Body Image

There have been a lot of posts in the forums (I'd say lately, but sadly, it's an ongoing theme) about women who dislike their own bodies because they don't fit into a societal expectation. As women, we get a lot of images thrown at us, from Victoria's Secret ads to J-Lo's latest video montage. We live in a world where a lot of focus is put on what we look like. Each and every one of us has felt some guilt over some food we ate or some dismay over how we looked at some point in our lives, and I think we need to figure out a way to make it stop.
No one has a perfect body. What in the heck would a perfect body even look like? Everyone has their own idea of it, which is a a good thing, since if we all had the same idea of there would only be one person who would ever make it. And if perfection can never be reached, then the journey, rather than the destination, has to be its own reward. Learning to love ourselves for who we are, and learning to enjoy eating better, and exercising for its own reward are what we need to do.
Ladies (and men too, there are a lot of dudes trying to fit into some ideal of male perfection), let's agree on this. We can be better people by treating each other with respect and kindness than by looking down on each other for a fat roll or a few cellulite dimples. And the same goes for ourselves, too. You'd never tell your best friend she wasn't good enough if she was fat, would you? Then don't do that to yourself, either. Be your own best friend.


  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ agree with second paragraph.

    the is what it is. Just like stupid commercials and TV shows that make men pushover, idiots, or racism towards straight white males.
  • qmeg
    qmeg Posts: 1 Member
    You said it so perfectly. Oh, and by the way. You look stunning. :-)
  • jacquib234
    jacquib234 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not and never will be a skinny minny. I don't even want to be. I am working towards feeling fitter and better than I did, and if I acheive that being a UK size 20 (which I currently am) I'm happy.

    So many people I know concentrate on what they look like rather than on being good people, surely being the type of person you are happy to be and being good wherever you can is the most important thing.

    I take people as I find them, not for what job they do, or how they look, just who they are. That way I don't miss out on some really good people!
  • fitsporation96

    Very well said! I agree with you especially about the Victoria Secret models! when I was around 16 I was skinnier not the skinniest but around 100-105lbs which is ok for my frame, I am small at 158cm. I gained a ton on Birth Control (for TOM problems) and now I am in the process of losing the weight, I know that I will never look like a VS model (but who wouldn't want to lol) I am doing this for me and not for the society that wants to make us feel bad about ourselves. We are our own person. Good Luck.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    I've got to say this topic hit home for me today. I go to lunch with some other guys from work every day. A few days ago I was somewhat chastise by the other guys in my group because of a comment I made regarding a "VERY CURRENT" super model that appears in VS ads. I simply said that I found her attractive, but not a knock out and that in my personal opinion I thought she was too big on top and not as tone. Again, MY OPINION. Next thing I knew I was being asked for my man card and they are asking if I was gay. All in jest, to a certain extent! Then they asked who I would think would be "Perfect". I honestly couldn't answer them. So much goes into the "perfect person".

    MY POINT, there is not a perfect person for everyone! I get that society has set some guidelines, but is that perfect, or is it just appealing. I've known some "Perfect Girls" in my life and not one of them would be on a VS or the cover of any glamor magazine. I'm not saying that I don't find those girls attractive, and I wouldn't kick them out of bed for eating crackers, but there is more to it and every person has their own idea of perfect.

    I believe most of us that are trying to improve ourselves, and therefore on this site, are doing it for more than the egotistical reasons. Not that we aren't a little vein and would like to have someone checking us out one day. I just think body image is what you make of it. I guarantee if we were all to draw out our perfect person (Physical only) they would all be different.

    Sorry for the rant, this just hit me today.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    that said-its normal for us women to find the "bad" with our bodies. It just becomes unhealthy when you FOCUS on that. We are all different, some models, some not.......find the best YOU!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Overall, I do think that many of us need to be kinder to ourselves. I know that I am guilty of looking in the mirror and seeing how far I have to go instead of how far I've come. That said, I am continually surprised by people (mostly women) who feel bad about themselves because they don't "measure up" to celebrity level looks. Those are people whose full time jobs are to look pretty so that's what they spend a ton of time and money doing. Regular people don't have that kind of time, money, or the option to have their photos airbrushed or Photoshopped at every turn. It just doesn't make sense, logically, to get depressed over it.
  • jon201983
    jon201983 Posts: 20 Member
    Well said, I agree!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    that said-its normal for us women to find the "bad" with our bodies. It just becomes unhealthy when you FOCUS on that. We are all different, some models, some not.......find the best YOU!

    I disagree that it is 'normal' to find anything bad with our bodies. This is falsehood propagated by the media. It's unhealthy in any way, shape or form to find something negative about yourself.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I'm freaking fabulous!

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    well yeah, randomtai, we know you are da bomb!