so depressed, I hate my body myself pllz help me:(

Hi im lamia from France :)
Sorry im alone right now I don't know who to family is not supportive
I just ate a big peace of cake ...I feel guilty I haaaaaate myself
Im scaaaaaaaared of sagging skin :(
My question is Will I have loose skin after losing 30-35 pounds? :((( my tall is 155 cm I think about 5,1 feet my current weight is 66,8 kg :( my goal is at least 55 km
Im 25 but I have had stretch marks maybe since I was 13. Is it inevitable that I will have sagging skin or in there a chance that since I'm young I may get lucky and it will snap back?
have recently started to lose weight to get healthy. I am eating healthy but im vegetarian and I just ordered isopure
Do you recommend any exercises program? T25 or something?
And oh this is a pic of my ugly body

Do you think i will have loose skin?I feel having sagging skin with upset me more than being fat :(
(Sorry for my poor English)


  • csec6pak
    csec6pak Posts: 54 Member
    Hon, your body isn't ugly. It's beautiful. There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve it but please don't think it's ugly in the interim.

    Eating one piece of cake doesn't change anything. Eating a huge piece of cake every day might, but one piece is just one piece. You'll do better tomorrow.

    It's not inevitable that you'll have sagging skin. Many people's skin bounces back, and you have youth on your side.

    It will all be ok.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    The younger you are (you are), the more elasticity you have in your skin. Losing 25 - 30 pounds is NOT that much and you should have no problem having your skin bounce back.
    Eating a piece of cake is no big deal. You need to relax on yourself, its not healthy.
    Yes exercise (strength training), is a great idea!
  • lamiafromParis
    Oh thank you so much honey :)
  • Prettypedalpower
    It's so sad to read that one a person is alone and two that you hate yourself. I totally understand that. I hated myself and because of that ate more to comfort myself. Vicious circle. As for sagging skin who knows. Some people are lucky. Others are not. In my case it was inevitable. I was huge. (Pic in my profile page) skin can't shrink that much. But this Monday my jelly belly is being removed. So there's always a solution it isn't hopeless.
    Ps. One bit of cake won't kill you. The whole thing could be a problem. Do core exercise. Drink water, count calories. You'll be fine. Xx
  • lamiafromParis
    The younger you are (you are), the more elasticity you have in your skin. Losing 25 - 30 pounds is NOT that much and you should have no problem having your skin bounce back.
    Eating a piece of cake is no big deal. You need to relax on yourself, its not healthy.
    Yes exercise (strength training), is a great idea!

    Thanks beautiful
  • lamiafromParis
    Thank you frances :)
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I eat cake, drink wine & beer and and trying to lose weight slowly. You are young, have time to do this slowly. You might want to check out the Eat More 2 Lose Weight group on here (also a website) - learn how to lose weight slowly and, as a by-product, learn how to eat well for life. I'm 45 yrs old, have lose almost 18 lb so far and no saggy skin...that's how losing slowly is very helpful. And don't worry about stretch marks - I don't know a single female who doesn't have some. It's really only noticeable to you. Hugs!