Giving up fast food

So fast food is my weakness. I know all of the grossness behind it, I've watched "Super Size Me", "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", etc. They always make me cringe at the time but then the next day I just think "oh well". It's really a problem. I'm not even talking about the occasional drive-thru, I've gotten to the point where two days without stopping is really impressive to me. I've heard that that kind of food has a bunch of chemical additives that literally make you physically crave the stuff, so this is me declaring that I need to stop cold turkey. I lost about 15 pounds on here earlier this year, and then fell off the wagon, deleted my account and -- shocking -- gained every last pound back. (I have about 25-30 to lose). Last time I was on here, I was doing much better with portion control, moderation, "once-in-a-whiles", but now I'm having a hard time getting my head straight and feel like this is a good place to start.

Anybody else a converted fast food junkie that's found a good alternative to the quick, easy, tasty (greasy/fatty) drive through?


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    I just don't crave it. Make food you love at home and have enough of it to eat whenever. Grilled Chicken.
  • Joanjett88
    Joanjett88 Posts: 87 Member
    You don't always have to cut out a specific food entirely, however if you are having trouble with moderation it might be a good idea to steer clear for a little while. I was always a sucker for fast food. Taco bell, chinese, big fat burgers, jack in the box tacos, etc etc, lol. BUT, I've also realized that just by logging it to see what my calorie intake for the day would look like makes me rethink my decision.

    You can eat more whole and healthy foods that will actually fill you up vs the small fry for the same caloric value. Just remember, there is nothing wrong with "scheduling" in a fast food item every now and again. I do this, but I also plan my other meals for the day around it so I'm not going over my goal for the day.

    Good luck!
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 820 Member
    I'm not a complete junkie as such. but sometimes when Im craving a burger and fries, only they will do.

    I've had some success making my own versions at home though, can cut potatoes toss in oil and bake in oven. Make own meat patties for home made cheeseburgers omm nom nom.

    Can make meat for wraps, coat fish in flour egg and breadcrumbs and panfry for fish and chips.

    I find it easier to avoid temptation when I have something to really look forward too!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Anybody else a converted fast food junkie that's found a good alternative to the quick, easy, tasty (greasy/fatty) drive through?

    Make it at home. Burgers, tacos, chicken sandwiches, subs, whatever are cheaper and fresher if made at home, and they take very little time to prepare. Certainly less than driving out to a fast food place.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    :blushing: RIGHT HERE!! ME!! :blushing: Complete fast food junkie (that's what got me fat in the first place. :sick: ) And like you, I didn't care about all the bad stuff said about fast food. It's yummy, and my excuse always was "it's faster and easier than cooking at home". I had to stop eating that cold turkey or else I was never going to see results. As much as I hate cooking, I had to learn to cook all my favorite "fast foods" at home. It's healthier, I know what I'm putting into my food, and I control the portions. I've gone out to eat a few times but I no longer crave the need to go and get my fast food. For me, it was the only way. :smile:

    ETA - And I've saved hella money too by not going out to eat out all the time.
  • piconicbasket85
    For me its more so the convenience of fast food. After a hard day at work I just do not want to cook up a meal for my hubby and I, especially if I would have to go to the grocery store to pick up ingredients first! I also love me some Taco bell, pizza, and chinese so that doesn't help the battle! Whats helped me stay on track is meal planning and food prep. Once a week I write down all the meals and snacks and make out a grocery list. I cook up a bunch of protein one night to add to quick healthy recipes for the rest of the week. I get my breakfast,lunch, and snacks ready for the next day while cooking. I also try and enter in the food I'm GOING to eat the next day the evening before, this helps me plan ahead and keep from straying for some fast food. Granted I'm only two weeks in so who knows if this is the way I'll do things long term, but so far its working for me!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    We love to eat what we love to eat. I could skip most fast food for the rest of my life and be just fine. However, If I get around kettle cooked potato chips,,,

    Ya gotta find some will power and apply it when needed. However, if you have 1000 calories available for the day, get on down to your favorite fast food place and enjoy.

    Suggestion: Walk a couple of miles, until you have enough to cover the calories in the meal. Get the smallest order of fries that you can bear and, choose diet soda or unsweetened tea to drink. Skip the dessert and go for something sweet that you really like instead.

    Hope you find a way to beat this demon.
  • paulasews
    I found counting calories works for me so far. Once I count up how much the fast food would be I generally don't want to use up so much of my daily target on it. If I am willing to then I log it and have to make it work. I definitely crave it less as time goes by.
  • southernbuttercup
    I used to have fast food quite frequently for lunch at work. I prepare my lunches now and brings snacks. The urge will go away. Saves you money too!
  • 0torque0
    0torque0 Posts: 362 Member
    I hear ya. For me the issue is not so much that I want to eat it, it's just that it is so much faster and easier than cooking myself. It's convenient to hit a drive through when I forgot to pack a lunch or am in a rush. Luckily for me, there is an El Pollo Loco nearby - it may not satisfy my occasional burger craving but it is fast and healthier. At least i hope so.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    So fast food is my weakness. I know all of the grossness behind it, I've watched "Super Size Me", "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", etc. They always make me cringe at the time but then the next day I just think "oh well". It's really a problem. I'm not even talking about the occasional drive-thru, I've gotten to the point where two days without stopping is really impressive to me. I've heard that that kind of food has a bunch of chemical additives that literally make you physically crave the stuff, so this is me declaring that I need to stop cold turkey. I lost about 15 pounds on here earlier this year, and then fell off the wagon, deleted my account and -- shocking -- gained every last pound back. (I have about 25-30 to lose). Last time I was on here, I was doing much better with portion control, moderation, "once-in-a-whiles", but now I'm having a hard time getting my head straight and feel like this is a good place to start.

    Anybody else a converted fast food junkie that's found a good alternative to the quick, easy, tasty (greasy/fatty) drive through?
    headed to the gym in a moment but wanna get back to you on your post... Because YES I too consider 2 days without simple carbs/junk food/fast food... awesome! (the times where I'm feeling stuck and eating crappy) Sometimes we take victory where we can get it:drinker:
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Food prep will help you be successful in this lifestyle. There have been a couple times over the last month I've had to opt for fast food. Wendy's small chili & side garden salad. Taco Bell Cantina Bowl minus the rice. Not too bad but you can't escape the crazy amount of sodium. It's said it takes 21 days to break a habit or create one. Once you are in the swing of things fast food with be the last thing on your mind.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    once I became "health conscience" it was easy to give up. The **** in fast food is disgusting. You can find ways to create your favorites at home-much healthier and way less calories.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member

    I eat fast food all the time, I've lost a bunch of weight. You don't have to give it up, just make slightly better choices and count your calories.
  • laumis1
    laumis1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm trying to give up fast food. It's difficult especially when I am on the road as much as I am. But my goal is to keep a mini cooler in my car stocked with water and better goodies for when I am travelling to avoid the trips for an egg mcmuffin or an iced capp. My difficulty is my fiance. He gets cranky (think "hulk" cranky) if he goes more than 2 days without red meat in his system. I've tried altering red meat from hamburgers to steak or roasts and it doesn't do justice. It's all about the hamburgers...
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I too like convience food. Slowly I am figuring out ways to cook fast and furious at home. (Bocca burger.... Mmmm...)

    I am trying to make jar oatmeal at night so I can grab and go in the morning. This is fast and easy. But I still am eating out... MOst likely too much. But now I do look at the nutritional menus for the place, once I decide where I am going. So at least when I am in the drive through lane, I am making better choices from the menu if nothing else.

    I really love Wendy's Apple Salad. I forgot my lunch at home. :( So that is what I will get today.

    I still can't figure out why Zupa's won't put out a nutritional menu.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Fast food is a large part of why I gained a ton of weight, but I'm not giving it up entirely. Instead, I delay my gratification. I have 2 subway breakfast sandwiches (loaded with veggies) a week, plus one fast food meal on the weekend. Rather than giving into my nafs (greedy self) that wants it now now now now now, I plan ahead and savor the anticipation. I make sure I kick butt at the gym Saturday morning and then enjoy my fresh from the fryer fries for lunch. 62 lbs lost in 9 months, so I'm thinking it's working :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Eating a "moderate" (definition varies by person) amount of junk food works for some and not for others.

    Start by cutting just junk food and replacing that with healthy food. Drink water.

    Get used to that before you take on more. :)
  • corinic91
    corinic91 Posts: 148 Member
    I cook up a bunch of protein one night to add to quick healthy recipes for the rest of the week. I get my breakfast,lunch, and snacks ready for the next day while cooking.

    Both great ideas! I have so many easy recipes, but then I think about the time and effort to grill the chicken, or cook the ground turkey, etc. and all of a sudden "oh, McDonald's is on my way home from work." haha.

    Thanks everyone for the great ideas/support :) Definitely going to try to stop going altogether. There's no reason I should have to go at all, really.
  • kalenawald
    kalenawald Posts: 18 Member
    I am a single mom, and my biggest problem was that I would get so worn out after working all day, chauffering kids to school and sports, running running running - I would just go through a drive-thru for dinner. I felt terrible because I knew my kids were eating horribly, and my own health was starting to suffer (high blood pressure, overweight, high cholesterol...). I knew something had to change. So I started using Schwans. I get online and place a food order every 2 weeks. Yes, it's a bit more expensive than grocery shopping, but I'm actually saving money in the long run because I'm not loading up on groceries that I'm not using and then spending money on top of that every night for fast food. I'm also not walking up and down grocery aisles and buying a bunch of stuff I don't need (like chips and sweets). Much of the food comes in pre-portioned packages, it's all EASY EASY EASY to make, and very yummy - and a zillion times better than fast food. And it gets delivered to my door, so I hardly ever go to the grocery store. You oughta check it out. There's no obligation and no minimum order or anything.