I want to lose weight but don't like food restrictions



  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    Don't go by a certain restriction except this one:

    And by crap I mean junk foods.
    Eat honest-to-god good food and get up to do some work and you'll notice a difference. :smile:
  • RealChrisLance
    It might work, but 1625 calories seems too little. What are your goals: lose weight, maintain, bulk up. Figure out goals and then you can figure out calories. Just remember, a 200 pound guy needs about 2000 calories a day (rough estimate), and that's just laying in bed all day not doing anything. Throw in working out for 30-60 mins every day and moving around, and you will be burning a lot of calories. I would up your calories to nearly 200. Let me know if this works. Send a friend request if you need further help!

    I set the goal to lose 2 pounds per week on the free calorie counter is where I got that 1625 number.
  • RealChrisLance
    Try if if fits your macros (IIFYM), also known as flexible dieting. Eat anything as long as you hit your macro (and micro) targets.


    I also agree that your calorie count sounds a little low. Try the calculator on the IIFYM site to calculate your calorie and macro targets.

    According to that iifym.com calculator I should have 2,069 calories per day.
  • RealChrisLance
    What are your stats dude? height, age, weight?

    height: 6'1"
    age: 34
    weight: 240
  • RealChrisLance
    According to the TDEE calculator, using the following stats (I guessed), a 34 year old male who weighs 240 lbs. and is 5'10" and who exercises 3 x per week needs about 2800 calories a day to maintain his weight. If you subtract 20% from this, it's around 2240 calories. You are being overly restrictive! It's not necessary and it's not sustainable.

    You got the age and weight right, but I'm 6'1" not 5'10"
  • RealChrisLance
    So would 1,850 - 2,100 calories per day be better for someone 240 pounds?

    I'm looking to get to about 190 - 210 pounds.

    I have a beer belly and just pretty much looking to get rid of it.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I can't answer the question about your calorie intake, but I can relate to the Paleo restrictions. I have had weight loss success in the past with Paleo, but I also found the restrictions were not conducive for a long term lifestyle (for me).

    Whatever your end decision is for your calorie intake, it sounds like you have a great plan. I'd also suggest that if you are going to count calories, make sure you have a good supply of measuring spoons and cups, and a food scale. I have found they are my most important tools.

    You've got this!
  • extraordinary_machine
    Dude, I'm a 5'3" woman any my TDEE-20% is about 1700 cals a day, so you could definitely eat 2100. Just remember, it didn't take you a month or two to get the gut, so it will take longer than a month or two to lose it. Slow and steady wins the race and all of those other cliches.

    There are a couple of good threads on here about setting goals, etc. One that comes to mind is "the road to sexypants"--unfortunately, I don't have the exact thread linked, but I bet if you search "sexypants" in the threads, it will pop up.

    Good luck, man.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    Paleo works extremely well. As a matter of fact just about all diets work great as long as you remain motivated and dedicated than the results will come.

    Sometimes I get concerned when somebody becomes interested in pale dieting. The Paleo diet is a pretty advanced diet technique that likely doesn't fit well for people dieting for the first time, or don't like dieting at all. That's if you're playing by the strict paleo diet.

    I'd recommend easing very slowly into this diet as well as most. This way you avoid crashing within the week and becoming discouraged.

    Don't remove everything bad all at once. It can be to much of a shock for you to handle with the lack of carbs, and unhealthy fats. Don't get me wrong I do not doubt ones motivation, and commitment. I always wish the best of success to anybody wanting to better themselves.

    One week remove sweetened drinks,
    next week remove other sweets that might be in your regular diet
    another week remove anything pastry like
    the following week remove pastas
    the week after remove rice
    another week and reduce your fats. good bye cheese
    the next week goodbye anything dairy.
    than salty foods

    So this is what I mean by a progressive approach, you will still get positive results every passing week as you ease into a new lifestyle. Especially when combined with exercise. The worst feeling when dieting is the 3rd to 4th day after carb depletion. Make it to the 6 day and by this time your metabolism begins to readjust, It will slow down without exercise. However I always recommend exercise and replenishing yourself immediately after. So break through that wall and you stand a chance.

    Remember this: "If you're going through hell, keep going" Winston Churchill
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    What are your stats dude? height, age, weight?

    height: 6'1"
    age: 34
    weight: 240
    Dude you need to eat more. I am 5'5" 43 and 145 and when I was losing weight I was eating more than you. I would be starving if I were your size. Fire your numbers into this to get a better figure http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ Figure how you want to set your macros and then eat whatever you like as long as you are hitting your numbers.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    According to the TDEE calculator, using the following stats (I guessed), a 34 year old male who weighs 240 lbs. and is 5'10" and who exercises 3 x per week needs about 2800 calories a day to maintain his weight. If you subtract 20% from this, it's around 2240 calories. You are being overly restrictive! It's not necessary and it's not sustainable.

    You got the age and weight right, but I'm 6'1" not 5'10"

    Dang, I'm good....

    Go to this link and figure out your calorie needs to lose weight. http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/

    Keep in mind that if you use this method, you do NOT add in extra calories for exercise as they are already factored in.

    If you want to keep the weight off, not just lose it quickly and then regain it back (and usually more), then take your time and do it in a way that is sustainable. There is no rush!

    Also, make sure you accurately weigh your food and track it. Not doing so can add a surprising amount of calories to your day. If you don't want to be anal about weighing your food, I would suggest subtracting 150 calories a day to account for sloppy estimations. :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    EAT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lots of protein, veggies, fruit, Drink lots of water, Exercise.

    Have fun with food!!!!!!

    Food is fuel - The more you workout, the more you can eat.... ; )

    Why eat so little???
  • justcallmedave
    justcallmedave Posts: 115 Member
    You don't need to cut out any food groups. Calorie deficit works. 1400 is way too low for a man, even 1625 seems too low.
    Couldn't agree more at the end of the day energy (calories) in less than energy out , you're going to lose weight. Paleo . atkins etc all have good and bad points , tried most of them but as they restrict certain foods they are not sustainable of the long term. Eat clean when you can, stay below your allowed calories and exercise everyday. The weight will go, it took you some time to gain it , it will take some time to lose it but lose it you will. Consistency is the key! Good luck
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    So don't eat Paleo.


    If you don't like food restrictions, why have you chosen a VERY restrictive eating plan? Or did you fall for some article or TV personality claiming that Paleo was the ONLY way to lose weight or be healthy? Yeah, it's not. As long as you're in calorie deficit… You can eat whatever you'd like and you'll lose weight. And short of the obvious ones like the Twinkie diet or the McDonalds diet… pretty much any eating plan you choose will result in better health if you are losing weight.

    As far as the calorie goal… you want to lower it because you'll be going off Paleo? Did I understand that right? NOT necessary. And like others have said… 1400-1600 calories seems pretty low for a guy. You might want to do a little more research on what your TDEE actually is… then you can adjust calories as necessary.
  • BooAndKitty

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    So would 1,850 - 2,100 calories per day be better for someone 240 pounds?

    I'm looking to get to about 190 - 210 pounds.

    I have a beer belly and just pretty much looking to get rid of it.

    I am 6 ft 4 and I am losing weight eating 2500 calories a day. Sure I am very active. But the weight is dropping pretty fast too. Over the last 3 weeks I have lost about 8-10lbs. And in fact my arm and thigh measurements are increasing while my waist is decreasing. Might just be noob gains but fact is I am putting on muscle.

    Honestly I am in the same position. For us blokes the gut is the last thing to go. And honestly unless we diet like CRAZY it may never fully go. But trust me when I say that physical activity is the magic ticket. If you can learn to enjoy long walks (Try getting a mp3 player and listening to music or audiobooks) or runs and get yourself into weightlifting. You will like the body you get waaaay more than if you simply restrict calories. If you just starve yourself you will end up going from fat and looking bad to skinny and looking bad. If you want to that healthy good looks thing. There's no way around putting in the workouts.
  • tiggerGlasgow
    tiggerGlasgow Posts: 12 Member
    Right first things first, make sure you're eating enough. MFP is great but it does have low budget allowances based on occupation rather than lifestyle. You can either use a TDEE calculator, add your excercise on MFP or some other method. Eating too little can stall weight loss, yup there's a science behind the why.

    The idea with any sustainable weight loss programme is to eat as many calories as you can whilst still losing fat.

    Excercise especailly strength training plays a role in this too helping to keep your metabolism firing properly.

    If you put foods on a "banned" list you're much more likely to fall off of the wagon and when you do it is much more likely to be an epic binge.

    Fill up mostly on real whole food, meats veggies pulses etc but allow yourself treats now and then.

    Also try saying "I choose not to eat that" rather than "I can't eat that". I tend to turn things down by, "No thank you, that's not in my calorie budget for today" If you're planning treats, log that first and then work your other meals round it.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Yes this will work. Did it for 3 months during a weight loss challenge at my work the beginning of the year. I won the challenge. Good Luck

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Buy a food scale. Eat smaller portions than before. Log everything. Work out and be more active throughout the day. Enjoy the weight loss journey.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I've been doing paleo for over a month now, but I hate that I can't eat certain foods.

    So I'm going to keep my calories from 1,400 to my "Daily Goal " of 1,625 and 8 cups of water or more per day.

    I'll be walking every day from 30 minutes to 60 minutes per day and mix in some other exercises along the way. Walking works best for me because I have two dogs that love walking with me.

    Will this work?

    Eat less calories than your body burns in a day and anything will work!

    Unfortunately whatever diet you do is going to involve restrictions. If you do not like cutting back on food groups to hit the calorie deficit then you will have to get used to counting and restricting your calories. This means that you can eat as big a variety of food, but if your still hungry at the end of your cals then you've got to just suck it up.

    Each to their own.

    Find what works for you and stick with it.

    Good luck.