Is my weight Plateau over?

I've started to change my eating habits on July 15,2014 this year. I had lost 4 lbs prior to singing up on mfp. Then I lost 11 lbs more. Total of 16 lbs by 08/22/14.Then weight loss sorta just stopped dead. It was like no matter how much routine i increased or changed. I wasn't losing any weight. So i almost gave up. I came down with a horrible cold. So i started not watching what i was eating, even though i think i ate less because i was sick. I noticed i lost maybe a 1 lb from being sick. Then last week I noticed i went back into my old eating habits as far as what type of food i liked ( unhealthy foods) but on the upside to that i wasn't eating as much as i would have before i started on my weight loss journey. I guess my body was so used to eating smaller meals and healthy meals i did this automatically didn't seem like such of a diet anymore just a new way of eating. Anyhow , i got back to it this week watching what i eat and i have lost 2 lbs already. So could this mean that i'm over my plateau?? If it is, then it means every six weeks or so i need to up my calories and lay off the gym and let my body rest to restart again?? Has this happen to anyone else? I'm excited if i'm back to losing weight again. Cause it really can almost burn you out from wanting to try to make healthy choices and lose weight when the weight loss stops!!


  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    You didn't lose weight for like 2 weeks-that's not a plateau. You may have eaten something high in sodium one day or your body was just holding on to weight. it's not an excuse to just say oh well and eat whatever. Sometimes you have a week when you don't lose weight, or where you may gain a pound. Just keep tracking your food and exercising.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    You need to be more patient than that!
    Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you will lose 2 lbs, others you will lose none. Sometimes you will go several weeks with no loss, then drop a chunk of weight all at once. You didn't bust through a plateau, you were probably just retaining water for a couple of weeks.

    There is nothing wrong with every once in a while eating maintenance for a week or laying off your workout schedule for a rest, and some people find it does help them. But 8/22-9/4 is not a plateau.

    Congrats on the weight you have lost already, good luck!