Nerds Unite! Round 2!



  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member

    Books: Wheel of Time and Song of Ice and Fire. Lord of the Rings. Shannara as well.

    Games: Final Fantasy. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Street Fighter II.

    MMORPG: Lord of the Rings Online

    TV: Firefly. Veronica Mars.

    Movies: The Marvel Cinematic Universe. Star Wars. Lord of the Rings.

    Comics: Marvel please. Thor and Dr. Strange.

    Games: Dominion. Munchkin. Flux. Settlers of Katan. King of Tokyo.

    Tabletop RPG: D&D. Serenity.

    Cool? Cool. Let's be bad guys...err I mean friends.
  • ryans5050
    ryans5050 Posts: 31 Member
    Nerd here as well. Self processed sci-fi / fantasy ready. HUGE Warhammer 40k reader. I used to tabletop play but just don't have the time or money (or space!) for it anymore, so I get my 40k fix from books on the kindle (see, even when I read I read like a nerd) or the PS3/PC.

    I'm a huge WoW fan as well, both from the genre/mythos as well as the game. Books are the same as most here, WoT and GoT series. Movies, TV (Hello SyFy and FX channels) and anime.

    Feel free to friend req me for motivation and support.
  • Choboman
    Choboman Posts: 41 Member
    Hey, just joining after a couple years away.

    If you haven't read them yet, would recommend adding the Patrick Rothfuss series (Wise Man's Fear, Name of the Wind, Slow Regard of Silent Things).
  • Mischabellaa
    Mischabellaa Posts: 60 Member
    Yah!! Other nerds!! The biggest game I play is World of Warcraft.. but I also play Defiance and other silly games on Steam. Currently reading Game of Thrones books, not sure if that really makes me nerdy
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    I forgot to add...

    For a decade I spent time as a player and immortal on WoTmud, an online text based rpg (.mud) game centered around the world of The Wheel of Time.

    Sadly the game is in a prolonged down time with server issues and possible redesign. Might have to play once again when it comes back online.
  • BoyishGirl
    BoyishGirl Posts: 12 Member
    I'm just going to bump this forum because it seem to have been dead for almost a week.
  • BadAzzJazz
    BadAzzJazz Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. I've never actually posted or replied to posts. Kinda new to this. Trying to lose weight. Need support and tips. Need to lose almost 70 pounds. I current weight 235 and I'm 5'10. Desire to be 170
  • cottoncandyclover
    Hello all, I joined myfitnesspal a while ago, but have never posted until now. My path to nerdom started early on. I grew up reading Elf Quest comic books and going to anime film festivals. I love Dr. Who, star trek and studio ghibli. I love anime and I am currently hooked on Tokyo Ghoul.
  • joannenicole451
    joannenicole451 Posts: 31 Member
    *sniffle sniffle*

    My people! At long last, I've found you.

    Huge trekkie, SuperWhoLock, Tolkein loving, geeky board game playing gal here. We have a giant piece of anime style Star Wars art hanging in our living room, and my children are going to be a weeping angel and an ewok for Halloween. (To be fair, the baby is going as an ewok - he doesn't have much say in the matter. But my 6 year old daughter was solely responsible for her costume choice.)

    I'm currently trying to lose 25 lbs.
  • Tea_Mistress
    Tea_Mistress Posts: 105 Member
    Resurrecting the thread with my presence! Would love some geeky friends, sarcastic, dry humour etc xD If you play League of Legends then I will happily 1v1 you >:D
    Also a big Nintendo fangirl
    (and who doesn't love GoT, I mean c'mon)
  • HardkoreGam3r
    HardkoreGam3r Posts: 8 Member
    just looking for some nerd friends. i love playing video games and lifting weights. i need some friends haha. add me. heres a list of random *kitten* i play.
    the legend of zelda, world of warcraft, minecraft, diablo, guitar hero, and mortal kombat. thats all i can think of for now. i also love watching anime. studio ghibli is my favorite. im into electro music, and i pretty much live at the gym. so if you want to be friends add me. :)
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Can I go back to bed and play Zelda all day?
  • Mr_Mer
    Mr_Mer Posts: 8 Member
    Nerd? Well, you name it, I have done it. From Chainmail back in the late 70s to the latests computer and console games I have been consistently playing them. LOTRO, Lovecraft, Gaiman, you name it, there is a good change I have read it. Fav. MMO right now Age of Conan, fave pen & paper Call of Chtulhu, Half Life all the way!
  • CanaryNoire
    CanaryNoire Posts: 47 Member
    j_bark wrote: »
    Can I go back to bed and play Zelda all day?

    Best idea of the day!
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Sorry dude. It's a single player game and I already called next.
  • 1nsomniac13
    1nsomniac13 Posts: 133 Member
    Definite nerd, so I suppose I should step forth.

    Shadowrun GM for 15 years, avid Nintendophile (Zelda and Metroid especially), sci-fi junkie (Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate... anything cyberpunk...), fiction writer, board game aficionado. Love strategy games (Civ5 and Empire Total War are my addictions).

    Haven't met too many games I don't like...
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    I feel like I've just found my home. :)

    Online gaming only consists of WoW at the moment as I also have a tiny human, but prior Rift and LOTR player, LOVED SWTOR but our guildies gravitated back to WoW. Registered nurse in real life, and love to Geocache to get some fresh air and play the devious nerd.
  • dangie2002
    dangie2002 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello fellow nerds!! My name is Angie. I've lost 75# so far. I am a HUGE since I was a child Doctor Who Fan, Star Wars, Star Trek (all of them), LOTR, HP, Percy Jackson......yes I love SciFi and Fantasy, reading, sewing, music, board games. B)
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Anyone play Clash of Clans?

    Yes. TH10 with the same username in clan Riverbears. Former member of Sky Legacy who when Trophy pushing make it to top 50 in the world but it all got a bit serious for me.
  • Lilith8984
    Lilith8984 Posts: 69 Member
    I've been debating back and forth as to whether or not I should go back to playing WOW. I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for a bit in lieu of WOW.
    I'd also like to go lay in bed and play Zelda...
    Feel free to add me!