Recovering from Leukaemia

Hi, I am knew here. I don't no if there is anyone else out there who has ended up over weight and unfit after fighting a battle against cancer and is now trying to recover.:smile:71275090.png


  • MaHelper
    You are a strong person i'm sure with healthy food regular walking cardio exercises proper sleep you will get your goal soon.
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    I have a friend who has recovered from the "C word", gained a lot of weight and was unfit as well. She eats sensibly by avoiding processed sugar, all grains, legumes and milk and soy products. Her diet consists of lots of fresh fruits and veggies, poultry, fish and meat (non processed like some of the sausages out there - all natural). She joined a water aerobics class that she attends a few times a week and walks regularly. Sue says she's never felt better and looks fabulous. She's a remarkable strong woman and I would say have to say so are you. You can do this. Be well my friend!