Hip injury or limited mobility friends?

Hi there, I've been on here for awhile... I'm 33, Army wife, and busy mom of 4 kiddos. I lost a bunch after my last pregnancy and was continuing to lose.... then my thyroid messed up and I started rapidly gaining weight despite working out and tracking my calories... and then I had a hip injury while running that forced me to all but stop any hard cardio. All that being said- I'm up about 50 lbs! Ahhh! :(
I'm working with the docs for the thyroid and I'm in PT 1-2x a week for my hip. I have FAI and a labral tear (in the cartilage). I will be having surgery in November.
I'm trying to lose as much as possible because I know it will make my recovery better (and I just want to get if off!)
I'm only allowed to ride the recumbent bike for 10 minutes at a time- no running or even walking (other than daily life)- I'm trying to get 4-5 10 min sessions in a day and doing as much upper body as I can. It's frustrating because I love running and doing Beachbody workouts. I'm trying to eat as best I can and track everything.
Anyone else in or been in a similar situation? Any tips? Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for friends on this journey! :)


  • Kelsterina
    Kelsterina Posts: 13 Member
    hey there, I also have FAI and a labral tear and the Army is kind of giving me the run around on when I will finally be able to get my surgery (I'm currently active duty). I feel your frustration (and your pain -- literally!) One thing that has helped a little has been swimming. Can't kick right now because it's too painful with the tear but I've been putting a buoy or something between my legs and doing some pull laps, which is better than no cardio at all. I also kicked up my weight-lifting routine by doing lighter weights with higher reps and that will get my heart rate up a bit without straining my hip as much as heavier weights have in the past.

    Did anything else help you pre-surgery? I hope your surgery went well! Any tips related to hip surgery, FAI, or labral tears?
  • negrorotary
    negrorotary Posts: 4 Member
    I'm having surgery Sept 30th, I will tell you how it goes, I might start a topic after surgery
  • kortthedork91
    kortthedork91 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't had any recent injuries, but I am very limited in what I can do physically. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 11. I absolutely love yoga (the only doc approved exercise that I can do), but lately it's become to much strain on my wrists, so I understand where you're coming from. I'm also an Army wife, btw! Of course, my husband just got out of OSUT a few days ago, so I have yet to learn the ropes. We move to his first assignment next week. Anyway, I'll be your friend :)
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm coming back from a gluteal tendinopathy that I ended up with on my honeymoon.... from sitting down on the concrete waiting for a fireworks show! I'm also a runner and I had a really hard time getting through it mentally so I totally understand where you're coming from. Thankfully it's on the mend and I've been able to start running again, slowly and very short distances (I much prefer longer runs, but hey at least I can do something).

    My best advice would be to listen to your PT. I have some PT friends and their biggest complaint is that the majority of their clients don't actually do what they are supposed to be doing, so they can never progress them. So do your exercises outside of PT like they tell you to, and you won't be wasting their time and your money when you go to see them. AND, I know this is the hardest part as a runner myself.... don't push through pain and try to force the process. I'd rather be out for 6-8 weeks rather than 6-8 months. Although your injury is much more severe than mine was.

    Sending an add :)