Vegan Dieters!

So I have recently went from Vegetarian to Vegan and outside of it giving me an incredible amount of energy I am losing weight pretty consistently. I was wondering if there are any other vegan/vegetarians like me on My Fitness Pal? If so we should be friends, share recipes, ect! :smile:


  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Vegan checking in! (:
  • xo_jenny
    xo_jenny Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I have been vegetarian for about five years and now strive to eat 100% plant-based. Feel free to add me as a friend! :) ~Jenny
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    I'm vegetarian, trying to transition into veganism, but finding it difficult tbh. I have no problem directly cutting out milk and eggs, but they are added to SO many food products I usually eat :/ I'd love to be friends with other vegetarians and vegans for inspiration :)
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    I was vegetarian until really recently. It gave me a horrid b12 deficiency. My advice is to make sure you're getting enough and supplement! Good luck :)
  • mathmatt
    mathmatt Posts: 58 Member
    I've been vegan for 7 years. Feel free to add me. My food diary is open.
  • bethanyboomstick
    bethanyboomstick Posts: 52 Member
    Vegan here. :)
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Lots of people lack in b12, meat eater or not. It comes from soil, but the quality of soil is becoming very poor so it's resulting in lots of b12 deficiencies.

    For vegans, nutritional yeast has b12 and tastes amazing. I love it!
  • I had no idea about nutritional yeast I will have to look into that! I take a B vitamin daily for that extra energy boost but would love something I could cook with :)
  • i am trying to get back to being a vegan again, i really need to cut out cheese! i'm ready to get started and get back down to a healthy weight!
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Honestly, try it! It's mainly a cheesy taste but slightly nutty too. It comes in a big pot and is the texture of fish food (I promise it's so much nicer than it sounds!). You can use it in the same way you use salt - so everything! Or I'll add it to sauces/casseroles/hummus/sandwiches/soups.. Literally everything! Holland and Barrett sell it, as well as loads of health shops.
  • Hello fellow vegan dieter! It has been the same for me, I have been vegan for about 6 weeks and the weight loss has been consistent (although, so has the excercise)

    Anyone, feel free to FR me, I'm always looking for like-minded friends.
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    Hi all,

    I've just turned vegan in the last month having been vegetarian for about 4 years. I'm really enjoying it so far, I've learned to cook more for a start! It hasn't helped my diet though as I've baked and eaten more cake! Vegan or not calories in vs calories out is the key.

    If anyone wants to add me to share vegan recipes, thoughts and motivation they're very welcome :smile:
  • itzabellaa
    itzabellaa Posts: 7 Member
    Another vegan here (for the last 3 years – I was vegetarian for several years before that). My diet has evolved and changed over the years, first for health and then ultimately for ethical reasons.

    The book Vegan for Life was really helpful to me in regard to making sure I am getting the right nutrients, etc. I've also read Vegan for Her and it would probably be a good resource too.
  • Awesome that you are trying to get into the vegan lifestyle!
  • Lots of people lack in b12, meat eater or not. It comes from soil, but the quality of soil is becoming very poor so it's resulting in lots of b12 deficiencies.

    For vegans, nutritional yeast has b12 and tastes amazing. I love it!

    Hi, I've been vegetarian for a year, currently transitioning into veganism. Is Vitamin B12 absolutely necessary? I suffer from moderate acne and last month I was taking a B complex supplement and it made me break out like crazy along my mouth, chin, and jawline. It was horrible! I stopped taking it and the breakouts ceased immediately.
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member
    fairly new vegan here too, also looking for friends!
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    You can add me! My diary is open. 99.5% vegan :) We eat vegan at home and never buy meat/dairy/eggs for groceries. I am more flexible when ging out to eat, and will try to eat vegan but will also eat vegetarian. I've been vegetarian for 20 years (I'm 33 years old) and been a flexi-vegan for two years.
    Just wanted to throw this out there, I am one of the few people who can honestly say I didn't notice a difference in weight or energy when I switched from vegetarian to vegan. I can find junk food in any specialty diet. Haha!
    But no really, I did a strictly raw, vegan diet for six months about 5 years ago trying to feel more energized and I didn't feel that way. That change of diet, did however cause me to lose a bunch of weight because I struggled to get enough calories in every day. I also got so sick of eating avocados :P And I was living in Japan, and the diet was so complicated to explain to people over there. I actually felt less energized bc I didn't end up eating enough. So I do realize that maybe if I had done it more carefully it would have worked... but I was struggling to get in even 1,000 calories a day and was super active so I ended up switching back to vegetarian.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    There's a group called Happy Herbivores that's supposed to be good and pretty active.
  • Lots of people lack in b12, meat eater or not. It comes from soil, but the quality of soil is becoming very poor so it's resulting in lots of b12 deficiencies.

    For vegans, nutritional yeast has b12 and tastes amazing. I love it!

    Hi, I've been vegetarian for a year, currently transitioning into veganism. Is Vitamin B12 absolutely necessary? I suffer from moderate acne and last month I was taking a B complex supplement and it made me break out like crazy along my mouth, chin, and jawline. It was horrible! I stopped taking it and the breakouts ceased immediately.

    I am not sure if B12 is really necessary it is in a lot of different foods. I just take it for the extra energy boost but on days that I forget to take the vitamin I am usually just fine. If it was making me break out I would stop taking it too :)
  • curvy_gamer_loses
    curvy_gamer_loses Posts: 126 Member
    Vegetarian here! :) always up to try vegan meals