Trail Walking Alone - Yay or Nay?



  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I love to hike and always went with other people. I wanted to go hiking but no one would go that day. I did this once. It made me feel very vunerable. I will never go out like that by myself again.

    But that is me. And I have issues. :)

    And bigfoot... Don't forget about that!!

    I wanted to add, I do not let fear keep me in. I do lots of stuff alone. I like being alone. Walking on mountain trails alone is not one of the things I like.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Bring a sword and a couple of armless/jawless walkers if you really don't want to get harassed

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm not sure if people aren't understanding, but I'm not afraid of going. I'm ready to do it!

    My boyfriend is the one hesitant to (dare I say) let me go. He just gets worried about other people, and what could happen if I was injured.

    I know right now is "bear season sightings" in the area and they may have a few coyotes here. I only have dog mace currently, I'm not sure where I can obtain bear mace.

    Most paths are behind the play area of the park, so there are generally a decent number of people there, but not a huge amount on the trails. They seem to pass enough if I was injured I'd be okay, but not enough to not be noticed if they were following me.

    I'm working on obtaining my gun permit, but unfortunately in NJ, the only people who can conceal carry are ex-police and military (even if that's not what they say on the website).

    I'm going to sit and talk with the BF and see what exactly is bothering him and what I can do to rectify it. It gets boring working out in our "apartment" in his family's house, and I'm tired of seeing the same development on my walks!

    ETA: I'd love to get a dog, but right now that's not something I can do :cry: I'd love to have a walking/running buddy. Once we get a house, that's the first addition to the family! The BF's mother has one, but he's not a leash dog, so I can't take him either.

    Why do you need your boyfriend to "let" you go?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I personally like to go hiking alone (no one else daft enough to come with me) but I generally stick to well used popular trails with lots of people on them. I wouldn't go out into the wilderness alone, all it would take is a slip or a trip and you could wind up in dire straits alone with no help and miles from anywhere. Not sure what the terrain is like, but it doesn't take much in the hills to find yourself with zero signal if you fall in a ditch or roll under a boulder

    Just make sure you are prepared, at the very least carry a 1st aid kit (even a pack of band-aids and some aspirin is better than nothing at all) ,a flashlight and a whistle.

    Now, I personally wouldn't want my partner doing the same! This may be sexist, but you hear of far more women being attacked and left for dead than you do men. I won't even let my partner walk across a farmer's field to her mothers with the children as I'm worried she may get attacked. Paranoid? maybe, but a few weeks after I warned my partner not to do this, there were reports of several women being attacked in a neighbouring field. There are some very unsavoury characters out there just waiting for an opportunity, and some of them don't care whether or not you're scared.

    Another person that doesn't "let" his significant other do things they want to do.

    Brb, gonna talk to my wife about how much of her autonomy I'm about to take away from her because obviously I've been doing it wrong
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Bring a sword and a couple of armless/jawless walkers if you really don't want to get harassed


  • jamilynn_8890
    jamilynn_8890 Posts: 48 Member
    I go hiking by myself all the time. Where I live, I'd be more scared to walk around my neighborhood than out in the woods. Like everyone else said, take water and snacks, carry your phone and make sure someone knows where you are.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    I personally like to go hiking alone (no one else daft enough to come with me) but I generally stick to well used popular trails with lots of people on them. I wouldn't go out into the wilderness alone, all it would take is a slip or a trip and you could wind up in dire straits alone with no help and miles from anywhere. Not sure what the terrain is like, but it doesn't take much in the hills to find yourself with zero signal if you fall in a ditch or roll under a boulder

    Just make sure you are prepared, at the very least carry a 1st aid kit (even a pack of band-aids and some aspirin is better than nothing at all) ,a flashlight and a whistle.

    Now, I personally wouldn't want my partner doing the same! This may be sexist, but you hear of far more women being attacked and left for dead than you do men. I won't even let my partner walk across a farmer's field to her mothers with the children as I'm worried she may get attacked. Paranoid? maybe, but a few weeks after I warned my partner not to do this, there were reports of several women being attacked in a neighbouring field. There are some very unsavoury characters out there just waiting for an opportunity, and some of them don't care whether or not you're scared.

    Another person that doesn't "let" his significant other do things they want to do.

    Brb, gonna talk to my wife about how much of her autonomy I'm about to take away from her because obviously I've been doing it wrong

    Werd! I usually let my wife do what she wants. She always asks permission so nicely. *nods* true story
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I personally like to go hiking alone (no one else daft enough to come with me) but I generally stick to well used popular trails with lots of people on them. I wouldn't go out into the wilderness alone, all it would take is a slip or a trip and you could wind up in dire straits alone with no help and miles from anywhere. Not sure what the terrain is like, but it doesn't take much in the hills to find yourself with zero signal if you fall in a ditch or roll under a boulder

    Just make sure you are prepared, at the very least carry a 1st aid kit (even a pack of band-aids and some aspirin is better than nothing at all) ,a flashlight and a whistle.

    Now, I personally wouldn't want my partner doing the same! This may be sexist, but you hear of far more women being attacked and left for dead than you do men. I won't even let my partner walk across a farmer's field to her mothers with the children as I'm worried she may get attacked. Paranoid? maybe, but a few weeks after I warned my partner not to do this, there were reports of several women being attacked in a neighbouring field. There are some very unsavoury characters out there just waiting for an opportunity, and some of them don't care whether or not you're scared.

    Another person that doesn't "let" his significant other do things they want to do.

    Brb, gonna talk to my wife about how much of her autonomy I'm about to take away from her because obviously I've been doing it wrong

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Someone died on this hike 5 days before I did it. *shrugs* Didn't stop me from doing it. You can't live your life in fear.

  • Aint_Misbehavin
    Aint_Misbehavin Posts: 64 Member
    I live in AZ and I hike on the various trails around the valley by myself all winter long. Some of the trails are highly populated and sometimes I'm the only one out there. I don't worry about being attacked on the trail nearly so much as I worry about tripping over my own feet and going face down in the dirt. Again. I just make sure the water bladder in my camelback is full and that I have a few preparedness items such a small flashlight, a compass and a (well used) medical kit.
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    During the summer I hike between 4-8 miles a day about 4 times a week by myself. I enjoy the time to myself and feel very comfortable in the woods. Where I am there is little danger from animals. The trails I use can range from fairly unused to well-travelled. For longer hikes that are farther from my home I take my cell. For the nature park near my home I don't even bother carrying it. I'd say get to know your area and find what works for you. If you guy objects so strongly to you going out by yourself maybe he should go out with you on a hike or two to see it isn't a big deal. I'm wondering what dangers he is concerned about because what you described sounds pretty safe...
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I walk area trails by myself all the time. If it is a state park, you can call your DNR or whatever agency oversees them and ask if there has been any problems in that particular park, otherwise go for it. Just let someone know where you are going and take a phone or some other way to contact emergency help if needed (assuming you are in an area that can get a signal)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Yeah I think that is totally your call, especially not knowing your area... We have 18 miles of paved riverwalk that goes through our city and goes through some sketchy areas of town but I have and will continue to use the riverwalk alone but I am also 6 ft, 1 in, and weigh 250 so I don't normally feel threatened going through those areas.... Use your best judgement...... Best of Luck
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I'm in a strange city, on the opposite coast of the county I live in (Canada) and I did a 10k trail walk solo over the weekend.

    If you're comfortable, then go. Take your cell phone, some water, and some sort of packaged food (think a granola bar, trail mix) and make sure that you know your route ahead of time. Plan to check in with the BF or a friend if he's going to be concerned/anxious.

    Looking up the wildlife in the area is also something to keep in mind; while some areas have virtually none, I'm in bear country, so I made sure to do my research! haha.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    So it sounds like you're not afraid to go - but are looking for ways to reassure your BF because you know he worries about you.

    In my town there are several meetup groups that include hiking or walking in the trails around you. You can start one yourself and hope someone shows up. If nothing else, you're indicating in a public forum where you will be going and when so there is documentation - if that's one of his worries.
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I enjoy hiking alone, and never thought much of it. I have a baby now, and I've gone hiking with her a few times but not alone. I'm iffy on if I would. I'd definitely let someone know where I was though, but honestly, I don't think I would even go. Which sucks.
  • Yukiihana
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I personally like to go hiking alone (no one else daft enough to come with me) but I generally stick to well used popular trails with lots of people on them. I wouldn't go out into the wilderness alone, all it would take is a slip or a trip and you could wind up in dire straits alone with no help and miles from anywhere. Not sure what the terrain is like, but it doesn't take much in the hills to find yourself with zero signal if you fall in a ditch or roll under a boulder

    Just make sure you are prepared, at the very least carry a 1st aid kit (even a pack of band-aids and some aspirin is better than nothing at all) ,a flashlight and a whistle.

    Now, I personally wouldn't want my partner doing the same! This may be sexist, but you hear of far more women being attacked and left for dead than you do men. I won't even let my partner walk across a farmer's field to her mothers with the children as I'm worried she may get attacked. Paranoid? maybe, but a few weeks after I warned my partner not to do this, there were reports of several women being attacked in a neighbouring field. There are some very unsavoury characters out there just waiting for an opportunity, and some of them don't care whether or not you're scared.

    Another person that doesn't "let" his significant other do things they want to do.

    Brb, gonna talk to my wife about how much of her autonomy I'm about to take away from her because obviously I've been doing it wrong
    Dude, my BF doesn't even warn me when he sees me about to do something blatantly stupid and dangerous! He'll pick me up and dust me off (after he finishes laughing at me), and then say something snarky like "bet you learned not to try that again, didn't you?"
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I do it all the time. Just let someone know where you are going and you should be all good.