another new member

A friend told me about this site, I love it already. I am hoping to lose 20 lbs by the summer, I lost 3 lbs the first week. Wearing a bathing suit has always been difficult and uncomfortable for me so I am hoping I will fimally be ready. I currently weigh 152 and I have never been thin. I exercise nearly everyday which I love. That is not the problem.. its the mindless eating. I think keeping a food journal is key. I can't tell you how many times I caught myself in the first week just grabbin something quick or finishing up of something else. The other key is better planning of my meals and snacks. I work full time and have two boys ages 8 and 10. We are always on the go and I catch myself starving often.
So wish me luck and send any help you can.


  • wishn2binAZ
    wishn2binAZ Posts: 40 Member
    I'm new to this and heard about it through a friend. I've been over weight for 4 yrs and have been trying to loose the weight I gained from my blessing that year. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys and run a home daycare, needless to say I find it difficult to get away from home to get my exercise in when the kiddos go home. I'd love any tips that you can share!