Short and Fat

Hello I am 5ft 2 and weigh over 200lbs! Really trying to do something about it and looking for friends who will help support me, give tips and help along the way. I am tracking every day so hoping i am back in the swing of things and feeling positive, or at least untill weigh in day


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this! Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • helpimfalling
    I'm 5'4" and still over 200 lbs. I feel your pain!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    stay positive and work towards your goal Good Luck

  • stephierose51
    stephierose51 Posts: 7 Member
    4'11" ... I know all about the challenges of the, erm, undertall. Feel free to add me and I'll do my best to help. I went from 145 to 120 last year, put 15 lbs back on again and have the struggle all over again.
  • FemWeight
    I look at it this way. We are sick of how we feel and look so we at least motivated ourselves to coming here that is start for us. So now all we can do is continue to push forward with one another's help.
  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5ft even and I was at 240 lbs! Now I'm at 175lbs and I still am fat.

    I just started my journey again after many setbacks! I would love some support from you guys!

  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    You can do it!!! It's soo possible!!! :happy:
    I'm 5'3 and was 244 lbs. I'm still a work in progress, currently 180.

  • pontoon1234
    pontoon1234 Posts: 3 Member
    I too am 5'2 inches and weight around 170. I want to get back to 130 or 135, weights I felt good at. I just started MFP yesterday so, I am looking for some friends that have similar stories and goals. Please add me and we can give support to each other. I am really hoping to stay dedicated and write everything down that I put in my mouth. I have set a goal of exercising 4 times/week too.
  • tippytoes01
    Hey lady! Add me too :) I've been on the weight gain recently, but know what it takes to lose it. I can offer advice!!
  • missbutton82
    missbutton82 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm 5'1 and currently at 165. I started my second time around journey in June and so far have gone from 191 to 165. I don't know what my ultimate goal is but currently my mini goal is 160. Feel free to add me, I love to help motivate and give support!
  • cczap80
    cczap80 Posts: 48 Member
    Can we get all shout-out from all the vertically challenged???

    I'm 5'2 also and not ashamed to say weighing in at 244. It's better than where I was. Stay strong and stay motivated!! We are all here for the same reason and can understand the struggles.
  • loralye211
    loralye211 Posts: 29 Member
    You can do it! I'm 5'2 and I started off at 210. I'm under 150 now. It's possible and SO rewarding.

    *Don't let occasional gains and plateaus get you down. It happens and you'll get past it!
    *Drink lots of water. Lots and lots and lots. It's good for weight loss and makes your skin look amazing!
    *Cook for yourself as much as possible.
    *Make good/healthy choices on what you eat when you're out or at a catered event, and limit cheat foods while there (who can say no to sharing someone's birthday cake? That would be like not wishing them a good birthday :) )
    *Get moving. Every little bit of exercise is worth it, even if it's only 10 or 15 minutes. I started out by straightening up my house every day. If you have cable, check out the OnDemand selections for fitness. YouTube is great too!
    *Read nutrition labels. Really read them. Just by looking at that, you can determine if the calories/fat/carbs/sugar/etc. are worth the serving size. Like, is that 1/4 cup of Ben and Jerry's worth the 400 calories and 20 grams of fat. They also tell you if what you're eating is as 'natural' as you think it is.

    I wish you and all the posters much luck on weight loss! I know it's so hard to do and being short hinders your progress but with some effort, you'll be reaping the rewards of skinniness!
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Almost 5'3" here (the 'almost' counts!). Went from 200 to 140 in 2010/11, kept it off happily for a year, then had health problems and a major surgery and crept back up 30lbs over two and a half years. Came back here 16 days ago and am 4lbs down so far (SW 170, CW 166). Aiming to get back around 138/140-ish but really don't care about the number so long as my old clothes fit!
  • angelachrysann
    angelachrysann Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 5'3" and currently at 240ish. I had lost 48 pound when I started this journey two years ago. But in celebrating that 48 pound loss, I got pregnant :) I'm still 15 lbs above that pre-pregnancy/48 pound loss weight. Ideally would like to be around 175. But I'll be happy at as long as I am healthy (I had developed Peri-Partum Cardiomyopothy with the pregnancy and my son was born a month early because of it).

    Here's to a new leg of the journey!
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Advice to you is that you only fail if you quit trying!!! So keep on moving forward. This is a life long journey and it isn't going to come easy. Take hard work and dedication. Don't look at yourself as short and fat ... look at your self as fluffy but with a plan to get fit! You know what you need to do just going to put the plan into action! You CAN do this! :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    You can do this :) I started off at 5'3 and just shy of 190... I know how scary the numbers can be when we're lil shorties! But it IS doable!

    Feel free to add me too :)
  • tobeslimmer
    tobeslimmer Posts: 13 Member
    Wow thank you for the response folks! Came in from work to a whole new set of friends. Think ive added everyone, if not please add me x
  • Choboman
    Choboman Posts: 41 Member
    Cheering for you! Sounds like you're headed in the right direction now. I'm just starting also, and hope that with a big network of friends here on the site it'll be easier to support each other and stay on track.
  • ILuvCupcakesNLifting87
    Hi OP! When I first started 2 years ago I was 5'1 at 210 lbs. I know how much it sucks to be short & over weight. Every single ounce shows. Add me if you'd like. I would love to support you! Also anyone else feel free to add me as well :)
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    I'm also a shorty (5'3) with lots to lose lol. I've added you, and anyone else feel free to add me too! We have a long road ahead of us, but we can do it together! :flowerforyou: