Hey guys,
i started with the INSANITY workouts and I totally love it. I'm on day 2 and I can feel the soreness everytime....its especially hard when I sneeze! Haha!
I just wanted to know if you guys tend to do something else with INSANITY? Like any other workouts or do you just stick with one program at a time.


  • GrumpyAG
    GrumpyAG Posts: 41 Member

    I did Insanity last year and got great results! I tried to do other workouts but just didn't have the energy or desire to benifit from the extra exercise. I have just started the programme again (in week 2) and I do 30 mins of fasted cardio before work and insanity later in the day.....if this will produce different results only time will tell!
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    I've one two rounds of Insanity and am just finishing up T25, month 3.

    After I finish T25 I'm going to do a combo and work my way through insanity again, but only every other day. On off days I'll do the T25 workouts that use weights and skip the fit tests and recovery workouts altogether. I figure that should keep me busy for about 3.5 months and hopefully clean up that last bit of fat I want gone around my waist (currently at about 17% BF, want to see 12%).