Wii Fit vs Wii Zumba game

I am thinking about getting a fitness "game" for my Wii. What do you prefer? I think it is between the Wii Fit and just a Zumba game. Thoughts?


  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Zumba. Wii fit gets pretty boring and there is a lot of down time between games. Doesn't feel like a great workout when you are standing there trying to pick a game!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think you'll probably get a better workout from Zumba. I've got the Wii Fit and it's fun, but it takes a lot of time to burn a decent amount of calories.
  • lanie13
    lanie13 Posts: 55
    I do both but I'm a hardcore Zumba fan!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I have both and I haven't even looked at Wii Fit since I got Zumba. A better choice would be picking between Zumba and Active 2 (which has it's flaws, but is far superior to Wii Fit and since the board isn't necessary, is actually cheaper than Wii Fit but 10x the workout!)

    Zumba is a blast though! I can't wait to get home to do a round this evening since I did Active this morning and missed out on my Zumba morning routine -- really gets you out of bed, and I have the songs in my head all day.
  • free10505
    My Fitness Coach or Gold's Gym Dance are great!
  • Shinersmom
    Thanks everyone. I have no idea what "games" are even offered on the Wii Fit, but I think you are right about the Zumba. Now, I wonder if my husband will do it with me. ;)
  • stsrmom
    I have the dance 2 and Michael Jackson dancing and it definately is a workout.
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    Do not have Wii Fit but Zumba is definitely my favorite out of what I have, a great workout! Plus it is fun!
  • dara516
    dara516 Posts: 68
    I have both; and I have to say the wii Zumba is a serious workout. I love it. I feel like I really "worked" when I complete a session. My vote is def in favor of Zumba.
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    I have the Wii fit and the Wii NFL combine training game.

    I really enjoy the nfl game because it combines not only nfl like drills (throwing, kicking, punting, blocking etc) but some wonderful stregth and resistance training. I also like the cardio component.

    Most people may not be as hardcore into football as me, but if you like it, this game is for you!
  • tigerv68
    tigerv68 Posts: 8 Member
    I get a really good workout from Wii Active Trainer. I have the original and the additional workouts discs. I'm just getting started with the additional workouts and it gets my heart racing!! :) I have Wii Fit with the balance board and I did like using it, but after a while it got boring. The nice thing with the Active Trainer is that it mixes up the workouts and exercises. You can do a 30 day challenge and they put together a mix of strength training and aerobic exercises and do it in managable burst, especially if you're not a real workout fanatic ;) There are "sports" mixed in there too, which keeps it fun :) After finishing the 30 day challenge and starting out the 6 week challenge on the additional workout discs, I have noticed a difference in how my clothes fit and in the amount of time I can "run" without getting winded.

    I don't have the newest version, but that comes with a HRM, which would be great for getting a really accurate picture of calories burned :) Good luck with selecting one and good for you making the effort to "get fit"!! :)
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I have used the Wii Biggest Loser Challenge game to work out for the past week. I have lost 3.8 pounds and 4.75 inches. My girls and I have also used the Just Dance for the Wii. We have a great time doing it and it can be quite a workout also. I have never done Zumba. I may look into it though for a mixup in routines.
  • lricketts
    I have the Wii Active 2 and really like it. It has a heart rate monitor and it tracks your calories burned. We are thinking about getting the Wii Zumba game so if you decide on it let me know how it is.