Opinions needed, low self esteem (pics)

Hello everyone at myfitnesspal! I'm new here but I am excited to be a part of a community that appears to be so positive and health conscious. That being said, I occasionally struggle with anxiety and low self esteem and I was hoping I could get a few of your opinions to ease my mind. Just some physical background; Throughout my early and mid teens I was very skinny (130lbs @ >6"0ft) and I hadn't surpassed 155lbs until I was 17 years old through a "dirty bulk" of sorts . Of course, at 160 back then I had very little muscle mass as I was not lifting or eating properly. Two and half years has passed and I've been following a progressive weight training routine and eating healthy for about a year now. I am currently 6'1 175 with what I would guess to be 14% body fat. (Im probably wrong) That is a brief physical history, the psychological aspect involved slight BDD and social anxiety.

My reasoning for posting this thread is selfish and could potentially be considered narcissistic or vane, but in reality I'm just seeking out opinions that can possibly improve what's left of my insecurities. The opinions I'm looking for revolve around my physique, face, and any other physical representation of me. I realize that what I am asking is shallow but I am in need of opinions from a random group of people as it's difficult to believe family and friends. I am going to post a few pictures below, I will appreciate any and all feedback more than I can properly express in words. Thank you for reading and thanks in advance to anyone that posts feedback.




  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I can't get your pics to load. :(

    I also suffer from moderate to severe social anxiety. I always feel like everyone else is better than me. I know how insecure it can make you feel. I'm sorry to hear your feel that way.

    I hope you get some positive feedback on here!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You look amazing, be proud of what you've achieved! Not many guys look as good as you do already so know you've been doing well.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You're hot. Just sayin'.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    We can shower you with a hundred thousand kind words, but your self esteem comes entirely from you.

    And from the front you look like a sad Zach Braff.

    Kind Regards,
    A Fat Audrey Hepburn.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You're hot. Just sayin'.

    I agree with ^ this.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    You are correct that this is probably shallow, etc. but the fact is that you are, indeed, an attractive man. There's still no amount of us telling you so that will convince you. Speaking as an "ugly duckling" who grew into my face, I can tell you that it takes a lot of time and a lot of reinforcement from people you love and respect, and a lot of reinforcement from total strangers hitting on you or flirting with you, plus a lot of soul searching, to find that confidence. You'll get there if you really want to...just don't be a *kitten* when you do.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • traceyandelliemay
    omg you remind me of me! I constanly wonder whether I look good and in good shape ALL the time my social anxiety stems from this too. like somedays I will just go home cause of it. its crazy right xx hugs!
    p.s yes your a handsome man xoxo and I know me saying this will not be good enough long term u will need to be reassured soon I hope it gets better for u xx
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    You're hot. Just sayin'.

    I agree with ^ this.
    Yep hot. Hi Mockchoc :-)
  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    Plus a bit of insecurity in a guy is also hot. Don't change. LOL
  • traceyandelliemay
    and my bf just said u look like your in good shape and that's a lot for him to say he has an 8 pack of abs so take these things on board and let them sink in k xo
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 820 Member
    I think you look lovely :)

    Many people talk about the idea that it can take a while for your brain to catch up with your body, when you look in the mirror you still see the old you and not how you actually currently look
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    You need to bench press with a pause
  • EmilyPersephone
    I seriously just typed up and edited a good few paragraphs about what I have learned during my own journey towards self acceptance, in hopes that it might help you somehow, just for my laptop to shut down and begin installing updates right as I am about to click the 'post' button. So here goes my second, less well worded, attempt!

    In my opinion, you are indeed very hot. But that is just my opinion. The key to dealing with these sort of insecurities is to realize that self esteem and self acceptance ultimately does come from you. Not the world around you, or the opinions of others, even though it may seem as though it does.

    The thing about humans, is that we are our own worst critics/enemies. Therefore, more often than not, the opinions/comments of other people will not always help us feel better about ourselves, because we are actually battling against our own personal opinions of ourselves. Not those of other people. So in order to actually face and get rid of the insecurities, we have to take steps towards making peace with ourselves and learning self acceptance. For some, this includes taking steps towards changing what they do not like (and therefore fear others also do not like) about themselves. For some, this means accepting themselves the way they are without change. It's difference for everyone, but everyone faces it. It's a long and constant struggle, but if you can at least decide that you want to work on improving the way you feel about yourself, you're already a few steps towards breathing easier.

    That being said, everyone enjoys compliments. They can brighten your day and give you a boost of much needed confidence. And that is not shallow. It's a natural instinct to want to fit in and be accepted, and receiving compliments can make us feel like we are.Just make sure that you don't forget that your opinion of yourself is more important that anyone else's opinion of you. It's okay to get a confidence boost from compliments, but don't let yourself start to rely on it.

    You are definitely a very attractive man from my point of view, and I don't see anything for you to feel insecure about. I'm sure many others will agree with me. And perhaps that will help you feel better for a bit, but ultimately we all see flaws in ourselves that are invisible to the rest of the world. So my advice is to work on what you think you need to work on, in order to make yourself feel confident. As long as you go about it in a safe and healthy manner, that is, =]. From the information you provided, it sounds like you've already started to make healthy improvements on things that you were/are insecure about, and that's half the battle. You sort of just have to find your stride, and see what works for you. And on bad days, there are plenty of people on this forum to chat with for support!

    And FYI, I definitely love the glasses on you. Very Clark Kent. =]

    Edit: I also realize that you may be seeking actual exercise/fitness advice on how to further your progression as opposed to therapeutic advice regarding dealing with self acceptance, but since it was in the motivation/support section and not the fitness section, I typed a giant emotional novel and assumed you were seeking the latter.

    If you were not, ignore this, and best of luck regardless!!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member

    Not buying it, think you're just fishing.
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I have some issues myself. Dont know how it started but starting to feel very low about how i look even though the numbers say I'm at a healthy weight. Husband thinks I look great etc. But I don't feel it.

    You look great. You have a handsome face and a very toned body. Your hard work is paying you in dividends x Its not selfish to ask. Not all people of confident and it does help when people say something nice to others :)
  • Daphnerose86
    Daphnerose86 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm torn between being annoyed with you and being understanding about having body image issues. I'm annoyed because you can not depend on the opinions of others to determine how you feel about yourself. How much you weigh carries such little importance to how much people will like you it's almost comical that we care about it at all. The idea that if you look a certain way more people will like you and fall in love with you is a lie. Don't get whisked away on that fantasy train. People will like you no matter what you weigh if you're a good person. You'll be a better friend, lover, boyfriend, husband, etc, if you're kind and loving- not if you have a six pack. This is coming from someone 200lbs dating a very attractive 140lbs guy. He was drawn to me because I was nice and honest and caring. There is also something just reactionally annoying by anyone fishing for compliments, can't help it. Also if you were a girl posting these kinds of pictures you would have gotten a lot more negative feedback about being shallow...

    With that, I have someone who supports and loves me for who I am now but I do remember when I was younger and very single and very very insecure and hated everything about my body. And I remember when I would get mad at my mom because she "had" to tell me I looked beautiful because she was my mother and I didn't feel anything close to beautiful at that time. I remember crying myself to sleep wishing I was someone else. But over time you realize that it seriously doesn't matter. I'm aiming to lose weight but only as a biproduct of living a more healthy lifestyle. I want to avoid diabetes and cancer and heart disease, etc. I want to run a marathon and doing a triathalon. But honestly, everyone in the world can tell you you LOOK good but can they stand to be stuck in a room with you for an hour? That's a true test of your attractiveness.

    Also I still don't believe that I'm beautiful. But I believe that my boyfriend believes I'm beautiful and I believe that i'm worthy of being loved. As is everyone.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    you look bigger than 175 @6'1. I'm 180 @5'11 and you look bulkier. I'd put your BF at around 15% ish
  • activeinmysixties
    We can shower you with a hundred thousand kind words, but your self esteem comes entirely from you.

    Well said!!!!
  • Mohana94
    You look amazing and healthy.