Feeling Good in your 40's



  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    Im 56 and probably been dieting for over 50 years total...lol..........just goes to show its never to late...im 21 pounds from my goal weight...going on my first cruise in Feb. life is good ...good at any age..
  • NBFL
    NBFL Posts: 8 Member
    42 here. I do feel better, not only physically but mentally. My attitude is clearer and more positive this time. Maybe it's because I'm older and don't care what anybody thinks anymore.

    Yeah I wish I had done this sooner, but what's done is done. I'm just glad I didn't wait another day.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Hell yeah .. soon to be 43 and Feeling great ! :drinker:

    It's a lifestyle change.. not a diet.. at any age :smile:

    +1 for the jersey

    47 and wife and I are feeling great - she even loves the gym now
  • Sure hope eating better and exercising helps me feel better, at least like I use too just a few short years ago where I never worried about my health.

    I had a baby at 40 and the lack of sleep really aged me. Tired of being borderline this and borderline that.
  • Thanks, good to hear there is still hope!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    There are a lot of 40-somethings on this site and they are so inspirational. I'm 45 and started trying to get healthy just before I turned 44. I've commented more than once on threads here written by younger people, encouraging them to stick with the health and fitness plan they've started so they don't spend years thinking they look bad, the way I did. I let my weight hold me back from so much! The good thing is that I've done it now rather than never, and I look better than I did when I was in college. And I still have goals to reach, so I know I'll keep looking better and feeling better.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    I reached 43 in May and I feel awesome. I now battle GIANT ROBOTS for fun.
    It was epic.

    May I feel you to confirmmm?
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Starting now at 36 in hopes of improving from here. As a woman, I hear your 40s can be pretty freakin' sweet so I want to make sure to get the most bangs for my buck.

    Some great inspiration here!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I want to make sure to get the most bangs for my buck.

    Yeah. We see what you did there.
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    I know losing the weight won't get me to the body of a 25 year old but am hoping I can still feel great.

    Anyone feeling great in their 40's?

    Don't you believe it, I'm 43 and started this journey at 42. With the right exercise you can easily get the body of a 25 year old. :happy:
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 44, and would give the version of myself from my 30s and possibly even late 20s a run for their money! I eat better and work out smarter than I did when I was younger, it makes all the difference...
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I reached 43 in May and I feel awesome. I now battle GIANT ROBOTS for fun.
    It was epic.

    There has been a giant robot terrorizing my town, how much do you charge for removal?
  • I'll be 43 soon and I feel better now and sexier than I did in my 20's. Definitely more confident. Age is just a number. Sometimes people think I'm younger than I am cuz I'm such a goofball so embrace those 40's and beyond. :D
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    I want to make sure to get the most bangs for my buck.

    Yeah. We see what you did there.
  • Definitely better, way better than ever. :happy: My entire adult life previously I was chunky and mostly frumpy so yeah, I feel great in my 40s, better than my 20s even. :drinker:
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I reached 43 in May and I feel awesome. I now battle GIANT ROBOTS for fun.
    It was epic.

    May I feel you to confirmmm?
    Everybody wants the feels. lol
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I reached 43 in May and I feel awesome. I now battle GIANT ROBOTS for fun.
    It was epic.

    There has been a giant robot terrorizing my town, how much do you charge for removal?
    Standard plus incentives with hazard pay of course.
  • flavia1432
    flavia1432 Posts: 30 Member
    43 here, and it's epic. :smokin:
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    43 and feeling greeeaaattt!!
  • QuiznatoddBidness
    QuiznatoddBidness Posts: 602 Member
    same here ... I'm 46 now, but I'm better than I've been in years. In many, many ways. Including physically.