21 Day Fix!!



  • kathrynmelnick
    kathrynmelnick Posts: 17 Member
    I agree. It is just teaching portion control and healthy eating practices. I have not used it, but I have several friends and students who have. They all think that it is wonderful, and they loved the results. Good luck. I feel that if you can find something that works for you, go for it!
  • thalheimer108
    thalheimer108 Posts: 3 Member
    I do have a bachelors degree in Exercise Science. I just reconnected with My Fitness Pal. Why are people so hateful in here. My goodness!
  • kathrynmelnick
    kathrynmelnick Posts: 17 Member
    Most of them aren't. There are just a few people. I think we would be better off just trying to help each other in a positive, supportive way.
  • Hotshoe1200
    Hotshoe1200 Posts: 46 Member
    I kinda agree with Angie. I joined a fitness and nutrition challenge by a BeachBody coach and it was just the kickstart I needed. I am 30 days into LesMills Combat and, although it's hard, I am enjoying it and seeing results. I have never been able to keep a resolution to workout and eat better more than a week. I'm amazed that I've made it through 30 days and looking forward to 30 more. I'm also planning to purchase another set of their dvds to use after I'm done, and to reuse Combat as well. The dvds were a great tool for me to get busy

    If you go to a gym, somebody is making money off of that. If you buy weights, somebody made money off that. If you buy a salad at a restaurant instead of eating free donuts that somebody bought for work, a restaurant made money. I truly do admire people who have the absolute strength of will to only eat healthy foods and exercise without buying anything, but give us poor slobs who need help a break!
  • you are just very mean and negative for your information a lot of people do help others for free and do not get a commission like you think, i guess since you have been down this road you know how it works
  • amen its because people cannot see that their are good people that really want to help others its sad that automatically they think you are a idiot and just want to sell
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    you are just very mean and negative for your information a lot of people do help others for free and do not get a commission like you think, i guess since you have been down this road you know how it works

    And that's fine for you to have that opinion of me. If I am mean and negative for not supporting the 21 Day Fix and offering my legitimate opinion on it, so be it. I'm not going to attempt to change your mind.

    And yes, I do know "how it works". Because I have been helped tremendously for free on this website, and in turn I've been able to offer the advice I've picked up along the way to others.

    Feel free to comment again on my posts, I will let you have the last word. I will no longer be responding to your commentary.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I prefer the permanent fix. That's why I don't do fad diet and fitness programs. :tongue: Congrats on making the effort, though. Hope it works out for you! :drinker:
  • well thats great for you but others may like the program and what is is to you if they spend 60 to get it? leave them alone and don't respond you don't like the products we get it but don't ruin for people who may be interested or want to try for they have a right to their own opinion
  • great
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member

    Just to let you know - it helps if you quote the person you're speaking to, just so it doesn't look like you're talking to yourself. I was confused sometimes as to who you were referring to! :flowerforyou: Absolutely no sarcasm meant whatsoever.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    A country singer I've loved for years has a cousin who's a coach and has got a lot of her fans doing at least the workouts with her. Finishing one cycle and doing another. I don't know if they're doing the whole food thing or what.

    I personally wouldn't learn a darn thing about portion control and stuff by eating prepackaged meals. I just wouldn't. When I'd go back to eating "normal" meals (for lack of a better term) I'd end up likely gaining weight regardless of my exercise regime due to that fact alone. I do much better with my measuring cups/spoons, food scale, healthy recipes and exercising in a way that I enjoy.

    I try not to bash others for their stuff unless it's a downright scam, so good luck and I hope it works for you!
  • kathrynmelnick
    kathrynmelnick Posts: 17 Member
    Newday...Again, I have not tried this product. From what I understand, it has different colored containers to place certain types of food in....proteins, etc... You fill the containers for the day and when you eat everything in the containers, you are finished for the day. The way I read it, the meals are not prepackaged. You put your own food in the containers.
  • kathrynmelnick
    kathrynmelnick Posts: 17 Member
    I hope that didn't sound mean. I was not judging, just sharing the small amount of information I have about it.
  • lol i thought i did thanks but i guess it won't work somehow lol
  • great

    Just to let you know - it helps if you quote the person you're speaking to, just so it doesn't look like you're talking to yourself. I was confused sometimes as to who you were referring to! :flowerforyou: Absolutely no sarcasm meant whatsoever.

    thank you i don't know why mine isn't working
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Ziplock boxes and a scale are cheaper... but whatever floats your boat.
  • great

    Just to let you know - it helps if you quote the person you're speaking to, just so it doesn't look like you're talking to yourself. I was confused sometimes as to who you were referring to! :flowerforyou: Absolutely no sarcasm meant whatsoever.

    thank you i don't know why mine isn't working
    i must have deleted the quote part lol sorry but thanks
  • I hope that didn't sound mean. I was not judging, just sharing the small amount of information I have about it.

    its not mean at all and its great that you took time to find out about the product before judging
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    I see a lot of people on here saying they've done the 21 day fix multiple times...if it works, there would be no need to go through the program multiple times. I prefer the free way; learning habits through trial and error, calorie deficit, and working out.
    If you can return it for a refund, I would highly recommend you do so. Invest in a food scale with that money instead.

    Spoken like someone who doesn't have the first damn clue about what they are talking about. All BB programs offer is structure, which is good for people who need it. BB programs take the "trial and error" out of the equation. People do them for the same reason as any repeat attempt at fitness: they have a lot of weight to lose, or they back slide and get out of the routine, which can happen the "free way" as well.