SO today a client told me that i am gone FAT :(((((((



  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    you mean...."EX- client", don't you?
  • nusiax
    nusiax Posts: 39 Member
    I do not know what type profession you are in. But I can tell you that a client would never discuss my weight with me, and I would never discuss such things with a client. That is very unprofessional. And honestly I think I would drop them as a client. As also that can be taken has harassment, and that is illegal. If it bothered you, you should discuss it with your superiors. And find a remedy on how do deal with the client's inappropriate behavior.

    Now regarding your weight. If you are not losing, then you must be eating as many calories as your are burning. Have you discussed with these issues with a trainer at your gym, or maybe your doctor.

    I had similar issues when I started, and had to go to the doctor. I needed more cardio instead of weights. But because of physical issues traditional cardio was hard. So now I swim. You need to stick with it and find what works for you.
  • so i have some software called calorieking and it suggested you eat 1209 calories a day, and your ideal range for your height would be 47-60kg, so right smack dab in the middle would be 53.5. you're right on the top edge of ideal weight, so don't stress over it! Eat right, drink plenty of water, and keep exercising regularly! =)

    YOu see it says im almost overweight :( omg this is terrible.i am sorry im having a bad day and bad body image. I want to be under 55kgs like soon :(
  • How tall are you and what is your current weight?

    I am 1.54 metres tall and now weigh a whooping 60kgs!!! Never in my life have i been this weight and so big :((( I used to weigh like 50/51 kgs which was a comfortable weight for me

    60 kgs is 132lbs...1.54 m is approx 5ft right? at that rate of going you are not heavy for your height.
    I'm only 5ft 3" and slim at 135lbs (approx 61kgs)
    whoever told you you'd gone fat obviously needed specs??
    don't let someones rude remark make you feel bad, rise above it and IF you don't feel happy with how you look, do something about it - MFP is the right place to find the tools for success.
    Wishing you all the best in your journey :)

    Thank you! I am actually alot leaner than this.. i used to be 120lbs never in my life have i gotten to such a high weight. I have always been a lot slimmer,i am going to do someting about this,i cant go on being so unhappy with my own body image,it is driving me nuts
  • How tall are you and what is your current weight?

    I am 1.54 metres tall and now weigh a whooping 60kgs!!! Never in my life have i been this weight and so big :((( I used to weigh like 50/51 kgs which was a comfortable weight for me

    You being roughly 5'5" and approximately 132 lbs is not fat or overweight. Your client is a poopoohead and has no idea what they're talking about. :flowerforyou:

    dang it.. I am the same height and would kill for that weight. I also know for a fact that any smaller than 130's is way too thin looking on me. you are perfect. how aobut you focus more on resistance training and muscle toning instead of trying to show off some bones. You are a PERFECT weight honey.

    Thank you but honestly i dont feel good at this weight,my body feels heavy and uncomfortable. I also cant fit into my smaller sized cloting,everything seems to be busting on me which is frustrating. I need to find a diet to rev up my metabolism.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Open up your food diary, please.
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member
    so i have some software called calorieking and [ you're right on the top edge of ideal weight]

    Based on this, I don't know if its truth but if it is than what you have is the tough to lose, slightly extra weight that often happens. Keep at it, but change things up. Find a routine/regime that makes you feel good when you look in the mirror. Love yourself by not letting a meaningless comment send you down a spiral.
  • First of all, don't let anyone label you.

    What I have learned as a nutrition coach, is that people around you will often try to convince you, that you should be at a weight that makes THEM most comfortable. So if you are thin, and it makes them feel bad about themselves, they will tell you that you are too skinny. Sometimes people will just say stuff to make you feel bad too, because they have low self esteem.

    If you don't feel comfortable at your weight, then you should lose a few pounds to get back to where you feel comfortable.

    Here is the simple truth. If you burn more calories than you ingest, you will lose weight. Once in a while you may plateau because of water retention, but if you plateau for more than a week or two, then you are eating as much as you are burning.

    Eat less, and lose weight.

    Also, protein has the highest Thermic Effect of all the macronutrients, and tends to satiate (satisfy cravings and hunger) more than carbs and fat as well.

    You really shouldn't worry. Losing weight isn't complicated, it's just not fun.
  • First of all, don't let anyone label you.

    What I have learned as a nutrition coach, is that people around you will often try to convince you, that you should be at a weight that makes THEM most comfortable. So if you are thin, and it makes them feel bad about themselves, they will tell you that you are too skinny. Sometimes people will just say stuff to make you feel bad too, because they have low self esteem.

    If you don't feel comfortable at your weight, then you should lose a few pounds to get back to where you feel comfortable.

    Here is the simple truth. If you burn more calories than you ingest, you will lose weight. Once in a while you may plateau because of water retention, but if you plateau for more than a week or two, then you are eating as much as you are burning.

    Eat less, and lose weight.

    Also, protein has the highest Thermic Effect of all the macronutrients, and tends to satiate (satisfy cravings and hunger) more than carbs and fat as well.

    You really shouldn't worry. Losing weight isn't complicated, it's just not fun.

    Thank you for your kind words and inspiration! i will keep on pushing :)