Just saying 'Hi'

Just a note to say 'Hi'. I'm here to lose a wee bit of weight and the site seems really good. I'm actually enjoying logging my food and seeing the weight come off :)

Hopefully once I've lost a bit of fat I can start to train myself properly and get the body I've always wanted!

Hope everyone is going well.



  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi to you as well. This is a good place to help keep yourself motivated & accountable. Great support system!!! Good Luck!!!
  • healthytipsforu
    healthytipsforu Posts: 12 Member
    Hello G and welcome to my fitness pal!

    Keep a photo diary, I asked my boyfriend to take photographs of me in my underwear and kept a photo diary. It meant I could see what I really looked like underneath my clothes. I also recorded my measurements, targets and feelings. It was a great way to keep motivated as I saw the pounds and inches disappearing.
    One thing I was told stuck in my mind: it's a good idea to consider your weight loss over a month rather than getting disheartened after a disappointing week.
    I used to hate the fact that I seemed to be constantly going up and down the stairs. Now I see it as a leg-toning exercise. I also walk a couple of miles a day with the children instead of always using the car. It's good for me, them and the environment
    "I used to meditate and visualise the new, slimmer me. I would imagine myself wearing a brand new dress or a tight pair of jeans and feeling great. Not only did it relax me, but it really helped me stay focused
    I know how soul-destroying it can be to think how far you've got to go, so my advice is to set little targets along the way, such as the next half-stone or dress size. That's what worked for me.
    I signed up to run a 5km race. I got loads of people to sponsor me and it was for a charity that meant a lot to me. I knew I had to get fit to run the race and I couldn't let everyone down, so I had the perfect reason to stay motivated
