried a bunch of different onces and ended up settling on Pure Protein. They don't have too much of a protein after taste, only have 200 calories with 20g of protein and only 2g of sugar (in case that's important to you). The Chocolate Peanut butter is pretty much the only flavor I like though - if I can't find them I'll settle for another brand that's less protein but just as tasty like Clif or Zone. Some weeks I'll buy 2 or 3 boxes just in case. My hubs thinks I'm a bit nuts....nah, I just know what I like. :)

    As far as filling, for me it seems to depend on the day and what my body needs. Some days they barely touch my hunger, some days they're plenty to get me through for 3-4 hours. But I don't think they're meant to be a meal replacement bar...more like a supplement.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    160 calories in a Quest bar is to many, lol?

    We all know sugar does not make you fat. Unless you have a medical issues with sugar, DIAGNOSED BY A DOCTOR.... sugar is fine to consume.

    And yes, I've only found Quest bars at GNC and at Vitamin World.
  • cubiclecurmudgeon
    I make my own using Camilla Saulsbury's cookbook "Power Hungry". I can vary the amount of sugar, add more protein powder if I want, and as they're just kept in the fridge or freezer, I don't have to add a bunch of preservatives. I use this cookbook constantly and we always have one or two types of bars to choose from in the house. There are interesting recipes and variations- some get protein from beans, others from powders, others from nuts. It isn't all paste and artificial sweeteners like the storebought ones.

    She gives a caloric breakdown per bar too, so it's easy to log here.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    I use Pure Protein in peanut butter chocolate flavor. I do this mostly to help me reach my protein goals and because I don't get home until 730-8pm so I don't really feel like cooking or eating so my "dinner" is very light. I get off work at 5pm so I often eat them during my commute and then when I do get home I'm not really hungry. I am very picky about protein bars though. The ones I eat are 200 calories, 2g of sugar, 16g carbs and 20g protein. I won't even both with one that is more than 200 cal or less than 20g of protein
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Protein bars are not all made alike. There are definitely some that claim to have "high protein" but only really give you 7-12g. This might be high for the average person but for those of us trying to get 100+g per day, it's just a drop in the bucket. Anyway, I tried a bunch of different onces and ended up settling on Pure Protein. They don't have too much of a protein after taste, only have 200 calories with 20g of protein and only 2g of sugar (in case that's important to you). The Chocolate Peanut butter is pretty much the only flavor I like though - if I can't find them I'll settle for another brand that's less protein but just as tasty like Clif or Zone. Some weeks I'll buy 2 or 3 boxes just in case. My hubs thinks I'm a bit nuts....nah, I just know what I like. :)

    As far as filling, for me it seems to depend on the day and what my body needs. Some days they barely touch my hunger, some days they're plenty to get me through for 3-4 hours. But I don't think they're meant to be a meal replacement bar...more like a supplement.

    LOL oops I didn't see this post....great minds think alike ;)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I find they are a convenient and easy way to get a good whack of protein, usually mid-morning at work to see me until lunch time. Those that contain a decent amount of protein and fibre (e.g. Quest bars and Nestle Powerbars) will keep me full for a reasonable length of time.

    Something like a can of tuna and some beans may offer the same macros (and would probably be cheaper) but it's not always convenient to eat such things, especially when on the go.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Personally I really like them. But I always check to see what the protein content is and anything under 20 grams I don't generally bother with. I use them with working out. Sometimes I'll have done a lot of exercise before a mealtime and these are great little things to stop me getting hangry and boost my protein macros up. (Secretly I really like the flavours and the jaw ache too...:blushing: )