Hello, world.

Hey, everyone!

I found this site a while ago on one of my multiple attempts of losing weight. Hopefully this one will be my ultimate lifestyle change, so I gathered enough courage to join the community and introduce myself. :embarassed:

I'm not proud to say I've been struggling with a cycle of letting myself go (I still haven't seen Frozen, should I...? :tongue:) and restricting myself, and I want to cut this now.

Feel free to add me or send me a message or something (I'm still figuring out how this works, hehe) if you ever need support or a buddy to talk to.

Oh, btw, you can call me Jime. :)


  • Hello :)

    Good luck :D

    And you really should see Frozen :)
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome Jime,

    Taking the courage to post is the first step you have taking for being accountable...be proud!

    Now you just need to stick with the logging and goals that you have set yourself, would love to encourage you along the way so feel free to add me.

    You gotta watch frozen, its great :smile:
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    Thank you guys :blushing:. I took the liberty to add you both!
    I'm going to watch it right now! LOL.
  • healthytipsforu
    healthytipsforu Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Jime,

    I know how soul-destroying it can be to think how far you've got to go, so my advice is to set little targets along the way, such as the next half-stone or dress size. That's what worked for me.
    I signed up to run a 5km race. I got loads of people to sponsor me and it was for a charity that meant a lot to me. I knew I had to get fit to run the race and I couldn't let everyone down, so I had the perfect reason to stay motivated.
    Good luck! You can do it!
