Drunken start, looking to keep it going with competition!

I started this whole weight loss thing a bit weird. It had been on my mind lately, mostly as I realized I was getting older and that I know type 2 diabetes runs in my family. I've seen how diabetes can complicate pretty much all future medical problems and thought it'd be nice to not have to deal with that when I'm older if possible!

So, the other night, I got a liiitttle too drunk on some peach vodka and confessed to the people I live with (grandmother and cousin) that I wanted to lose weight. I've always been really private about weight loss and would never tell people when I was trying to diet or start exercising, so this was a whole new thing. I also just blurted it out without being 'ready'. I hadn't looked up any exercises, recipes, anything. So I did a little research that night, ended up here.

The next day was weird. I decided it was a good thing I got drunk and proclaimed I was going to lose weight. I spend my whole first day wondering if my stomach is hurting because I'm hungry or because I'm hung over.

Now I'm just really looking for some friends to get into a kind of fitness mindset with. I'd LOVE to friend anyone recently starting out who wants to have a sort of friendly rivalry with things like who did more exercise/who ate healthier meals - for some reason I think I'll just find it a lot easier to stay motivated if there's someone to 'beat', you know? Think of me as your strange relative who gets REALLY intense about board games.

edit: It says I lost 18 pounds, but really, I just got excited and started when I was drunk before ACTUALLY weighing myself. Was just 20 pounds lighter than I thought, which was nice...


  • JenzL13
    I have to say - this post cracked me up! Count me in, I'll add you now :)
  • SethMG
    Ok I am in!! I Jioned awhile ago but just recently starting to take it serious! I work out 4 days a week but use a different app for that so not sure how "competition " will be but I do try to log regularly and as honestly as I can! either way you will be my first official friend on MFP! Anyone else feel free to add me as well!
  • marthalgutierrez92
    Bahaaha! I myself love drinking, but i've made the choice
    to cut out alcohol. I don't know if that's in your plans.
    But I loved your post. I just started using MFP
    September 3rd.

    Lets get to it! *clink clink* (water cup).
  • lonlonranchs
    lonlonranchs Posts: 4 Member
    Bahaaha! I myself love drinking, but i've made the choice
    to cut out alcohol. I don't know if that's in your plans.
    But I loved your post. I just started using MFP
    September 3rd.

    Lets get to it! *clink clink* (water cup).

    I don't love drinking, but I do love being drunk, hahah! I'm thankful I can't stand the taste of beer or liquor because otherwise I'd have been drinking them a whole lot more. But with looking to be healthier, yeah, I plan to cut it out almost entirely. Just mixed girly drinks on special rare occasions.

    And YES thanks for the water reminder, oh my god, I haven't hit my 8 cups of water a day goal yet since starting! Gonna try really hard to hit it tomorrow.
  • alemonada
    alemonada Posts: 28 Member
    LOL! I'll add you too.
  • tallutta
    tallutta Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in too. I just started back and loved the Drunken Start post. I will on occasion enjoy some cocktails however that is one of my goals as well as it is such empty calories and does affect one the next day I feel with increased hunger levels.

    Now, onto the water issue. Drinking 8 glasses is an effort to me. Today I had six waters, one coffee, one Ginger Ale (decadent!) so does that count for eight ... :) I bought two beautiful glass pitchers and they each hold six cups so for me if I can do that it is an accomplishment. I am just not thirsty that is the problem.

    Exercise I have always gone in big waves, really good and then nothing.

    So onward we go, one meal at the time. Already in just five days I feel so much better about my life. Knowing you are doing good for oneself is inspiring because sometimes we take good care of others and somehow we end up last on the list.

    Good luck and good health to all.