Always Hungry!

shannonbennett Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm trying to eat only 1200 calories a day (per MFP's instruction) and so far have been pretty successful in doing so - minus a few really bad days- but I can't help but feel hungry ALL the time. I'm eating good sized portion low-calorie foods, too (not just eating one or two high-cal things per day). I will admit, my biggest problem pre-MFP was my portion size so my body is probably in shock. How long will it take for my body to get used to this? It's been about 3 weeks now.



  • You should examine what kinds of foods you are eating. It can make a huge difference to your fullness. Make sure you are eating lean proteins and healthy fats, they help keep you full, then lots of fruits and veggies, and some whole grains. I also eat around 1200 calories, and when I eat well, I am never hungry.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Agreed! What are you eating? Maybe it's spiking your bood sugars and causing cravings.
  • I think I also need to re-evaluate my menu because I feel the same way. I mean, I try to do three good small meals and then healthy snacks in between, but I feel like I'm always looking for something. Someone told me that because of the smaller portions, it means the metabolism is working faster and you will be hungry more often, but maybe eating more whole grains and veggies will help curb the constant hunger. It can be a bit annoying at times :(
  • Julesfame
    Julesfame Posts: 32 Member
    Drinks lots of water and have an appropriate caloric size snack. My first week, I was starving and light headed, but I think my bocy wanted chocolate. ; ) Hang in there. Also, drink some hot green tea. No calories but a good metabolism booster and anti-oxidants.
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    Consider trying smaller portions and more frequenet meals throughout the day. Yo can checkout my blog for the plan that I started yesterday. I am not hungry at a matter of fact, I am STUFFED! ;)

    If you'd like, you can add me as a friend and check out my food diary. The history of what I was eating prior to starting the new plan yesterday may be helpful for a variety of opitions....remember that there are controlled cheat days there, too! :P

    Good luck!
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    Drinks lots of water and have an appropriate caloric size snack. My first week, I was starving and light headed, but I think my bocy wanted chocolate. ; ) Hang in there. Also, drink some hot green tea. No calories but a good metabolism booster and anti-oxidants.

    I agree with the green tea option! I picked up some flavored green teas that are delish! I have actually replaced my 3-4 cups of morning coffee with green tea (flovored).
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Exercise will add more calories to your intake for the day. Granted, you may feel hungrier, but that's because your metabolism needs the energy for output. If you're having trouble limiting a sedentary calorie intake, adding cardio activity [even if it's light] can help regulate your intake vs. hunger cravings.

    I also agree with the question of what you're eating. Foods high in fiber help you feel fuller longer. I snack on relatively low-calorie foods regularly about 2 hours between meals. Not only does it keep your metabolism going, but it also helps with having hunger pangs.
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    My best advice would be to exercise so you can eat more!!! I love food, and dieting doesn't change that!!! So I make sure I workout so I can have a little wiggle room!! Also, cut calories where you can (Fat Free Milk, Cheese, Egg Whites, etc.) Good luck!!
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I personally feel that 1200 is too low for most people, unless you are super petitie. I try to stay around 1500 but sometimes I even feel okay eating 2000 depending on my activity level. If your hungry all the time AND eating healthy you might just not be eating enough.
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    Are you really hungry, or just bored, in the habit of eating, or thirsty? I've read that we often mistake thirst for hunger. Try drinking more water. Also, you may just feel like you need food because you're used to eating. For example, I always used to eat while watching TV and often find myself "hungry" when I watch TV now. But if I turn off the TV and do something else, I often forget the "hunger" that I felt before. Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone!

    Here is what a normal day for me is like foodwise -

    Yoplus Yogurt & a med-size banana (this usually holds me over til around lunch time)

    Some sort of Lean Cuisine (today I had steak tips & broccoli)
    Green Giant sides-for-one - either broccoli or cauliflower with cheese sauce (40 cal for one tray)
    A side of fruit (today it was strawberries & blueberries)

    Snacks: (I usually have one a couple hours after lunch and then maybe one after dinner as long as it's not after 8:00)
    Cheddar Rice Cakes (1 serving = 9 mini cakes)
    Apple Slices (1 serving = 14 slices)
    Pickle -- yes, I know it's super high in sodium but I love them

    Dinner: (I usually eat around 6:00pm)
    Some sort of protein - usually a boneless, skinless chicken breast (baked) - 6-7 ounces
    Some sort of cooked veggie (last night it was yellow squash)
    Salad with low fat dressing

    What am I doing wrong??
  • Are you really hungry, or just bored, in the habit of eating, or thirsty? I've read that we often mistake thirst for hunger. Try drinking more water. Also, you may just feel like you need food because you're used to eating. For example, I always used to eat while watching TV and often find myself "hungry" when I watch TV now. But if I turn off the TV and do something else, I often forget the "hunger" that I felt before. Good luck!

    I ask myself that all the time - but it's actual hunger. I try to drink water until it subsides but to no avail.
  • I drink a ton of ice cold water before I eat, then a ton after. It seems to speed up my metabolism or at least fill me up. Then I do a victory dance. This both celebrates my joy and burns calories. Plus/Plus.
  • yumcheese
    yumcheese Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with Megooo. 1200 calories might be too few. I tried that for one week and was lightheaded, grouchy, and very hungry. I changed my setting to "lose 1 lb per week" instead of 1.5, and it bumped me to 1330. This is definitely more manageable for me. Just the extra 100 calories meant that I could have one additional small snack to tide me over when needed.

    I also agree about the fiber - load up on veggies because you'll have the enjoyment of crunch and chewing plus the fiber, with low calories.

    Good luck!
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