Gym OR running outdoors

which do you prefer and why?


  • ironangel250
    ironangel250 Posts: 24 Member
    I do both, but on different days. I enjoy running outdoors for the fresh air and atmosphere and freedom I feel, and I enjoy weightlifting because I feel like a strong bad *kitten* from doing it, lol. If you are talking about treadmill running in the gym , then yeah to me that sucks but it's all about when you can get it done and convenience reasons too..
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    I do a bit of both. I like indoors because air conditioning. Also its closer to everything else so kind of like a one stop shop of awesome gym goodness. And there is a fantastic smoothie bar downstairs from my gym so its incentive to push harder.

    Outside is awesome because its more interesting and feels like you are accomplishing more. There is also more variety in the terrain and you can change pace instantly instead of having to adjust a machine. When it is cool and crisp out running outside is awesome. I also love running in the rain. So theres that.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    i like to run in the gym. the fact that i'm not going anywhere/going past scenery doesn't bother me. on a treadmill, i can program my speed and incline to know exactly what i am doing. additionally, outside, i worry about rocks, uneven pavement, other obstacles that could cause me to trip. sometimes my ankles get weak especially when i have to change my foot position slightly to avoid something in front of me. and having to stop or slow down if i'm running on the sidewalk and have to cross streets. i realize the obstacles and unevenness of running outside is supposed to work you more, but that's why i put the incline up (i'm steadily increasing it, but i'm at 3.5 at the moment, going ~7 mph at my fastest. which works me really hard!).

    overall i would say the biggest reason i prefer the treadmill is that i'm a numbers person and i like to know what my speed and incline is, and to know that i'm constantly at that rate.
  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    I walk and sometimes jog outdoors, and I do Pilates and strength exercises indoors. Room for both in life! Though I do prefer outdoors. I just moved to the Bay Area and the weather is beautiful here everyday...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If the run was to be slower for recovery, or jog / walk intervals, prefer gym and listening to music or watching TV.

    If a run at higher HR or whatever I can do or of course intervals, then outside.

    Rain changes the equation, as does very cold with deep snow.
  • ghurl7
    ghurl7 Posts: 27 Member
    honestly .... for me ... it is swimming .... hehehe .... okay ... if i really need to choose ... it would be moderate/mild run outdoors ... not more than 30 mins. of running though ... lol

    my choices are based on how i know my body and what i can tolerate and my preferences =)
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    Gym... I hate running. I'd rather play basketball or tennis for cardio.
  • theonepercentile
    which ever you enjoy more
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Running outdoors does something for my spirit that running on a treadmill can never capture. I'll log miles on a treadmill just to get a burn if the weather makes an outdoor run impossible but I don't enjoy it nearly as much.
  • Jojomotivated
    Jojomotivated Posts: 141 Member
    Gym. Definitely.

    I have flat feet, so running outdoors always makes me want to rip off my feet and cry =/ However on a treadmill, my feet feel a lot better. Still sore, but better. That's when I discovered that outdoor running wasn't for everyone.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Usually a treadmill. I feel like I need to get better/faster/more consistent before I can run outside with confidence. I have run outside before, and it's usually fine as long as there's a breeze, but I seem to go slower? Idk why!
  • christinazaia
    christinazaia Posts: 135 Member
    I would like to choose both.....gym is indoor and convenient....great to socialize or not..if u have ur own at many many choices, got ur options open....running on the other my perspective gives u freedom and air....just a relaxing set yourself free experience...I like it in between...stuck in the middle ;)