Rachelbab1230 Posts: 19
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I love sugar but it doesn't love me! I always go over my daily allowable sugar grams but I have cut back tremendously and can't seem to get it under control. Any tips?


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you need to really cut it out. So long as you continue to eat it, you will crave it. It will take a few days to fight the craving, but once you fight it, it will be worth it. You will be so much healthier, too.
  • bump
  • See this is my problem, I'm not adding any additional sugar to my diet. The sugar intake is coming from my meals in general so it's hard to cut it out when it's in prepared meals and fruit.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Well, I can't see your diary to know what you are eating, but if your sugars are coming from fruits, I have heard that you don't count those. Only count the sugars coming from processed foods.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I have the same problem... *tag*
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Cutting out sure is HARD and it really sucks.... big time! But you can do it! I find that I still eat a little sugar, and I try to stick to my daily allowance. It doesn't really seem to have as big of a negative effect on me as bread and pasta do. But if you know it's only hurting you, then definitely cut it out of your diet! I don't really have tips, other than reading the nutrition facts before buying a product. Or research online what your healthier options might be!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I totally agree with gogo---or you can use low sugar fruits, like berries, grapefruit, pineapple.
  • Is pineapple low in sugar? I never knew that because it is so sweet. Grapefruit I know because it is so bitter but I kind of always limited pineapple because of the sweetness.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Natural sugars found in real whole foods (fruit, low-fat milk,etc.) don't count in your daily allowed sugars. You need to watch only "added" or refined sugars. Of course, calories always count.
  • Dumb question but how do you know what your daily allowance is on sugar. I did hear that you shouldn't have more than 5-10g of sugar in a meal, is that true or far fetched? Thanks
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I used to track sugar on here till someone explained to me that unless you are prediabetic or diabetic the sugar counts on this site are too restrictive. I make a greek yogurt each morning with a tsp. of honey to sweeten it and 1/4 cup mixed berries, almonds and 1/4 cup kashi go lean crisp. that sugar count alone was 14 grams, but it came from the yogurt which was good for me, the cereal of whole grains and the fruit. I would go over sugar with a salad or a single banana would kill my day or my calories would be stuck at 500 for the day out of fear of keeping the sugar under the limit. It was too much.
    Now i avoid as much processed as I can, but i'm a student on a budget so somethings can't be helped. I enjoy my fruit despite the sugar in them and I even allow for small bites of other sweet things. I may lose weight faster if I didn't induldge, however I also want to create a diet that i can sustain long term. Avoiding sweets the rest of my life won't happen so i'd rather use portion control and exercise to balance it now.
  • @aclausen - The app on my phone gives me the complete breakdown of my daily allowances for 1300 calories per day and I although I stay under my 1300 calories, I always seem to go over my sugars.

    @cvmagnolia - Well that makes sense! I guess I was being too particular because I have been staying under my calories.

    @bizco - Thanks for the clarification! I wasn't including natural sugars from milk and such. I guess my mistake is looking at overall sugar intake and not deducing what comes from good or natural sugars rather than from refined or processed.
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    I agree, that I wouldn't worry about it at all if it's from fruit mostly. Those are healthy sugars!

    If it's not from fruit, I would guess it's from processed foods and 'diet' or 'low fat' foods. The manufacturers add sugar to replace the fat they took away from those 'diet' foods, and it ends up hurting you in the end. Try to stay away from packaged and processed foods and eat more whole foods that are still the way God made them!
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member

    I'm having the same problem.
  • jcsalsa
    jcsalsa Posts: 25
    I heard if you use canned fruit then you should rinse the fruit in cold water for a little while before eating it. Has anyone else heard that?
  • I believe Pineapple is high in sugar... I do know that apples are one of the lower in glycemic value... plus the berries and grapefruit... they're the lowest, and I love them bunches! :) Regarding adding sweeteners... Stevia is a great one for that. It comes in powder form (individual packets to stick in your purse and add to water with lemons squeezed in to make a nice lemonade to change things up. it also comes in all kinds of flavor drops. I use it in recipes as well as carry the lemon flavored one to add to some clear vodka if I ever join up with friends and want to have a cocktail. Clear alcohols, I have been told, have no carbs so are the best choice. I do like a fine wine too though :) BUT... taking alcohol out of your diet when trying to lose is absolutely best! It always causes you to make poor choices. (I'm not sure how this "sugar" response turned to alcohol) :) Probably because for some reason I got absolutely no sleep last night and haven't been able to all day either. I'm due for some major sleep!! My brain is foggy :)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Once i started juicing I lost the craving for it. However, if I have a cup of tea I use stevia, which is lower in calories than regular sugar and doesn't taste artificial
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I heard if you use canned fruit then you should rinse the fruit in cold water for a little while before eating it. Has anyone else heard that?
    Year ago when I was on WW they said it doesn't matter if you rinse it because the fruit has been sitting in it. Best advice is either lite sugar or packed in water.
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    What do you normally reach for and when? I feel like I'm successful THIS time (there have been other times) because I finally started watching my emotional trends with my eating trends. Funny thing, they matched up! When I was calm and relaxed, I ate well, When I was tired/stressed/anxious is when I reached for the bad stuff.

    So are there typical times of the day that you reach for sweets? Or typical moods when you reach for them? Maybe figure out how to de-stress, etc. first (root of the problem).

    That aside, get rid of the sweets. ALL of them. If it's not in your fridge or pantry, you can't eat it! Seriously, there is NOTHING in my house that is bad for me. If I want to gain weight, I have to put my shoes on and go drive to get the junk! Haha. Last night was the first time in 3 months that I did that (we got ice cream). All the other times I wanted to eat sugar or bad stuff, I just plan couldn't because it wasn't in my kitchen.

    Good luck!
  • Sugar is my weakness too. Especially chocolate and the snacks I buy for my son's lunches in Kindergarten and the "rewards" he brings home from school. I have tried to get him into healthier snacks and lunch foods, but he is such a picky eater I am afraid he will starve without the sugary items. Yet those are my number one temptation at home.

    Any ideas how to get me and my picky picky son eatting better foods? I was picky as a child too, but nothing like this.

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