I really like beer



  • mbbseb
    mbbseb Posts: 124 Member
    I love beer! I have given it up for the month of September. I'm just not losing any weight I think beer is interfering with my weight loss journey. I'm doing a dry September challenge. I'm not going to give it up completely, just for sept right now, because this has got to be a lifestyle that we will can live with. I need to learn to drink in moderation.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    Part of the reason I'm as overweight as I am is that I'm still carrying around weight from my nights of partying and late night slices of pizza many years ago. I don't think you have to always stick to light beer and liquor if you want to go out but just remember if you go out and drink a lot of beers that night that isn't going to help you with your weight loss goals. You have to decide what is more important to you - a healthy weight or binge drinking. It is the old calories in=calories out.
  • alexvalb
    alexvalb Posts: 3 Member
    Eat Broccoli... lots and lots of steamed broccoli. Squeeze lemon on it, with fresh ground pepper. By the time you are full you'll realize there is soooooooo much room to fit in a few beers and stay within your caloric goal.

    Now only if there was a fool proof way to make proper food choices once you're on that fourth beer!!!!
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    Just drank a whole bomber of Epic's Galloway Porter last night. The night before it was a Ten Fidy from Oskar Blues. You just gotta plan your day in advance.

    I hit my protein goals every day as a vegetarian with a 1450 calorie budget with about 180-300 of those cals going to craftbeer daily. It's very do-able. One thing I've done is "earn" my nightly craftbeer with exercise. I have a fitbit and I'll only let myself drink a craftbeer if I have burned off enough calories throughout the day to be worth at least the total cals of whatever beer I plan to have.

    I'll never give up craftbeer.
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    Now only if there was a fool proof way to make proper food choices once you're on that fourth beer!!!!

    That's the danger for me... after a big 10+% craftbeer, I often want a giant burrito or a whole pizza. Haha. Took me months to learn to control those urges.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I tried to build beer into my diet, but even when I'm under my calories, I notice that it can stall my weight loss.

    That said, I am having a beer tonight. So ... ya know. Moderation, I guess, and hope that it goes well.
  • bobbyjimjohnson
    Drink stouts. 12 oz of guinness is 125 calories. Feels like a lot more than that.
  • mysweetjenna
    mysweetjenna Posts: 52 Member
    Good beer is one of the great pleasures in life, and life is too short to drink low quality beer. Make it fit when you can, and when you want it.

    If your budget is tight, choose lower gravity beers -- there is an embarrassment of great choices out there now. Many brewers are making "session IPAs" that are only 4-5 abv. There is also a trend "brewing" for sour beers such as gose and lambic, which tend to be lighter in body and alcohol.

    You can also do Russian Imperial Stouts and barleywines too, if you choose, but of course you need more room in your budget.


  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member

    I have to pretty much cut it out during the process, however, I do go out about once a month and on that night I drink. I try to 'save up' calories that week and work out a bit extra that day to make them fit into my intake. I also do find that it stalls out the weight loss, but its retained water i believe (unless i throw moderation out the window and consume vast quantities).

    Just like anything, if you like it, work it into your plan.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    my triathlon club routinely goes for beers after an evening training run, and we have a party after each big race.

    track your calories and work out. enjoy yourself. honestly, a beer a couple of times a week after a long day at work is hardly the worst thing ever. it can help you unwind and relax.
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    Me too, I try to keep it to just when I go out (don't get out that much), or if I get it at home sometimes I will get a single beer for the night (some grocery stores let you do this now), or if I get a six pack I will try to space it out and have one or two on special nights, not every night while watching TV or with dinner. It's hard to have self control but I enjoy the experience more then.
  • Hopefulrose
    I have a similar issue. My husband and I are homebrewers and huge craft beer/cider folks (We are from Portland OR after all and it's BEER CITY here). I try and limit my consumption to once or twice a week, but the social aspect becomes hard when friends order pitchers etc. and refill your glass before you can say no. These nights usually involve pizza, fries, etc as well because...well they just seem to go hand in hand with beer ;) . I like the lighter brews sometimes, but I am usually a pretty dyed in the wool IPA IIPA lover. I usually just chalk it up to enjoying life with friends and compensate by walking/running more and being a little stricter after a cheat night. Remember that one night won't undo all of your work, if you are committed to your goals all the other days, imbibing once in a while is probably better for your mental health/stress levels than restricting :)

  • Empty_Calories
    Empty_Calories Posts: 81 Member
    I love good beer. What I've found to be most effective for me is to cut out drinking during the week unless it is limited to 1 or 2 drinks which I plan for and make sure fit into my daily goal (however this happens infrequently). I then give myself leeway on the weekend based on my plans. I've set my calorie goals to lose 1 lb a week (3500 cal deficit), if I go and drink half of those calories on the weekend and only lose 0.5 lb, so be it. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and I take enjoyment from socializing with friends over drinks. I've been able to consistently lose with this approach because it's very rare that I would ever drink more than 3500 calories (although it has happened over a couple day period) and I often don't drink at all. Plus, when you factor in exercise, it's not that hard to offset a moderate level of consumption. The key is to otherwise stick to your goals or it's easy to start getting off-track with extra calories consumed here and there.
  • __Bad_Leroy
    People will tell you not to eat back exercise calories. I've never heard not to drink them back.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Light beer gives me the sadz.

    I would rather not drink all week, and save up for a few very tasty, high-calorie beers on the weekend. If it's less than 7% abv, I don't even bother.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    People will tell you not to eat back exercise calories. I've never heard not to drink them back.

    lol - touche'.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    You can eat or drink anything just watch your quantity and log it. I love Bacon, BBQ, & Bourbon and still enjoy them regularly

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I drink beer whenever I want and just make sure I'm still under my calorie goal.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Drink stouts. 12 oz of guinness is 125 calories. Feels like a lot more than that.

    yes, but not all stouts are created equal.

    not knocking stouts, but OP needs to understand that not every pint of stout is 125 calories.

    Otherwise, you'd crack open a bottle of siberian night or something.. and wind up pushing 320+ calories for that single bottle.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Light beer gives me the sadz.

    I would rather not drink all week, and save up for a few very tasty, high-calorie beers on the weekend. If it's less than 7% abv, I don't even bother.

    I like you.