21 Day Fix!!

Anybody else new or already on the journey with 21 day fix? Im waiting on my package to arrive? Experiences, recipe Tips, and opinions? Lets talk below! If your new for 21 day fix also lets start togethor!


  • AndyCool22
    AndyCool22 Posts: 131 Member
    i did the 21 day fix about a month ago -- 1 word of warning - the first workout video we did, part of it consisted of standing, going down on 1 knee, then the other, then getting up one leg at a time, and repeating. the next day I WAS SO SORE! it seems easy to do at the time, but if you're out of shape like me, you'll pay for it! so take it easy with that.

    as far as the food goes, the containers may look tiny but that is mostly because our portion size in the US are so out of control. the key is eat smaller meals, more often. definitely had success on the meal and workout program.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I see a lot of people on here saying they've done the 21 day fix multiple times...if it works, there would be no need to go through the program multiple times. I prefer the free way; learning habits through trial and error, calorie deficit, and working out.
    If you can return it for a refund, I would highly recommend you do so. Invest in a food scale with that money instead.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I never do the diet plans for BB programs just the workouts, so I can't help you with that. MFP is my diet plan! Those silly containers just took up room in the box as far as I was concerned.

    I loved the workouts, and as a poster mentioned above, they kicked my butt. I would advice going through all the workouts once without weights or light weights to get the hang of the moves, because I went in guns blazing and could just barely walk for the first week!

    I did like the trainer, and plan to incorporate the workouts into my schedule on and off going forward. They are great 30 minute strength/cardio routines. As far as I'm concerned, the price of the program was well worth it just for those workout dvds.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Is this the one with the weird coloured containers?
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Huh boy...
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I see a lot of people on here saying they've done the 21 day fix multiple times...if it works, there would be no need to go through the program multiple times. I prefer the free way; learning habits through trial and error, calorie deficit, and working out.
    If you can return it for a refund, I would highly recommend you do so. Invest in a food scale with that money instead.

    Well, that's kind of an unfortunate position to take. I've done Focus T25 more than once and other home programs more than once. Do you go to the gym more than once in your life? Lol.

    I haven't done 21 Day Fix, but I think people find success with the program because it's just a tool to help teach healthier habits. Investing in a food scale is another way. In the world of weight loss there is more than one way to skin a cat.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I see a lot of people on here saying they've done the 21 day fix multiple times...if it works, there would be no need to go through the program multiple times. I prefer the free way; learning habits through trial and error, calorie deficit, and working out.
    If you can return it for a refund, I would highly recommend you do so. Invest in a food scale with that money instead.

    Well, that's kind of an unfortunate position to take. I've done Focus T25 more than once and other home programs more than once. Do you go to the gym more than once in your life? Lol.

    I haven't done 21 Day Fix, but I think people find success with the program because it's just a tool to help teach healthier habits. Investing in a food scale is another way. In the world of weight loss there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    I wasn't knocking all home programs. I was speaking specifically about 21 Day Fix.
    Edit: To clarify, I mean that 21 Day Fix touts itself as making you "slim, strong, and sexy" in 21 days. If you refer to my original post, you will see my issue with it.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I see a lot of people on here saying they've done the 21 day fix multiple times...if it works, there would be no need to go through the program multiple times. I prefer the free way; learning habits through trial and error, calorie deficit, and working out.
    If you can return it for a refund, I would highly recommend you do so. Invest in a food scale with that money instead.

    Well, that's kind of an unfortunate position to take. I've done Focus T25 more than once and other home programs more than once. Do you go to the gym more than once in your life? Lol.

    I haven't done 21 Day Fix, but I think people find success with the program because it's just a tool to help teach healthier habits. Investing in a food scale is another way. In the world of weight loss there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    I wasn't knocking all home programs. I was speaking specifically about 21 Day Fix.
    Edit: To clarify, I mean that 21 Day Fix touts itself as making you "slim, strong, and sexy" in 21 days. If you refer to my original post, you will see my issue with it.

    I guess I've never seen it touted that way. The people on the infomercial for it talk about going through it more than once. And that's sort of the mantra of most fitness programs, anyway. "Keep going."
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I see a lot of people on here saying they've done the 21 day fix multiple times...if it works, there would be no need to go through the program multiple times. I prefer the free way; learning habits through trial and error, calorie deficit, and working out.
    If you can return it for a refund, I would highly recommend you do so. Invest in a food scale with that money instead.

    Well, that's kind of an unfortunate position to take. I've done Focus T25 more than once and other home programs more than once. Do you go to the gym more than once in your life? Lol.

    I haven't done 21 Day Fix, but I think people find success with the program because it's just a tool to help teach healthier habits. Investing in a food scale is another way. In the world of weight loss there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    I wasn't knocking all home programs. I was speaking specifically about 21 Day Fix.
    Edit: To clarify, I mean that 21 Day Fix touts itself as making you "slim, strong, and sexy" in 21 days. If you refer to my original post, you will see my issue with it.

    I guess I've never seen it touted that way. The people on the infomercial for it talk about going through it more than once. And that's sort of the mantra of most fitness programs, anyway. "Keep going."

    It's right on their website; first thing you see. They also give you a three month payment plan for the 21 Day Fix...find that to be a bit ironic, lol.
    I don't want to post the link, since I don't want to promote the site in any way. But it's pretty easy to find via Google.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Anybody else new or already on the journey with 21 day fix? Im waiting on my package to arrive? Experiences, recipe Tips, and opinions? Lets talk below! If your new for 21 day fix also lets start togethor!

    $60? No thanks. Good luck though. Just remember that getting in shape for the rest of your life will take more than 21 days :-)
  • People are hilarious if you do not or have not tried the product do not knock it the program is called 21 day fix because you will see results in 21 days not be a size 1, and the reason ppl do multiple rounds is because its not a diet it is a lifestyle chang, some ppl were like 300 before starting you would have to do more if starting that high and once you reach your goal weight you maintain just like here it uses very specific 40 30 30 ratio which helps you put the right amount of food in your body you do not starve 1 eat 1500 a day and I'm not deprived. it really works don't be so quick to judge just because it isn't free doesn't mean its bad
    also you do workout and you get a defect just like here. the site does not say you will be a size 0 in 21 days if you read her book and watch her live broadcast you will see she is a real person who came up with a great idea called portion control and putting the right amount of each group into your system helps.
  • are you still using the program?
  • that answer is simply not true there is a reason why ppl go through it multiple times because they may have a lot to lose or they want to maintain and its a lifestyle change not a diet if you actually bought the product or took time to research the facts you would know that she does not define this as a diet she actually says do not use those words. by your count then everyone who has stayed on this page is stupid because they have been here for so long and if it is working then why do they keep doing it? i have lost 35 pounds i am still losing and toning and i eat 1500 a day at a 40 30 30 ratio. know the facts before you bash a great program that btw is sold out again
  • its a lifestyle change not a diet that will help you succeed
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    that answer is simply not true there is a reason why ppl go through it multiple times because they may have a lot to lose or they want to maintain and its a lifestyle change not a diet if you actually bought the product or took time to research the facts you would know that she does not define this as a diet she actually says do not use those words. by your count then everyone who has stayed on this page is stupid because they have been here for so long and if it is working then why do they keep doing it? i have lost 35 pounds i am still losing and toning and i eat 1500 a day at a 40 30 30 ratio. know the facts before you bash a great program that btw is sold out again

    Your assumptions about my opinion are incorrect.
    And just because something "sells out" doesn't mean it's good.
  • yes and it totally works along with les mills pump and body beast i love them
  • if your eating 1500 a day losing weight and healthy just like you are doing here how is it not good?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    if your eating 1500 a day losing weight and healthy just like you are doing here how is it not good?

    Because I didn't spend $60 to do it, when the same information and advice that is in the 21 Day Fix is offered on this website for free.
  • MeganZeman
    MeganZeman Posts: 53 Member
    My cousin started a few weeks ago and she seems to like it I also think she plans to repeat it. She has 2 small boys, she's a nurse and goes to school so she doesn't have tons of time which makes the videos really great for her. She has already lost some inches. She also drinks shakeology.... I have no idea if that is part of the program. But that stuff is expensive... personally, I just drink whatever protein my husband buys.