Swimming Plus ???



  • asha8907
    asha8907 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks yall! I think I'm going to check out the community center near my work. What exactly is water Zumba? I've never heard of this.
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    It's a way of dancing to music and using your body against the water as resistance. It looks easy but it is not. Whoa, they are really good at getting to the core muscles in the pool. Torturous, but good, and the calorie burn is amazing. :smile:
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    What type of HIIT are youdoing in the pool? I pretty much only swim, I use my community center, but the weight room doesnt all ow kids under 14 and mine are 10 and 13. So it works out for all of us to hit the pool every night. I use the double sized water dumbbells, tread water and run laps in the 3-5ft. section. I am looking for ways to step it up. I have only been at it for about 2 weeks and I have already lost about an inch on all my measurements.
    I've been considering swimming as an exercise for me. Is anyone using a community center?

    Yes--I use our local municipal pool. It is very inexpensive--works out to about $2 per session in the pool. I go to a class that is specially designed for those who have joint problems but there are a number of classes there for all different fitness levels. I do my own thing as well as the moves in the class. I do HIIT in the pool as well. It is the only exercise I have ever stayed with long term. And I have had great results! :smile:
  • AustinRockall
    I've been swimming for years, and love it. Its low impact which is great for your joints. Total body workout and also really good for stretching things out if anything is tight or coming off injury.

    I typically swim a mile
    Warm up: Hold flutter board sideways and vertical, flutter kick.

    4:1 or 6:1; Freestyle 4/6 then 1 cool down of breast or sidestroke.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Google "water workouts" and you'll find TONS of things you can do in the water to work your muscles.

    Grab a couple empty and cleaned 20 pz pop bottles. The air in them works as a weight. Work your way up to 1-liters and milk gallon jugs. You can buy water barbells, but they're no better, just more expensive and less durable. Wear rubber shoes (Crocs) or buy ankle water weights.

    Between the air and the resistance the water creates, you get a heck of a workout. Do whatever you feel like doing. You can twist into all kinds of positions and work whatever muscles you'd like. Just keep that air UNDER the water.

    Like someone else said, swim with just your legs or arms. Get one of those styrofoam things for between your legs to make it harder. A kick board will work, but they're really hard to keep down. Most people just use them for support. I just stretch my arms out straight and put my hands up to create more resistance. Sometimes I put them at my sides.

    Lie on your back, like you'd do the backstroke, but propel yourself forward using your arms.

    Swim forward, but with your arms down and your hands out.

    There's a thing I do in the water where I interlock my fingers and push my hands together that I cannot seem to do out of the water. It works the underside of my arms.

    There are almost limitless possibilities to the muscles you can work underwater. I do it every day and I never get bored in the water. Ever.

    The gym - OMG, it bored the crap out of me.

    Most of my real exercising is done in the pool. :)

    If you don't have a pool and need a pool bag recommendation - Speedo! I don't work for them or profit in any way. I just love their bags. Most of their products are awesome. You do pay for the name, but it's a good name. They have a good reputation for a reason! :)

    Yay, swimming!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    When I had terrible pain swimming kept me moving and probably saved me.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Worked my way up to 5km a day. Degenerative osteoarthritis in my feet limits any impact inducing aerobic exercise.
    I also hit the weight room several days a week.
    When I started really trying to lose weight (started at 310#) I used zip fins to help me planarize my form. I tended to let my legs drop too much. Now my butt is practically out of the water with no fins. I only use fins for kick board laps now.
    Swimming is a great no impact exercise.
  • fatnomore4me
    fatnomore4me Posts: 2 Member
    Swam competitively for 7 years about 4,000-6,000 yards each workout. Could swim 3 miles effortlessly in 1.5 hours. Was in PERFECT health and fitness level. Did 4 small/med. triathlons after. Did nothing else but run track and bike ride only after 6 months of first starting swim team. Then after completing 4 triathlons I realized that swimming was my love not the other activities. This was years ago, however. I say use buoys for arm strength and use the kick board for leg strength.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What type of HIIT are youdoing in the pool? I pretty much only swim, I use my community center, but the weight room doesnt all ow kids under 14 and mine are 10 and 13. So it works out for all of us to hit the pool every night. I use the double sized water dumbbells, tread water and run laps in the 3-5ft. section. I am looking for ways to step it up. I have only been at it for about 2 weeks and I have already lost about an inch on all my measurements.
    I've been considering swimming as an exercise for me. Is anyone using a community center?

    Yes--I use our local municipal pool. It is very inexpensive--works out to about $2 per session in the pool. I go to a class that is specially designed for those who have joint problems but there are a number of classes there for all different fitness levels. I do my own thing as well as the moves in the class. I do HIIT in the pool as well. It is the only exercise I have ever stayed with long term. And I have had great results! :smile:

    HIIT in the pool is pretty much the same as HIIT on land. You just swim as fast as you can for thirty seconds and then slow down to a more leisurely pace for 90 seconds. That would be one interval. You do eight of them and it's a great fat burning workout. The cold water helps to burn even more calories than you would burn doing HIIT running or on a stationary bike. AND you get the benefit of the cold water cooling you off. :smile:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Swam competitively for 7 years about 4,000-6,000 yards each workout. Could swim 3 miles effortlessly in 1.5 hours. Was in PERFECT health and fitness level. Did 4 small/med. triathlons after. Did nothing else but run track and bike ride only after 6 months of first starting swim team. Then after completing 4 triathlons I realized that swimming was my love not the other activities. This was years ago, however. I say use buoys for arm strength and use the kick board for leg strength.

    I also do situps where I put on a foam belt, put my lower legs on the pool deck (your upper torso is then floating on the water) and then do your situp. And I do pullups hanging off the rungs under the starting platforms at the deep end of the pool. :smile: