Week 1 over, nothing yet.

frakyeah Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I began my diet last week, I have my breakfast around 8am, lunch by 12:30pm, a small snack (fruit, veggies or healthy snack bar) at around 3pm and try to have my dinner no later than 7pm. I've been exercising each day for about 40 minutes, usually on the Wii but I also take a dog my Mum is looking after, out for a 20-30 minute walk each lunchtime. However, I've not seen any change, I've not even dropped a fraction of a pound and I'm wondering if I can get any tips on what to do to improve my weight? Please take in mind that I don't work and don't drive, so a gym isn't an option for me. :(


  • I dont think your eating enough. Looking at your food diary it looks like you are saving too many calories every day. If you dont eat enough your body goes into starvation mode and stores everything you do eat as fat. Always eat back your exercise calories, or at least half of them.
  • also it may help to add some weight training, add some push ups and crunches
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    I totally agree with not eating enough calories. Looking at your food diary it appears you usually end the day between 750-1100 calories that haven't been eaten. Try stepping it up a little bit and throw in some more healthy snacks, or add a little bit more to each meal. Good luck to you
  • It could be that I'm not eating enough, but after having those 4 things a day, I feel full and don't want to 'overeat'. It might just be me being scared of putting weight on. I'll read those links for sure and will try to up my calorie intake. As for exercise, I'm going to add some bits to it, maybe some weights, sit ups and push ups. Hopefully it'll work. :-$
  • I was amazed when I found out I was eating enough, and it did feel really weird having people telling to eat more in order to lose weight - just doesnt seem right! It worked for me though, it's all about eating little and often!! I also try and avoid carbs in the evening which has worked wonders!

  • Hi there,

    I agree with the "not eating enough" replies. I know it's counterintuitive, but you need to eat enough to lose weight and not stall out your metabolism. You'll ward off the sluggishness that comes with undernourishment, too.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Your calories goal is 2110 and some days you barely made it to 900-1000. Minimum is 1200. Try to reach your daily goal, it will help. Trust me; I did the same mistake. Also drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday...more if you can.

    I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey!

  • I think I'll add a mid-morning snack to make it a total of 5 meals a day, I've read some bits online and they say 5 should give your metabolism enough to speed up a little. I try to avoid carbs in the evening and usually drink around 8-9 glasses of water a day. Hopefully this week can prove to be a better one.

    Thank you all for your support, it means a lot to know that I can come here and get great advice. :)
  • Yes, you are not eating enough based on your diary for today (Jan. 25). Just from experience, (I'm no expert), but just for breakfast, I eat around 400 cals. Per day I eat approxmately 1,500 cals. I usually burn 400 to 500 in exercise. I have been losing between 8 to 10 pounds a month since Oct. I've lost 35 pounds since the first of Oct. I now weight 204 pounds and beginning P90X. So I am actually increasing my caloric intake to about 2400 cals a day and a lot more protein.
    Good Luck! and Eat Something!
  • ktrame71
    ktrame71 Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck! By taking everyone's advice about eating your exercise calories and making sure your net calories equals your calorie goal at the end of the day, you should start seeing results. I was like you at first and was so frustrated. It took me a few weeks to get the hang of it and catch on to the plan. Remember - it isn't a 'diet' it is a lifestyle :)
  • mariabgood
    mariabgood Posts: 3 Member
    I know it can take a while for all of us to find the balance that works for us in terms of how best to lose (and keep off) that unwanted weight, so congratulations for being persistent and for asking for help! I agree that it may be that you are not taking in enough calories and that your body may be in starvation mode.

    I also want to comment on the foods that you are choosing to eat - I hope that's okay with you. I think that SlimFast is an okay short-term plan, but will not be sustainable, and it may be better to develop a daily diet that is sustainable in the long run - fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, meals that incorporate things like that. In my experience, all the pounds I lose with SlimFast I get right back when I switch to regular foods.

    If you are not in the habit or practice of cooking, now might be a good time to learn, especially if you are unemployed and you have any time on your hands. Also, I am not familiar with the names of all the foods that you are eating as snacks, but I would suggest adding more fruits and vegetables there as well. We like chips at our house, but try to avoid them. Sometimes we substitute pita chips and hummus for potato chips and dip, sometimes I just have baby carrots and hummos or baby carrots and low-fat dip.

    Good luck!
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