Down almost 10 lbs...questions.

So today makes 4 weeks on this journey and I have my MFP goals set to loose 1 1/2 lbs per week. I eat about 1800 calories a day on average with a few weekend overages. Not that I'm complaining but I want to make sure I'm doing this right and not too fast. It seems I'm loosing a little over 2 pounds per week which is more than my goal. What is a healthy amount to loose where there is sucess in keeping it off.


  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    Not knowing how much weight you need to lose & I'm certainly not a professional, but it seems like you are eating enough at 1800 calories per day. You do tend to lose more weight at the beginning, and I assume you'll eventually hit a plateau & not lose anything for a few weeks before your body kicks back in to weight loss. As long as you are eating well & getting in some cardio & weights, it seems fine to me. I would worry if you were constantly losing 5 lbs/wk & eating 1,000 cal/day! Good luck in your journey!
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    At the beginning of a weight loss program, there is often a decent amount of water weight being shed. That makes your initial weight loss look much larger than it truly is based on your diet and exercise regimen.

    Give it a couple of months before getting concerned about losing weight too quickly. You will likely find that your weight loss slows down over the next month or so.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    1 pound a week is normally the best approach, but depending on how much you have to lose 2 pounds is fine as well.

    Fat loss will not be linear meaning that some weeks you may lose 2 pounds and then the next you may not lose anything. What's important is sticking with it and being consistent no matter the fluctuations. Just look at the long term trend and not the daily or weekly fluctuations.
  • lisiloulah
    lisiloulah Posts: 125 Member
    2lbs a week is an acceptable amount to lose considering your total goal (the more you have to lose the easier it is to start of with) but this will slow down naturally even if you don't make too many changes in your diet. It could even be a short term loss because you've been losing water weight.

    My opinion is that as long as you're feeling ok about what you're eating and how you're exercising at the moment, then keep doing it. If you feel that it's not sustainable, for whatever reason, then allow yourself the 'wiggle room' to slow it down even more.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Congrats on your loss!! That happened to me where the first 18 or so came off pretty quickly at about 1.5-2 lbs per week then the loss slowed down (fine with me, super happy with my progress and this is a life change for me so no rush). Once you get closer to your goal you'll want to drop down to 0.5-1 lb per week. I'm almost down 30 and have kept strong since Feb 2014! Good luck :)

    Did you read this? Great reference:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    sounds like you are doing great. it comes off an average of two lbs a week at first when you are heavier. its when you get closer to your goal is when it should come off slower. keep it up. that is how I lost mine. its slow going now but that is okay.
  • dizzyray822
    Congrats on your loss!! That happened to me where the first 18 or so came off pretty quickly at about 1.5-2 lbs per week then the loss slowed down (fine with me, super happy with my progress and this is a life change for me so no rush). Once you get closer to your goal you'll want to drop down to 0.5-1 lb per week. I'm almost down 30 and have kept strong since Feb 2014! Good luck :)

    Did you read this? Great reference:

    I did read this and it was so helpful. I feel that I can stick to what I'm doing. I log everything even if I splurge. I bought a scale and have started weighing most things I eat. I'm finding exercises I enjoy. I love swimming and have been doing that a lot. At work they have to shuttle us from the parking lot but it's really only a 10 minute walk so I often just have been walking it....which is a nice way to destress as well. I get about 8-9 hours of sleep every night. I'm really committed this time. Just trying to motivate my husband too.