I want to lose weight but don't like food restrictions



  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your help.
    Yes this will work. Did it for 3 months during a weight loss challenge at my work the beginning of the year. I won the challenge. Good Luck

    How many calories did you eat per day, and how much did you lose in 3 months?

    I ate 1400 calories a day walked 3-6 miles a day and lost 45lbs. I have been weight training since then and have put on 12 but my new smaller pants are still loose. So I think I put back on minimal fat. Good Luck Friend me if you like I still log daily as long as I am not camping with no access.

  • I ate 1400 calories a day walked 3-6 miles a day and lost 45lbs. I have been weight training since then and have put on 12 but my new smaller pants are still loose. So I think I put back on minimal fat. Good Luck Friend me if you like I still log daily as long as I am not camping with no access.

    How did you feel when only eating 1400 calories a day for the 3 months?

    Also I hear you on the camping. I live in Tennessee.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I felt great try to follow the runner's diet of 50% carbs, 25% protein, & 25% fat I also drink 2-3 gallons of water a day. if you check out my diary I may have gone over a few days on gross but after my workout I was still under the net. I am in better shape at 40 than I was at 20. I have my first 15k on Sunday. I am only 5'9" so you may need to be a little higher since you are over 6'.

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Define "work". What are your goals?
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Try if if fits your macros (IIFYM), also known as flexible dieting. Eat anything as long as you hit your macro (and micro) targets.


    I also agree that your calorie count sounds a little low. Try the calculator on the IIFYM site to calculate your calorie and macro targets.

    I follow this and I've been losing. I don't like restrictions either.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    So would 1,850 - 2,100 calories per day be better for someone 240 pounds?

    I'm looking to get to about 190 - 210 pounds.

    I have a beer belly and just pretty much looking to get rid of it.

    Yes, that will work. That's what I do.

    My starting stats are pretty close to yours. 6'0", 249 lbs., age 42. That was in June.

    I'm down to 229 lbs. now.

    I aim for 1800 calories per day, and try not to go over 2200. Looking at my Excel sheet, the average calories for the past 2 weeks is 2086.

    I eat whatever I want - all the foods I enjoy (including alcohol). I deny myself nothing; no restrictions. But everything has to fit into my calorie budget. That's the only rule.

    I exercise to create a larger deficit. I walk 10K steps per day (roughly 4 miles), and I do strength training 3x per week to retain the muscles I already have (because while you are losing weight, you're going to lose equal parts muscle and fat if you don't do anything to retain the muscle).

    Walking has been the key for me. It's easy, and it's something I can do every day, even on lifting days, to help widen the calorie deficit. I highly recommend you add it to your weight loss strategy.

    Eat the foods. Enjoy them. Make sure they fit within your calorie budget and you're golden.

    Good luck.
  • Define "work". What are your goals?

    I'm really just trying to lose weight (mostly my beer belly), but what would you suggest?
  • Yes, that will work. That's what I do.

    My starting stats are pretty close to yours. 6'0", 249 lbs., age 42. That was in June.

    I'm down to 229 lbs. now.

    I aim for 1800 calories per day, and try not to go over 2200. Looking at my Excel sheet, the average calories for the past 2 weeks is 2086.

    I eat whatever I want - all the foods I enjoy (including alcohol). I deny myself nothing; no restrictions. But everything has to fit into my calorie budget. That's the only rule.

    I exercise to create a larger deficit. I walk 10K steps per day (roughly 4 miles), and I do strength training 3x per week to retain the muscles I already have (because while you are losing weight, you're going to lose equal parts muscle and fat if you don't do anything to retain the muscle).

    Walking has been the key for me. It's easy, and it's something I can do every day, even on lifting days, to help widen the calorie deficit. I highly recommend you add it to your weight loss strategy.

    Eat the foods. Enjoy them. Make sure they fit within your calorie budget and you're golden.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Wise advice, all. Have you considered intermittent fasting (IF)? I follow the 5:2 plan. 2 non-consecutive days a week, I eat a 500 calorie dinner (600 for men), the rest of the week, I eat to my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) You can find a calculator on IIFYM, mentioned above. I was shocked to find out that I can eat 2000+ calories on my 5 days (more when I work out) and lose weight. It averages out to about 15-1600 calories per day doing it that way and I could NEVER follow that every day if I had to - never have been able to in the past, don't anticipate it changing anytime soon!

    There are a couple of 5:2 groups here on MFP and there are others out there too. There are many different forms of IF to try. It's all about finding something you can do for life. I can see myself doing this for the long-term. After the first couple of weeks, it becomes much easier and more doable. The only caution is that you MUST eat to your TDEE on your non-fast days or the whole thing will backfire and you will kick into starvation mode. You even need to have one day every couple of weeks that you don't track - eat whatever you want - this seems to keep the weight loss consistently steady. Best of luck whatever you do, but remember that food is a wonderful gift that we can share with others and nourish ourselves with and it's not the enemy.

    This works for me, as well.