Breakouts after working out!

I started working out just over a month ago. 2-3 days a week right after work I do kickboxing followed immediatly by Zumba and I am SWEATY! I drive 30 minutes to get home then within the hour I shower and wash my face. But I am seriosuly breaking out on my face! I use the boxing gloves that my gym provides, so I make sure I dont touch my face. I upped my water intake, thinking that would help, but NOPE. Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice? Products I could use?


  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    I get a lot of sweat pimples across my chest, and the only thing that helped was getting a home microdermabrasion kit. I have a clarisonic one, same maker as the tooth brush ! And it works great
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    I started working out just over a month ago. 2-3 days a week right after work I do kickboxing followed immediatly by Zumba and I am SWEATY! I drive 30 minutes to get home then within the hour I shower and wash my face. But I am seriosuly breaking out on my face! I use the boxing gloves that my gym provides, so I make sure I dont touch my face. I upped my water intake, thinking that would help, but NOPE. Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice? Products I could use?

    I usually just wash my face in the bathroom before driving home to shower.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    I usually just wash my face in the bathroom before driving home to shower.

    This. Just wash your face and hands before you leave.
  • LizzieLemon14
    I've tried A LOT of products to help combat acne from working out.
    1) Try bringing cleansing wipes, either drugstore or Sephora/Ulta. I use makeupalley reviews a bit to help too.. Before buying a product, look up the reviews for it (But Paula's Choice reviews are better).

    2) I have tried a lot of acne facial cleansers, I use Paula's Choice acne line and it has helped with my acne. I still get pimples every once in a while, but my skin has improved a lot, and I spin 4 days a week for an hour! Its drying so I use Cerave moisturizer (available at the drug store). I also find Paula's Choice->Beautypedia Reviews->Best Products very informative. She goes over skin care products form online, drugstore, and higher end and describes the best for each category. It has helped me a lot when buying skincare products.

    3) I bring a towel too.

    4) I also use the Clean and Clear Persa-Gel 10 on acne at night, and I use a clairosonic at night. Essentially a face scrubber, a wet towel can work, or any alternative.

    Its trial and error, but find what's best for you. Acne from working out sucks, but remember everyone's skin is different. What I like you may not, but looking at reviews for products within your budget can save you a lot of money.
  • jeanamango
    Thank you guys for the tips. I do wash my hands several times during my workout and after (I'm a little crazy about that). I think I'm going to start bringing cleansing wipes to clean my face immediatly after my workouts and bring along a sweat towel!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Speedstick + forehead = success
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    I know this isn't directly to working out, but be sure to wipe down your cell phone, especially if you use it during workouts to track/listen to music, etc.
    I try to wipe mine down every night but when I forget, I almost immediately break out along my jawline where I hold my phone when I talk on it--lots of bacteria from handling that baby all day. :sick:
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Me too. Here's some things that have helped me:

    1) When I start to break out, I start taking 50mg zinc every day.
    2) Wash your face immediately afterwards, while you're still at the gym.

    I break out pretty bad wherever my bra is on my skin when I work out, too, and I use Neutrogena body spray for acne. Seems to work ok.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I use tea tree oil soap, it works wonders for controlling breakouts.