Breakfast Ideas

I currently get up in the morning around 0430 - 0530 and go right to the gym and get ready for work. I am having a hard time eating anything healthy as I am on the fly. Any good ideas for breakfast food I could pack and leave in the car while I work out and eat on my way to work or once I arrive?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    My go to is Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts in it.
    You can grab a premier or quest bar.
    Alternately pre-baking some oatmeal bars that you can just grab and go.
    Whole wheat tortilla (80 calories), with spinach, egg and cheese can be rolled to go.
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    I recently started making myself an awesome breakfast sandwich. It's a toasted whole grain English muffin with a scrambled egg, a slice or two of pre-cooked bacon, a slice of American cheese, and then a few veggies (depending on what I'm in the mood for), like some avocado, green pepper, tomato, and jalapeño slices. Yum!! I recommend it. All for around 300-320 calories, depending what I put on it.
    Otherwise, KIND bars or Luna bars are good and quick for when you're on-the-go. :smile:
  • anecrew
    anecrew Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    You can totally make the egg sandwiches posted above ahead of time and freeze them so you can just pop em in the microwave when you are ready to eat them. Hard boiled eggs, protein bars or shakes, or even a turkey sandwich--doesn't have to be breakfast food to be breakfast!
  • Cheyenelikewyoming
    I'm in a super hurry in the mornings too - I get my 5 am work out done - get ready - and off to school (i'm a teacher). Breakfast is at school so I have to pack it along with my lunch. I have a muffin tin with 6 spots. I crack an egg in each one - salt and pepper - cook it at 350 for about 20-30 mins. I take them to work with me at the beginning of the week so I can eat them all week. You can put them in an english muffin, eat them alone...whatever. I love eggs because they keep me full for a long time. Little packs of oatmeal and grits would be good - protein bars - or overnight oats. It just depends on how hungry you are for breakfast. I'm hungry like a wolf at that time. :)
  • quilt938
    quilt938 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm looking for some good stay-in-the-car-a-while meals too but I live in the Houston area and it's usually at least warm here...a friend used to tote stuff around with her when she was doing atkins and she used one of those cooler totebags and that worked except for the hottest days of summer though it kept stuff ok for a while.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Over night oats. They will be hot when you put them in your to go container first thing in the am. You can google a bunch of different recipes.
  • extraordinary_machine
    Quinoa muffins---
    Cook some quinoa, and mix with sauteed veggies--I will use what I have on hand, for example, I used tomatoes, chard, and zucchini from my garden, with some mushrooms and corn. I sauteed it in some olive oil until it was cooked, through. Then, I take some eggs (I think 8 large ones will make 12 muffins) and whisk in some Greek yogurt.

    Fill muffin tins with the veggie/quinoa mix, then pour in the egg mixture until it's just about full. Bake at 350* until the eggs are set and not shiny on top---usually about 15 minutes.

    For seasonings, you can spice it up any way you want: I'll do cumin, cilantro, jalapeno, and salt if I want some Mexican flavors, basil, garlic, and oregano if I want Italian, etc.

    You can use just egg whites too, if that's your jam. But, they're easy to make and easy to take on the go.
  • GeorgieS1983
    Mix up a whole bunch of cooked veggies, leek, mushroom, tomato, spinach, bacon, ham, chicken, whatever you like really. Beat up some eggs and then mix it all together. Use a muffin tin and scoop your mixture into it and cook in the oven until cooked. They are great cold and can be eaten int he car. I'd suggest a little cooler bag with an ice pack just to keep them nice. Cold Frittata is also delicious, endless options on the ingredients. If you want either lower in fat, just use more egg whites instead of yolks.