Do You Weigh Yourself In The Morning Or Evening!

When you do your weigh ins do you do it in the beginning or end of the day?

I've checked both times of the day. I've noticed in the morning I weigh a couple of pounds less than I do in the evening. Which time is the correct way to check your weight? Does it really matter?



  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    I always weight myself in the morning before breakfast and after pee-ing (everyone pees in the morning!)

    That way it is independent of the changes I make during my daily eating, drinking, exercise, activity, and bowel movements.

    It is a better constant baseline.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I don't think there's a right or wrong way as long as you stay consistent. :)

    The "best" time to weigh to get the lower reading might depend on how your body retains water overnight, how much water you drink, your salt intake and when you have your BM's during the day.

    I usually weight myself around 11am after breakfast and a few bottles of water. I usually weigh less at that time than I do first thing in the morning or at night so for me this feels the most "accurate".
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Always morning before you've eaten/drunk anything and after you've been for #1 and #2 if you can.
  • I weigh first thing in the morning, after I pee but before I eat or drink anything.
  • RSEC75
    RSEC75 Posts: 45 Member
    I think the key is to be consistent. People generally weigh less in the morning. I find I can be 2-3 lb heavier at night so I pick the morning because it feels better psychologically.

    I don't think there is a right or wrong time, but if you weigh yourself in the morning one week, loose 1lb then next week weigh yourself in the evening, it might seem like you've put on a pound or two when you've actually lost weight.

    I weigh myself in the morning before eating or drinking anything and after I pee.
  • nzchikky
    nzchikky Posts: 304 Member
    Me too
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    I weigh first thing in the morning, after I pee but before I eat or drink anything.

    What she said

    and always wearing the same amount of clothing (underwear only)!
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I weigh myself naked after I wake up and go to the bathroom. It seems to be the most accurate!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Morning is better because sleep is a long period of consistency. Evening you might have just had a large meal or a lot of water to drink all sorts of things could interfere. It will more accurately reflect how much "you" there is.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    I weigh first thing in the morning, after I pee but before I eat or drink anything.
    yep, me too..that way everything is just starting, and has settled from the previous day ( or at least thats how i prefer to think about it ):wink:
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    When I weight, it's always in the morning, after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything.
  • I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning after going to the washroom and before jumping in the shower. What's important to mention here is I only do this ONCE a week since your weight fluctuates during the week.
  • djsiry
    djsiry Posts: 12 Member
    Like a lot of others on this thread, I weigh myself first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom. Undies but no shirt. That is definitely the lightest you will be all day (I am consistently 2-4 pounds heavier in the evening, which is crazy...)

    So weighing in the morning is a psychological boost since its the lightest, but since we are all after the "Delta" (change) in weight then all that really matters is that you do it consistently. Since most of us have a morning ritual when we are getting naked in the bathroom, it just makes sense to do it in the morning.

    Recently, because I get frustrated with variations and volatility of weight from day to day, I have been "booking a reserve" when I check in my weight on MFP. I typically only take down my weight on MFP another pound after I have been consistently under that weight for a few days.
  • I weigh first thing in the morning, after I pee but before I eat or drink anything.

    What she said

    and always wearing the same amount of clothing (underwear only)!

    What they said

    Only log it once a week also because of daily variations.
    I will jump on the scale at night some times and every morning, But I dont log these just gives me a rough idea of I am making progress.
  • LovingMe0587
    LovingMe0587 Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you all for your valuable input! What I have been doing is weighing myself in the mornings right after I do #1 with underclothes or nothing on and in the evenings after I eat dinner. What I will do from now on is weigh myself once a week in the ONLY in the mornings! Thanks again guys!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Morning of course.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Morning, because my water weight is at its lowest. That's my biggest fluctuation.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Morning for me-- i dont think there is a right or wrong time as long as you always do it at the same time so it is consistent. Dont weigh yourself in the morning one week then evening the next- it may be harder to tell the actual changes that have occured if any.
  • I always weight myself in the morning before breakfast and after pee-ing (everyone pees in the morning!)

    That way it is independent of the changes I make during my daily eating, drinking, exercise, activity, and bowel movements.

    It is a better constant baseline.

    I totally agree!