pcos can't lose weight

hello I was diagnosed with pcos about six years ago and since gaining the weight I've never managed to lose any. I have gone to the doctors about metformin, diabetes, insulin resistance and for an underactive thyroid to see if that's the reason I can't lose weight but all my blood results have come back normal. I was wondering what other things I could ask my doctor to check as to why I'm not losing weight or any weight loss pills I can buy that do work with pcos? also I have been excersising for 5 days a week for the first three months at uni and now about three times a week at home I also do a lot of weight training as well with a low carb high protein diet with protein shakes! but I can't seem to lose any I've also been measuring myself and the measurements are staying the same. anything anyone can reccomend possibly diet pillstjag work with pcos?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Have you tried counting calories? Tracking all of your food and weighing and measuring it?
  • I also have PCOS and it is no question harder to lose weight. I have only found success with a low carb diet due to that controlling blood sugar more than other diets.
  • LovingMe0587
    LovingMe0587 Posts: 121 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. It's very hard to lose weight. I've lost 6 pounds in a month though so I am sure you can do it. What has helped me is counting my calorie intake. It's helped big time. I also exercise at least 3-4 times a week. I recently started walking this week. I do tae bo as well. I just look the tae bo exercises up on youtube and do them in the comfort of my home. It's harder but not impossible. You can do it :)
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    As someone with PCOS I will say it is hard to lose weight but not impossible. some months will be better than others and it is easy to get discouraged..because you put twice the work in and maybe reap half the rewards...for example if I eat at a 2lb per week deficit and measure and weigh everything also exercise, some weeks I lose that 2lbs other weeks I barely lose 0.8-1lb, sometimes nothing at all...It is not easy but you can do it, takes a lot of persistence. Also if you lose and regain because you get a little complacent then you have to work 3 times as hard...I learn this the hard way last holiday season -_-. good luck, you can lose weight with PCOS:smile:
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I saw a study done on Greek women who were all similar height and age, some who had PCOS and some who didn't. They found that the BMR for the PCOS ladies was about 400 less on average than women who didn't have PCOS. So in order to lose weight, us PCOS women have to eat even less. Are you already calorie counting? You might have to adjust your calorie goals to account for the PCOS, as I've had to. Though on the other hand, some of the women on this old thread disagree: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/698561-any-pcos-women-who-ve-had-their-bmr-measured so your mileage may vary but it's still something to think about.
    Source of study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18678372
  • It's not impossible to lose weight. I have had PCOS for years since I was a teenager. It's been a slow process but I'm down 50lbs in pretty much 9 months. I had lost 4 between Oct and Jan. I'm on bcp Daily and only allow myself to have period every couple months and I started counting calories and working out. This is the only thing that's ever worked for me. Good luck and don't give up it's possible.
  • nriviecc
    nriviecc Posts: 15 Member
    I was diagnosed 10 years ago. After being diagnosed, I started taking birth control to help with the hormonal imbalance, and that helped slow down weight gain, and the other symptoms as well - I never really lost weight, and have been overweight my entire life, but at least the weight gain slowed down. However since graduating and starting at a 9-hour-a-day desk job, I've now gained 35 pounds in about two years.

    I've found that lowering my carb/sugar intake is one of the only things I can do (along with exercise) to lose any weight. There's no way I could cut carbs out all together, because I know that's not a lifestyle I can maintain. I have significantly lowered my intake though, and for the past few weeks I've been working out 4-6 times a week. In the last three weeks I've been able to work off 6.2 pounds! I still have MUCH more to go, but this is a great start for me - and I feel much better as well. It is possible - with a lot of hard work! :)