Looking to lose twenty pounds

Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to this site and looking to lose about 20 lbs. I hope to do this by eating healthy and working out.

I have been on many health kicks before, so I'm hoping for motivation and support to make this a long term lifestyle change.

Happy to join another group that seems appropriate or to help start a new one.



  • kate1398
    Hey there and welcome, this is a great site for all the information and support you need. Good luck!
  • chickky311
    I think you will find lots of helpful information on this site to help you along your way. Good luck!!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Good luck on your journey!
  • joetta00
    joetta00 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi and GOOD LUCK!!!
  • mag0613
    mag0613 Posts: 3 Member
    I am new as of today, I am looking to lose the same twenty. Down 3 lbs the first week. I think the key is the food log. I am very active, despite working full time and chasing/driving around two boys ages 8 and 10. Exercise is not an issue.. its the mindless eating. I can't tell you how many times I caught myself just grabbing whatever, or finishing the last bit of this, I really had no idea how many calories I was eating. It doesn't help that I am pretty damn good cook too.
    So good luck.... we have 4 months and we'll be ready to wear our bathing suits this summer
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Hi! I completely agree with you on the food log! I don't tend to be too bad of a mindless eater, but my portions sizes are way out of whack! My boyfriend is the cook and his food is just too good! Hence the 10 lb gain since moving in with him!
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 138 Member
    I have to agree with you mag0613. " 4 months and we'll be ready to wear our bathing suits this summer". This means I have to get my butt into gear.... Thanks lets all do this... GO TEAM 20..
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    I like your attitude hardworkwatts!
  • Foxilady
    Hi there,
    this is my first week too and I am trying to loose 20lb as well. best of luck. lets hope we both reach our goals. Good Luck