Isagenix Yes or No



  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Waste of money.

    Make an intelligent decision.

    It's nothing more than a MLM scam
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    Those people that said you "gain weight after you stop using it" have either never used it, or they didn't fully understand what they were using. Isagenix isn't any voodoo or chemical based product. It's literally just good nutrition in an easy-to-use and easy to consume system. It works because it can fit into people's daily lives very easy, and there's a fantastic support system. If you gained weight after stopping the system, it's because you didn't eat as well. But, that begs the question...if it was working for you, and you felt great on the products, why did you stop them?? Why would you stop doing something that's working? I have a shake every morning, and a healthy lunch and dinner. If I need to lean up or lose a few lbs, I'll switch to shake/food/shake, and do a couple of cleanse days. That way I'm always a week or so out of a 6 pack.

    @agentpg1 girl, who wrote "eating regular food in the proper amounts and getting good protein, carbs and fats is the way we are meant to feed our bodies." Isagenix shakes are based on the Zone diet, which is a balanced delivery of protein (the best on the planet) carbs and fat. I said it earlier, but Isagenix is JUST GOOD NUTRITION. Research it. Look at the ingredients. Then you'll realize how many doctors, pro athletes, and fitness competitors choose it.

    If you'd like more (and accurate) information, please let me know.

    Sniff, sniff... Does anyone else smell a coach???
  • Those people that said you "gain weight after you stop using it" have either never used it, or they didn't fully understand what they were using. Isagenix isn't any voodoo or chemical based product. It's literally just good nutrition in an easy-to-use and easy to consume system. It works because it can fit into people's daily lives very easy, and there's a fantastic support system. If you gained weight after stopping the system, it's because you didn't eat as well. But, that begs the question...if it was working for you, and you felt great on the products, why did you stop them?? Why would you stop doing something that's working? I have a shake every morning, and a healthy lunch and dinner. If I need to lean up or lose a few lbs, I'll switch to shake/food/shake, and do a couple of cleanse days. That way I'm always a week or so out of a 6 pack.

    @agentpg1 girl, who wrote "eating regular food in the proper amounts and getting good protein, carbs and fats is the way we are meant to feed our bodies." Isagenix shakes are based on the Zone diet, which is a balanced delivery of protein (the best on the planet) carbs and fat. I said it earlier, but Isagenix is JUST GOOD NUTRITION. Research it. Look at the ingredients. Then you'll realize how many doctors, pro athletes, and fitness competitors choose it.

    If you'd like more (and accurate) information, please let me know.

    ^^ this
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Those people that said you "gain weight after you stop using it" have either never used it, or they didn't fully understand what they were using. Isagenix isn't any voodoo or chemical based product. It's literally just good nutrition in an easy-to-use and easy to consume system. It works because it can fit into people's daily lives very easy, and there's a fantastic support system. If you gained weight after stopping the system, it's because you didn't eat as well. But, that begs the question...if it was working for you, and you felt great on the products, why did you stop them?? Why would you stop doing something that's working? I have a shake every morning, and a healthy lunch and dinner. If I need to lean up or lose a few lbs, I'll switch to shake/food/shake, and do a couple of cleanse days. That way I'm always a week or so out of a 6 pack.

    @agentpg1 girl, who wrote "eating regular food in the proper amounts and getting good protein, carbs and fats is the way we are meant to feed our bodies." Isagenix shakes are based on the Zone diet, which is a balanced delivery of protein (the best on the planet) carbs and fat. I said it earlier, but Isagenix is JUST GOOD NUTRITION. Research it. Look at the ingredients. Then you'll realize how many doctors, pro athletes, and fitness competitors choose it.

    If you'd like more (and accurate) information, please let me know.

    ^^ this

    ^^ this person sells it
  • softnsquishy
    softnsquishy Posts: 1 Member
    I have a few friends that are in the " business", I'm not into network marketing at all. It's 300.00 p/month or 10.00 a day. I started using it because I have poor eating habits and travel a lot for work so I eat crap because it's convenient. This system is easy, costs the same as subway, less than MacDonalds but controlled calorie intake. I cycle between my use of isagenix and normal eating. I usually do at least two cleanse days to get me back on track. After about two weeks, junk is outta my system and I'm back to eating healthy regular meals again. It's better than slim fast or instant breakfast and costs about the same. It doesn't taste fantastic, but I've tasted worse. Find a consultant and get a sample to try. I honestly feel better when I do follow it.
  • kidzmolar
    kidzmolar Posts: 1 Member
    So can I just use the shake as one meal replacement per day and the rest of the day just eat healthy and within calories? Will that help me lose weight? I'm not looking to lose a ton too fast.....may be 10 lbs by Christmas......I don't want to commit to a 30 day cleanse because of the effort (no fruit or coffee for 30 days???) and because of the cost.....thoughts?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Ugh, this was necro'd.

    I would also like anyone reading this necro thread and considering this program to see the sign up dates and amount of posts for people showing support of this program. Most signed up the same month they posted, and their only or few posts are in this thread. That is suspicious. Buyer beware.
  • tiffanyvannoy
    tiffanyvannoy Posts: 2 Member
    It's an easy, full nutrition, meal replacement system. Not magic beans, or a cure all. It helps people lose weight, but that said, it's like everything else in the world and not for everybody. I tend to suspect that those that gained all their weight back perhaps did not stick with clean, low calorie/fat, healthy food choices. Or at least not consistently. I'm no perfect angel but I do try to chose lesser of evils when making less than perfect choices. To me, life is all about moderation. Don't eat or drink too much. Walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day (not just for your waistline, but mostly your heart). And most of all, read labels and make your own choices. It works for me but it's not for everyone. I tried ww, Adkins, slim fast, etc etc and they didn't work for me. I figured at the time, all I could do was try it like everything else I already had. It's helped me reach my goals and I do feel better overall. My Fitness Pal and a good kitchen food scale has also really helped me to keep honest about what my intake is. One thing I learned from ww was even licking the spoon counts ;)
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
  • july161965
    july161965 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! I have lost 48 pounds and have been on Isagenix for about 6 months. I started using it after I plateaued on my weight loss. It is a meal replacement system. So if you aren't great at counting calories, (which isn't that why the majority of us ended up here?), this is an easy to use program that works.
  • Deelbvale
    Deelbvale Posts: 1 Member
    The question is why did most of you try it? Use it, then stop? I've been on the system for 8 months. Eat loads, have one shake a day and exercise moderately. I went on it to gain some much need energy for my heavy demands in a day. In the process it exceeded all my expectations and tough me how to eat CLEAN and crave CLEAN.
    The idea is that in our world everything is tainted by humans and as a farmer I know to well what you ingesting and it's not pretty. Our foods are nutrient deprived and as much as you'd like to its hard and expensive to go organic. Which would be great but in this fast paced world we live in its very if not impossible to eat and even find water that's not exposed to human manipulation. I also lost my mummy tummy that three doctors told me wouldn't go away without surgery. Happy, healthy and strong. Diets are unsustainable, like holding your breath while you feel your energy leave & the fat deposits just go up and down teasing you onto the merry go round of yo yo dieting. That's my opinion. If I can't get organic I'll keep my products.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I have a few friends that are in the " business", I'm not into network marketing at all. It's 300.00 p/month or 10.00 a day. I started using it because I have poor eating habits and travel a lot for work so I eat crap because it's convenient. This system is easy, costs the same as subway, less than MacDonalds but controlled calorie intake. I cycle between my use of isagenix and normal eating. I usually do at least two cleanse days to get me back on track. After about two weeks, junk is outta my system and I'm back to eating healthy regular meals again. It's better than slim fast or instant breakfast and costs about the same. It doesn't taste fantastic, but I've tasted worse. Find a consultant and get a sample to try. I honestly feel better when I do follow it.

    oh wow, thats really expensive way to lose weight. thankfully its been effective for you and taste not too bad. what do the cleanses do for you?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Deelbvale wrote: »
    The question is why did most of you try it? Use it, then stop? I've been on the system for 8 months. Eat loads, have one shake a day and exercise moderately. I went on it to gain some much need energy for my heavy demands in a day. In the process it exceeded all my expectations and tough me how to eat CLEAN and crave CLEAN.
    The idea is that in our world everything is tainted by humans and as a farmer I know to well what you ingesting and it's not pretty. Our foods are nutrient deprived and as much as you'd like to its hard and expensive to go organic. Which would be great but in this fast paced world we live in its very if not impossible to eat and even find water that's not exposed to human manipulation. I also lost my mummy tummy that three doctors told me wouldn't go away without surgery. Happy, healthy and strong. Diets are unsustainable, like holding your breath while you feel your energy leave & the fat deposits just go up and down teasing you onto the merry go round of yo yo dieting. That's my opinion. If I can't get organic I'll keep my products.

    I don't think you'll get any answers to the questions you ask, since the OP is from 2012. But way to bump an old thread to promote your business! :drinker:
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I support you OP. 100%. You can do it!

    OH my, the love that you give is so amazing. I want to be on your friend list. pls

    I am but a friend request away. I'm very supportive.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Deelbvale wrote: »
    The question is why did most of you try it? Use it, then stop? I've been on the system for 8 months. Eat loads, have one shake a day and exercise moderately. I went on it to gain some much need energy for my heavy demands in a day. In the process it exceeded all my expectations and tough me how to eat CLEAN and crave CLEAN.
    The idea is that in our world everything is tainted by humans and as a farmer I know to well what you ingesting and it's not pretty. Our foods are nutrient deprived and as much as you'd like to its hard and expensive to go organic. Which would be great but in this fast paced world we live in its very if not impossible to eat and even find water that's not exposed to human manipulation. I also lost my mummy tummy that three doctors told me wouldn't go away without surgery. Happy, healthy and strong. Diets are unsustainable, like holding your breath while you feel your energy leave & the fat deposits just go up and down teasing you onto the merry go round of yo yo dieting. That's my opinion. If I can't get organic I'll keep my products.

    I don't think you'll get any answers to the questions you ask, since the OP is from 2012. But way to bump an old thread to promote your business! :drinker:

    dang it, i didnt even notice the dates.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Lozze wrote: »
    OP I would take the advice from those two 'posters' with a grain of salt. they have signed up today and their only posts are in this topic. Very suscpious. It's quite common for companies to Google themselves and respond as posters while not disclosing they work for the company involved.

    Yep. Also, I'm not paying $300 a month for a shake I could probably make myself for less than half that.
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    Tee Hee. I had never heard the term necro thread b4.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Deelbvale wrote: »
    The question is why did most of you try it? Use it, then stop? I've been on the system for 8 months. Eat loads, have one shake a day and exercise moderately. I went on it to gain some much need energy for my heavy demands in a day. In the process it exceeded all my expectations and tough me how to eat CLEAN and crave CLEAN.
    The idea is that in our world everything is tainted by humans and as a farmer I know to well what you ingesting and it's not pretty. Our foods are nutrient deprived and as much as you'd like to its hard and expensive to go organic. Which would be great but in this fast paced world we live in its very if not impossible to eat and even find water that's not exposed to human manipulation. I also lost my mummy tummy that three doctors told me wouldn't go away without surgery. Happy, healthy and strong. Diets are unsustainable, like holding your breath while you feel your energy leave & the fat deposits just go up and down teasing you onto the merry go round of yo yo dieting. That's my opinion. If I can't get organic I'll keep my products.

    Those products aren't organic either. Products like this are not regulated by the FDA and therefore may or may not contain the listed amount of ingredients they claim. Very debatable if these products can be considered "clean".
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Deelbvale wrote: »
    The question is why did most of you try it? Use it, then stop? I've been on the system for 8 months. Eat loads, have one shake a day and exercise moderately. I went on it to gain some much need energy for my heavy demands in a day. In the process it exceeded all my expectations and tough me how to eat CLEAN and crave CLEAN.
    The idea is that in our world everything is tainted by humans and as a farmer I know to well what you ingesting and it's not pretty. Our foods are nutrient deprived and as much as you'd like to its hard and expensive to go organic. Which would be great but in this fast paced world we live in its very if not impossible to eat and even find water that's not exposed to human manipulation. I also lost my mummy tummy that three doctors told me wouldn't go away without surgery. Happy, healthy and strong. Diets are unsustainable, like holding your breath while you feel your energy leave & the fat deposits just go up and down teasing you onto the merry go round of yo yo dieting. That's my opinion. If I can't get organic I'll keep my products.

    If the bold was true, we would all be dead.