Water in and especially out

I am a school teacher and can't easily leave my classroom to visit the bathroom. When I start to increase my water in, there is an increase in "water out" which is inconvienent. I am not dehydrated. Is there a point when the outflow settles down a bit? I guess I'm wondering if the body can be trained?

Yuck, I know. lol


  • katers147
    katers147 Posts: 3 Member
    I typically notice that this calms down after a few days. :smile: You can try to gradually increase your water consumption so it doesn't hit quite so hard. That might help!
  • lrodriguez83
    After my first week, I noticed it settled down. If you pace yourself through the day and maybe push more after class and into the afternoon you may have more freedom to go. But unless you want to be up all night, maybe cutting water about 7ish might be good!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Definitely settles down. I used to live in the bathroom. On a side note, just be glad you don't have female "schedules" to worry about. Cause then you don't use the bathroom for 7-10 days and then spend the following 5 days eating and sleeping in there!!!! If I hear "you're in the bathroom again?" from my hubby I may have to slap him. :devil: :explode: :laugh:
  • bmayes
    bmayes Posts: 55
    Maybe others will have better news, but I have the same problem - although I am not a teacher. I have lots of meetings throughout the day and I give lots of presentations. I have had to regulate the times I intake water to avoid going during times when I need to be present. I stop drinking water sometimes during the day and at 3:30pm - CUT OFF until I get home then I pick back up. This is the only way I can avoid stopping on the way home!! Maybe others can be of more help but I want to let you know, I am right there with ya! water in - water out!!

    oh and I am an avid water drinker for years....I don't care for soda but I like juice. Everyone's body is different, but mine has never slowed down. *shrug*
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    It does. I've been drinking maybe 40oz at work for years and I do not constantly have to run to the bathroom any longer. I agree with Irodriguez - pace yourself and drink more later in the afternoon as the winding down and just before you head to lunch.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I've been dehydrated for 5 years due to teaching!
    Sometimes I have to go from 8.30am until 13.05 without getting anywhere near a bathroom which is not good.
    I've been on this site though for 11 days or something and i have settled down now.
    I can drink more and be OK.
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you all.