Is your family supportive?

I was wondering of your family (spouse, kids, etc) are supportive of yiour weightloss/eating healthy and exercising? Do,theynparticipate? I've been going to the gym and watching my diet for the last two months. I won a one year membership to the gym. It has changed my life: i am stringer than before, have lost 10 lbs and eat healthier. Prior to that my life consisted of of work and home, warching tv and i always had some type of injury because I was out of shape. I have become addicted,to working out. I gio to the gym three times per week, come home to log my workout and change. I usually go 4:30-5:30 or so. I tend to eat alot of fruit and veggies and try to limit processed foods. My wife doesn't seem happy I eat the same foods as the rest of the family (processed foods, very ,limited fruits/veggies, same foods over and over). I am trying to be healthy amd stringer, so I can be there for them and help to take care of our multiply disabled daughter. My wife is overweight and has no interest in exercising or changing her diet. Why can't she be happy for me and more supportive? This is the only thing that I do for myself.


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Sometimes the spouse catches up eventually. Talk to her. Remind her how much you appreciate her.
    Maybe she is a little overwhelmed right now. Does she have someone who comes in and cleans the house so she can take care of your daughter? That might help her feel free to start thinking of herself.
    (I took a "break" from working out for a number of years. When hubby used to remind me to work out, I got angry. I told him that I would let him know when I needed his help.)
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    We both take care of our daughter and share in the hiusehold chores, etc. There is a nurse who,tajes care if our yiunger daughter after school 4-10, 5!days a week, but she isn't as dependable as she used to be.
  • RebeccaMae1983
    RebeccaMae1983 Posts: 35 Member
    My husband doesn't really care either way he's ok with me being overweight and tells me I'm not fat, but I'm 70 pounds overweight so I know better.

    He is super skinny, always has been, always will be! He eats whatever he wants and honestly it's mostly junk. I cook for him and our kids and I'll only eat certain things out of that meal. If I cook chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and a vegetable I'll only have the chicken, vegetable, and a salad.

    It's hard at times because he doesn't want/need to diet and so I'm doing it on my own but I feel better for it.
  • melindabrock
    melindabrock Posts: 91 Member
    My husband "seems" very supportive. For example he tells me babe go to the gym its ok I will watch the baby or he compliments me. I always think man he really is supportive then I get the dreaded call how much longer are you going to be, or a text saying do you have to go today. Then the other night he said I really am glad your going to the gym and taking better care of yourself BUT I feel like your always there and blah blah blah is all I heard after that. I go to the gym in the mornings after he leaves for work. I have only left him with the baby 2 times to go workout lol. Ive come to the conclusion when he complains its bc he knows he should be getting healthier too. He is a healthy weight but he eats CRAP. So the point of me telling you all of this is.... maybe she will start working out with you or maybe you could cook a really healthy meal that doesn't seem healthy that's what I do and my family loves it and my husband is starting to walk with me.