Motivation shot down by depression

When I first started to get fit I was so motivated. I had quit smoking and was determined to run my first 5k. Which by no means I want to be my only 5k. Now I just sit around and do just about nothing. I cant seem to even get out of my own way. I am taking anti-depressants but it doesn't seem to be helping enough, ideas?


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    What helps me sometimes is to remember how I will feel AFTER I work out. Some of my best workouts were when I felt the least like starting, but did anyway.
  • gbel1975
    gbel1975 Posts: 86 Member
    I have ups and downs with depression, too. Like you, this affects my motivation. For me, when I'm feeling down I have this very strong craving/desire/want to eat and eat lots. Especially sugary and junk food stuff. Almost like my body is saying, "You're down and have no this stuff." While I believe in listening to your body, this of course isn't a good way to go.

    Having not figured it out fully myself, I can only recommend two things: 1> Talk to you doctor about changing your medication and/or dose to get better results. 2> Talk to a psychologist or similar behavioral therapist to develop ways to handle the "downs" in your life and stay motivated.

    Accountability partners may also be a big help to you.

    Hope you find some answers you're looking for!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    I can understand what you're going through. Depression can be a beast and even debilitating sometimes.

    Are you seeing a therapist? That would be a good step. Anti-depressants can be the bridge which allows you to re-learn thinking and coping skills, but for many people therapy (usually with a LCSW or otherwise certified counselor) is a necessary step.

    You may also want to talk to your doctor about adjusting your medications. What works well for a long time can suddenly become ineffective. It really sucks, but that's how our bodies sometimes work :grumble:

    If you can, get out and go for a walk or something. Exercise can help alleviate some depression (I know - it's a catch 22 because it can be really hard to just get up and do it!). Even just being out in the sunlight can actually help. Even if you just go sit in your back yard, it may help you feel enough better to take the next step.

    Hang in there, and don't stop looking for help. There are people to help you. You're not alone! :flowerforyou:
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Anti-depressants should almost always come with talk therapy with a qualified professional so that you can address any underlying issues and develop techniques that work specific to you.

    Depression is a really personal journey, and what worked for others, might not work for you. It's not the type of thing where it's going to be effective for one of us to come in here and just tell you to get up and go for a run because exercise releases endorphins.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am not much help, but I am in the same boat as you. I feel I am depressed and will be seeing my doctor in about a week about it. But I to often go oh well this happened so who cares lets eat all this junk blah blah. Its a horrible cycle I need to stop. And don't even get me started on me attempting to work out each morning. :ohwell:
  • mynameisoliverqueen
    I recently had a nervous breakdown (9 weeks ago) and my Doc tried me on the "happy pills" which done absolutely nothing other than make me feel worse and very short tempered!! I asked him to prescribe me to the gym (so I didn't have to pay the fees - not silly me!!!), which he has done for 6 months and this is the only thin that has helped me on the way back to normality. If you feel depressed after a good work out at the gym, then you need to change ALL your friends for some that are not going to make you feel down!

    Motivation starts by getting off your backside and doing something!!! I have been to some very dark places in the past and nobody helped me to get out of them. Thankfully my wife and actual friends understand and offer encouragement. Those that just said "man up" have been eliminated from my life and my motivation has got much better for the majority of the time. Most mornings I don't fancy going to the gym, but after a few minutes on the elliptical x-trainer or treadmill, I am raring to go and start to push myself.

    A small change is all that is needed. Even something as minor as having coffee instead of tea (or vice versa) in the morning, having a different breakfast or taking a different route to the gym, will all help to take your mind away from the negative thoughts bought about by depression.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    When I started eating organic I got a lot more energy which fed my motivation. Some green tea in the morning helped with that too. I metabolize caffiene slowly, so by the time it gets to be 3pm I still have some pep enough to finish my day. I am bi-polar and can tell you this life style change has really made the difference for me.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    When I first started to get fit I was so motivated. I had quit smoking and was determined to run my first 5k. Which by no means I want to be my only 5k. Now I just sit around and do just about nothing. I cant seem to even get out of my own way. I am taking anti-depressants but it doesn't seem to be helping enough, ideas?

    I agree w/the folks recommending you get a check-up on that medication to potentially adjust the dosage/etc. and combining that with talk therapy. Depression has a way of dragging you down to the pit until you just succumb to it's heavy tentacles. Been there, done that!!

    In the meantime, exercise will help tremendously. I realize you just said that's what you're having trouble doing because of the depression. :tongue: So it's a vicious cycle: "I need to work out to help my depression, but I'm too depressed to get motivated to do anything." What to do?

    One thing that works powerfully for me when I lack motivation, is accountability from outside sources. Find a few trusted friends (either IRL or online) who will agree to make a pact with you to help keep you accountable. When it's getting close to the time you need to exercise, and you can tell you're already fighting it, reach out to one of these friends. Call them, text them, put it on your wall here in MFP. Say out loud, "I know I need to exercise but I really don't want to. Someone please tell me to go exercise (and why). In return, I pledge to go do it."

    There is some serious power in making pacts with friends. I have no idea why. It's almost like, I lack the power to make myself do it, but I'll happily submit to a friend's "authority". That might sound weird. I don't mean authority like they're dictating what you can and can't do. It's more of a pact and promise kind of thing. Works very well for me. And once you get the endorphins going, those will help keep you motivated from within yourself.

    Lastly, be sure you're eating very clean. Get rid of as much sugary/salty/fatty junk as you can. That stuff wreaks havoc on the depressed mind. Lots of water. Lots of fruit, veggies. Natural as possible. When your biology is working, the mental/emotional has a much better fighting chance!
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    Depression is sometimes worse than a physical injury when it comes to activity. What I found helpful was to treat exercise like physical therapy rehabilitation. I put on a music station that I like and dance or walk in place for at least one song. Sometimes that is all I can do but sometimes just moving to that one song motivates me to do more. The goal is to increase that every day until I get back on track. Here is a saying that has helped me tremendously "Exercise sharpens the mind, tones the body and strengthens the heart and lungs. It also combats depression creates a sense of well-being, increases endurance, helps you resist stress and fatigue and lowers body fat and cholesterol levels". Good luck you can do this!!!!!!!
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    I hear you and feel your pain. I suffer depression too and am on depression meds. I also weigh 274 (my new number) :) so I understand how hard and discouraging it can be to get motivated to do anything but eat sometimes. Sometimes all you can do is jump on here and reach out for some support and take that and go on with your moment, keep on keepin' on it will happen. IT just takes us a little longer it seems because of the mental stuff and the physical stuff, exercise is good. We can do this together.
  • newwifeaged28
    My dad passing away so suddenly was my brick wall. (The big C didn't give us a chance to say goodbye) I was trying to slim down for my wedding but lost all confidence and gave up. So I felt huge on my wedding day :( Thats why my join date was July 2013 and I never posted until now.
    But now its September and although I miss my dad and cry almost everyday about him I need to dust myself off a try again. I've been flirting with the 30 day shred and its hard work but I feel fantastic afterwards and I hold on to that feeling to motivate me for my next work out. I want that feeling again.
    If I feel full of angst then a good work out relieves it for me.
    If I feel sad I ask myself "how will a twix cheer you up??"
    Window shopping is a good way to chill out and cheer yourself up as its free, you can look at clothes you will wear when you reach your goals and you burn those calories as you walk.

    Stay strong xxxx