Anyone new to P90x?

miranda0910 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
My husband is a Marine and I used to run marathons. However, both of us are out of shape and have not been physically active for the past year...hence, why we joined myfitnesspal! We are looking to start this P90X but am wondering what were the results for those doing both P90X and Myfitnesspal. Do tell! Any advice?


  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    search the success stories on the message boards for the guy who posted his second round of P90x, his transformation is AMAZING don't think I could do it yet bc I have NO upper body strength and I heard it starts with alot of pushups.....good luck!!!!!
  • Hey Miranda,

    If you are interested in the P90 system, and you are a first timer, you should start with the P90 program or Power 90 program, the P90X is the Power 90 Extreme program and is usually done after you complete the P90 program. It will be easier to get started with the P90 program. I wasn't sure if you knew that or not, so sorry if you did know. My wife just started the P90X system and she is an avid work out person, but she states it is intense, and we both have just started using Myfitnesspal, so we will try and keep info posted. Hope it helps, good luck.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    search the success stories on the message boards for the guy who posted his second round of P90x, his transformation is AMAZING don't think I could do it yet bc I have NO upper body strength and I heard it starts with alot of pushups.....good luck!!!!!

    Chest and Back has a ton of both! And it's day 1! But you do what you can. If you can only do couple, do them. Just keep moving until they move onto the next step. P90X is amazing! As soon as I finish one workout, I am ready to go again! It's hard no doubt about that! But it's really fun at the same time.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    search the success stories on the message boards for the guy who posted his second round of P90x, his transformation is AMAZING don't think I could do it yet bc I have NO upper body strength and I heard it starts with alot of pushups.....good luck!!!!!

    Which is the exact reason why I chose to do the "Lean" version for my first round. I think of "Lean" as P90X-Lite. When I started it, I was fat and out of took me 6 weeks to finally be able to do a real push up on my toes. By the end of round 2, I could bust out almost 200. It's a great program if you truly are committed to it. If you and the hubs are doing it together, do NOT allow your significant other to talk you out of what you want. Too often I hear about people who started the program with their partner, but because their partner's schedule or motivation got in the way, they both ended up not finishing. It's time takes a LOT of time every day. If you want it badly enough, you'll get the results you want. Period.
  • critter347
    critter347 Posts: 58 Member
    I've heard alot about the P90 program, but searching around didn't see anything about what the actual program is, what all does it entail?
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    My husband and I did our first P90X workout last night. Both feeling it this morning, but we are ready for more! I was actually suprised that I could do as much as I did!! We are both committed to it and want the same hoping we can keep each other motivated and focused. Not to mention the competitive side of it...pushing each other to go a little further! No doubt it will be tough. I just want to stop saying "I want to look like that" and finally put out the effort and actually "look like that".
  • I am pretty new. Just about done with 4th week of P90X.
    Pretty serious workouts for serious results.
    I have to use a chair for pull ups but try my best.
    Maybe next round I can do the pullups unassisted.
    Can't wait to get stonger over time.
  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi. I'm not as new as you are at it, but I just finished my 29th day of P90X! I still can't do push ups, but what I do is modify them and just do regular push-ups on my knees until I feel like I can move to my toes. Probably not the best way, but it works for me. I'm doing the lean version of the program also, so I won't bulk up. If I decide I want more muscle/definition, I'm planning to do the classic version of the program afterwards.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I am pretty new. Just about done with 4th week of P90X.
    Pretty serious workouts for serious results.
    I have to use a chair for pull ups but try my best.
    Maybe next round I can do the pullups unassisted.
    Can't wait to get stonger over time.

    I CANNOT do a pull-up!! I am using the bands right now, but am determined to be able to do pull-ups by the time I get done!!
  • The girlfriend and I are on Day 3. It is pretty tough, especially Plyo, but worth every minute. I have burned over 750 calories each day and as long as you keep the intensity up you'll see great results. The time obligation shouldn't be too tough to adjust to if you're used to marathon training. P90X time-wise won't even compare. Having a partner can hinder you, as someone already said, but it can also get you going on the days when you don't want to. I would recommend it 100% already. I am trying to get ready for a triathlon, and this is what I am using to get back into shape. So far it's killing me and I love it.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    i loved p90x. hubs and i finished in in october...and i lost over 15 inches!
  • Thanks everybody! You all had amazing information to share. I will put it to good use. Wish me luck. I will keep you posted.
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